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Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' | Business Insider India
  • He’s voicing what every billionaire and government official already thinks. Call me pessimist but I believe it’s unavoidable. VPNs are seen as “tools to overcome government bans to access illegal websites” in so many countries, hence getting banned. Access to mainstream websites also getting harder and harder when on VPN. People hosting Tor exit nodes are living in fear of police raids.

    Even with some little amount of privacy protecting measures, websites start to act strangely or do not work, and the amount of websites like this increases every day. As protecting our privacy becomes a bigger and bigger effort, more people will give up, strengthening the arguments against it. Eventually we’ll hit big brother levels.

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    What are your favourite Dragon Ball characters
  • My favorite character is Goku from original DB. IMO he got dumber and dumber as the series went on, and he lost his original character a bit too. DBZ is cool and all but original DB was on another level.

    RIP Akira Toriyama.

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    Why do you care about privacy?
  • If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.

    From Cardinal Richelieu

    Combine this with the fact that entities which have access to our data rarely have our best interest in heart. Governments change, the political climate changes, and people change. What’s honest and just today may not be next decade.

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    North Korean hacker got hired by US security vendor, immediately loaded malware
  • The scam is that they are actually doing the work, getting paid well, and give a large amount to North Korea to fund their illegal programs.

    So even if you do the work and do it well, you’re not allowed to spend your money how you see fit

  • Since I got the deck the left thumbstick always felt a little funny - almost "static"? Right stick is a bit better but similar. It's very unlike other controllers like ps5 and Xbox gamepad. It doesn't have any functional implication at all - just sensual.

    Anyone have similar experience? I'm thinking of getting a stick cap but I don't know if it'd work since sticks are capacitive.
