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  • Ok, we both are probably right but mean different things. You talk specifically about this clip and I mean it more general.

    I don't dispute who took the footage, I was just pointing out that the source is probably missing for some reason and that it circulates in foreign media.

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  • I mean that the footage was already used by multiple foreign media. They just don't have the capacity to go there.

    Even ČT post the attribution only at the start of the clip, this is cut in the middle so the source probably isn't there.

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  • I already seen it reposted multiple times with different TV logo.

    Also you can clearly tell by the beer brand.

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    This is fine.
  • I think something like that happened.

    Big distillery had fire, it ruptured tanks with alcohol and it spilled to the streets. At least beer and molasses floods happened this way.

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    This is fine.
  • We had month without rain 35°C and then in few days this. We literally changed the forest fire risk for flooding.

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    This is fine.
  • It isn't that bad (as some forecasts suggested), for now most damage is due to wind. Somewhere water levels culminated but it will come to bigger rivers in few days.

    But the 300mm in Jeseníky there it is bad, already evacuated few vilages.

  • I wish that you all have nice weekend weather.

    Central Europe braced for worst flooding in years
  • In Jeseníky mountains- more than 300mm

    Where I live worst forecast- nearly year worth of rain in 3 days

    Brno totally unprepared (don't have finished flood mitigation) so they evacuate...

    Yes it looks scary but they had at least few days to prepare dams (in 97' and 02' floods it wasn't the case). So it shouldn't be that bad.

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    Central Europe braced for worst flooding in years

    This may be better, you can set the cumulative precipitation so it gives better picture of the situation.

    This was posted 2 days ago on mastodon. The guy makes info graphics for CHMU (Czech meteorogical institute).

  • Central Europe braced for worst flooding in years

    Sandbags are being prepared in Austria, Czech reservoirs emptied, and flash floods expected in Poland.

    At least this time it is taken more seriously than in 2002.


    I didn't watched it yet but it is always fun.

    Yes it's me!
  • I am native speaker and I also didn't understand it until it was explained later in the article.

    I think that better term would be technological trap - unintentionally made trap using bad technology.

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    Hobbies Wednesday - what have you done this week?
  • For few weeks now I am making few batches of cider. We had to already stop taking more apples because we don't have enough fermenters to process them all (and kegs, bottles...).

    It's not done yet, I have enough and don't want to see apples for another year.

  • Shamelessly stolen from mastodon post about protection efforts in Czech Republic.

    ‘The end of Schengen’: Germany’s new border controls put EU unity at risk | European Commission
  • It is just dumb, they can't control all border crossings because lots of them look like this:

    It is border AT-CZ but Jon Wort on mastodon has more examples and his perspective on blog.



    This one got my attention because it is in retro color scheme. It was on regular line but runs also sometimes on H4 line here, so it is museum piece.


    Hi is there some project, instructions or some github repo for converting 360° video and GPX file to something like street view?

    I would like to map this way local cycling routes.


    Side view:


    Update: during disassembly I showed knife in my hand.



    This is meant as general discussion thread, so share everything related to brewing - questions, ideas, what's fermenting etc.

    As discussed in my recent post here I will pin it for about a week and do another thread in a month and we will see how it goes.


    Mastodon thread:

    16 ‚Jsou podány stížnosti za všechny kraje.‘ Policie zahájila trestní řízení kvůli plakátu SPD

    Volební kampaní se bude zabývat i Ústavní soud. Předseda opozičního hnutí Tomio Okamura řekl, že v kampani hodlá pokračovat, trestní oznámení a stížnosti označil za metody politické konkurence.

    You maybe guessed it - inciting hate against person or group of people.

    It is in Czech but translation is so easy now that it probably doesn't matter.


    First cleanup - I just don't think that the pinned posts are necessary, they are linked in sidebar. But it has some problems with federation (it wants to open them in browser). So I wanted to ask for your opinion on this.

    And suggestions:

    • is there audience for general discussion thread once in ~3 months or something like that?
    • should I add some thumbnail picture?
    • what else?

    Just to be clear I don't think that this community needs more engagement - quality over quantity. Since my hobby became my job I didn't homebrew for about year, so I don't have much to post here (but I try to be active in comments).

    So I want to hear your opinions on this and some suggestions.

    Edit: mentioning

    5 Russia wants to ban Last train home - Sopuli

    Sorry for linking Czech article. Basically the same arguments as always “think of the childrens” and “this doesn’t represent Russian values”. It is game about Czechoslovakian legions after 1917 revolution. Basically they occupied trans-siberian railway, won few naval battles (as a land lock country ...

    5 Rusko chce zakázat videohru o československých legionářích

    Ruská prokuratura požaduje zákaz distribuce počítačové hry Last Train Home (Poslední vlak domů), kterou vyvinulo brněnské studio Ashborne Games, informoval server Meduza. Hra o československých legionářích podle ruských úřadů podněcuje nenávist vůči vládě v Moskvě a vojákům Rudé armády.

    Sorry for linking Czech article.

    Basically the same arguments as always "think of the childrens" and "this doesn't represent Russian values".

    It is game about Czechoslovakian legions after 1917 revolution. Basically they occupied trans-siberian railway, won few naval battles (as a land lock country we have 100% win rate in naval battles lol) and were evacuated from Vladivostok.
