Skip Navigation Solar will get too cheap to connect to the power grid.

The cost of solar panels is plummeting, and this will flood the power grid with cheap electricity. But that’s just Act 1. We won’t stop building solar at the limits of the grid - we’ll build a lot more. This post explains why we'll keep building more,

Bluesky continues to soar
  • Bluesky is explicitly promoting their system as "choose your own censorship" kind of deal, which in the way it is framed could look very attractive to right-wingers looking for an alternative platform. While this is technically also true for the Fediverse, it isn't promoted as such, and rather has a reputation for the opposite, as most fedi server admins are center-left leaning.

    Bluesky might be also more left-leaning right now as obviously there is little reason for right-wingers elsewhere to switch away from Shitter to another (mostly) centralised platform, but given the overall low user numbers this could switch very quickly.

    I guess we will have to see how this develops over time and get some answers from Brazilians that have a deeper understanding of the current social dynamics there.

    Due to the language divide it might end up as two distinct social spheres, like Fedi's Japanese bubble, but that's a best case scenario for Bluesky I guess.

  • Only evening hours actually, but pretty cool idea.

    Bluesky continues to soar
  • It would be interesting to know more about the additional users. The banning of Shitter in Brazil is very much tied to internal politics and AFAIK it might be the Brazilian equivalent to MAGA that is currently mass-migrating to Bluesky.

    If so, this might be a bad thing for them, as they probably don't want to get perceived as the Brazilian

  • For the first time, humans were exposed to a deadly combination of heat and humidity. Here's how long they lasted

    Heatwaves loom as a growing threat to humanity in a warming climate. This summer alone, in the northern hemisphere, thousands have died during extreme heat events. It's driving researchers to find out more about the point when heat turns deadly.

    SLRPNK emergency maintenance in the coming days
  • So just as a heads up. The replacement parts have arrived and I will probably find some time on the weekend to install them.

    This will mean a down-time of approximately 30 minutes or so if everything goes well.

  • Kampfgefährtinnen - Die ganze Doku | ARTE

    Mit gerade einmal Anfang 20 haben sie sich einer Sache verschrieben, die größer ist als sie selbst: dem Schutz unseres Planeten und seiner Ökosysteme. Sechs junge Aktivistinnen aus verschiedenen Ländern, die sich an vorderster Front für den Umweltschutz einsetzen: Luisa Neubauer, Léna Lazare, Anuna ...

    VW is apparently considering plant closures in Germany -
  • Well, they pretty much messed up attempts at vertical integration, which leaves them as a chassis designer and parts assembler in regards to electric vehicles, which just doesn't have sufficient margins to support their hugely overblown administration (full of former politicians).

    My sympathies to the people losing their jobs, but this really comes at no surprise given the many management blunders in recent years.

  • Europe jumps on the train

    More and more people are using this form of travel to get around the continent, using high-speed routes and a network of night trains that continues to expand. We traveled from Madrid to Prague and witnessed how the future of European transportation is clean and fast

    cross-posted from:

    > > More and more people are using this form of travel to get around the continent, using high-speed routes and a network of night trains that continues to expand. We traveled from Madrid to Prague and witnessed how the future of European transportation is clean and fast

    community hosted backups
  • This is kinda the same idea but made for what you originally asked for:

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    Translator badge!
  • Hmm, yeah that looks annoying. Maybe loading a separate json file from file/volume or loading it from a separate webserver that serves it publicly would be possible?

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    Translator badge!
  • Is there a way to add custom badges for admins running their own instances of Photon as well?

    Like a instance donator badge might be nice or so.

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    What made everyone move to Bluesky or Threads instead of Mastodon?
  • "Everyone"? I know exactly zero people that have admitted to having a Bluesky account, but I know plenty that have an Mastodon etc. one.

    I think this is at most a very regional or specific user bubble thing, and official user numbers for these commercial services are never trustworthy.

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    Using messaging protocols (XMPP, Matrix, etc) for federated social media vs. ActivityPub?
  • XMPP via its pubsub implementation could function similar to ActivityPub, but that part of XMPP is a bit neglected as few apps use it for anything more complex. XMPP's real strength is in real-time communication and I think it's good to stick with that.

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    “I’m an environmental journalist, but I never write about overpopulation. Here’s why.”
  • This is so painfully obvious that I have a hard time assuming good faith argumentation when people come up with the "population question".

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    Using messaging protocols (XMPP, Matrix, etc) for federated social media vs. ActivityPub?
  • I think XMPP is a nice supplement to ActivityPub instances for more private chat. You can quite easily hook the user database of Mastodon or Lemmy to an XMPP server and have the same user address work for both that way.

  • New Communities

    This month two new communities sprouted from the SLRPNK soil: ! by first time moderator, and ! by veteran contributor

    We're excited for both of these communities. Hydroponics allows solarpunks to practice cultivation even in urban environments. It also appears Hydro's close relative Aquaponics (a closer to closed loop system that involves aquatic life) is also welcome there. This technology may be the key to reducing food transportation pollution, and allow our civilization to rewild much of the land that is now dominated by industrial agriculture.

    Fungus has always been part of the solarpunk/lunarpunk aesthetic, and the related aesthetic ! The ! community takes this in a much more practical direction, with a focus on how technologies that incorporate fungus can provide an alternative to plastic, leather, and other problematic materials, as well as provide fuel and clean our air and water. Thanks for your regular posts and comment contributions.

    We look forward to the verdant growth of both of these communities.

    Solidarity with Lemmy.World Vegans

    Administration and moderation is necessary, but difficult and underappreciated. SLRPNK has strict guidelines on behavior we don't tolerate on this instance, such as fascism, racism or genocide denial, but we avoid broadening those limits so that we can encourage people with a wide variety of ideas, ideologies, and beliefs to discuss their differences in good faith. We delegate most of the responsibility for keeping a community healthy to the moderators of each community. We have consistently supported the moderators when their decisions have been challenged, even if we don't personally agree with the decision. As admins, we could not keep an instance this large so full of productive conversation without the bond of trust we've built with SLRPNK moderators to consistently respect their agency and judgement.

    Federation means that each instance can have its own rules and culture, and we don't seek to impose our rules and culture on the instances of others. We typically don't comment on the behavior of admins and moderators on remote instances.

    Lemmy.World is a special case, as it is the largest and best known threaded discussion forum in the Fediverse. It is the default instance for mobile apps like Voyager, and it is the instance that outsiders tend to think of when they characterize the Threadiverse. This puts an unenviable burden of responsibility on the admins of this central instance.

    For a more detailed account, you can follow this post in !, but to summarize, a Lemmy.World moderator reversed the actions of !vegan@LW mods, and then de-modded them. They were re-moded after the admin apologized once he realized the vegan comments he removed were supported by science. LW is now changing their TOS and Site Bylaws, and Threadiverse vegans are justifiably concerned with the implications of these changes.

    The Fediverse is a progressive social movement. People who practice veganism play an essential role in all progressive social movements, and are a valued part of what makes the Fediverse great. This is non-negotiable and should be obvious, even if one doesn't agree with some of their beliefs.

    We federate with VeganTheoryClub and and federate with World while VeganTheoryClub does not. We welcome vegan refugees and host a ! community actively moderated by SLRPNK member Joining SLRPNK means sharing a space with non-vegans, and the potential friction that entails. If you justifiably want less of that, we recommend having a look at the two above mentioned instances.

    Federation with Mastodon issues

    With a recent change in Lemmy v.0.19.4/5 Lemmy started to add a (hidden in the Lemmy interface) hashtag of the community name to each post. The results is much better visibility of Lemmy posts from ActivityPub Microblogging software like Mastodon that use hashtags for discoverability.

    This has various implications for us here on Lemmy. First of all when creating a new community, you should consider the choosing the community name according to the hashtag you would like to have associated with it.

    This higher visibility across the Fediverse also comes with downsides, especially when the community name happens to be a popular hashtag. A new community post will appear to Mastodon users (that have subscribed to the specific hashtag) completely out of context as they can not easily see other posts in the same community, nor have visibility of the details outlined in the sidebar, sticky threads etc. Other comments on the same posts are also often invisible to Mastodon users due to the lack of back-filling support on that software. So let's try to be a bit understanding with remote users handicapped that way.

    Of course, this wider reach also has attracted some unwanted trolling from microblogging instances that previously didn't really bother to interact with Lemmy communities. As a result, we already identified an instance that we decided to defederate from due to repeated trolling from their members, and we will likely have to be on the lookout for further ones.

    Photon as primary frontend for SLRPNK?

    You might be aware of the alternative Photon frontend we have been running for a while now. It recently surpassed the default web-UI from Lemmy in regards to available features and general usability. It is also significantly better maintained than the official Lemmy frontend, which has been languishing for a while now, with work on a full rewrite being prioritized.

    We are therefore considering to make Photon our primary frontend that people will reach when navigating to the root domain. The transition should be seamless and we would likely continue running the original frontend as an alternative on a subdomain. Of course, other apps will continue working as usual.

    We would therefore like you to try out the current version and give us feedback on this general plan. No final decision has been made yet, so get your voice heard. And if you are interested in making a custom color theme for us, you can do so right inside the Photon theme settings easily. Please don't hesitate to post the results here!

    Technical Updates

    There are currently some technical issues with our database NVMe drives. This will likely entail some shorter down-times as we need to install additional heat sinks and probably replace one of these SSDs. After monitoring the drive utilisation and talking to other Lemmy admins, we are a bit worried about the long-term sustainability of running Lemmy. Very little effort seems to have gone into optimizing database writes, resulting in an excessively high load compared to other fediverse software. SSDs by their technical design only have a limited quantity of writes they can do during their lifetime, so optimizing this is quite essential to avoid having to replace them regularly.

    There is also a login issue with our wiki, that we need to get around fixing. Sorry for the delay in tackling that issue, but various other things came up unexpectedly in recent weeks, so that had to be put on the back-burner.

    We also started blocking common bots from large tech companies known for AI scraping. For now it is a rather simple block based on the user-agent they report themselves, so the bad actors can easily get around it. We are still investigating further means to improve this, although for now it isn't that high of a priority.

    Open Discussion

    It’s now your turn to tell us what’s new! Any topic related to this community, our infrastructure, or the Fediverse at large is fair game. If you’ve created a new community, this is a great thread to tell us about it. All comments will get extra visibility up until the beginning of next month. Got questions? Ask’em!

    Yet another call to Escape the Algorithm
  • Reading such articles, I feel like a hermit or something. I never stopped doing these things they describe as "going back to" and thinking about it, there really isn't any such algorithm I ever used or felt a need for.

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    Libre Tactical shooter
  • There is but it is 2D top down. Pretty tactical though.

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    A Summary of the Lemmy.World Vegan Drama (so far)
  • The cognitive dissonance is quite ironic isn't it?

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    Solarpunk media recomendations?
  • We also have a dedicated community here:

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    Photon theming changes, new markdown renderer, and lots of tweaks
  • Ah, that is what I missed. Thanks.

  • Increase privacy by using nginx as a caching proxy in front of a map tile server

    A tutorial featuring two examples showing how you can increase your privacy using nginx to proxy third-party services.

    cross-posted from:

    > This is a guide I wrote for Immich's documentation. It features some Immich specific parts, but should be quite easy to adapt to other use cases. > > It is also possible (and not technically hard) to self-host a protomaps release, but this would require 100GB+ of disk space (which I can't spare right now). The main advantages of this guide over hosting a full tile server are : > - it's a single nginx config file to deploy > - it saves you some storage space since you're only hosting tiles you've previously viewed. You can also tweak the maximum cache size to your needs > - it is easy to configure a trade-off between map freshness and privacy by tweaking the cache expiration delay > > If you try to follow it, please send me some feedback on the content and the wording, so I can improve it

    What is the reason for asymmetrical connections?
  • This is only the theory. In the end there is still a chip doing the routing that has a total throuput it is capable of regardless of the direction.

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    What is the reason for asymmetrical connections?
  • The routing equipment at the distribution boxes is likely a limit. Both in regards to power consumption and heat production, plus especially with older equipment the total throughput it is capable of.

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    What is the reason for asymmetrical connections?
  • If you have a 10GBaseT connection, only using 5Gb in one direction doesn’t give you 15Gb in the other. It’s still 10Gb either way.

    That's just a question of adhering to standards. The chip that does the routing internally has a total throughput and that is obviously both directions combined.

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    What is the reason for asymmetrical connections?
  • A factor I noticed here with my fiber ISP that hasn't been mentioned: total bandwidth of the router that comes with the contract.

    While this is finally changing now, the cheap SoCs that where used for building these mass produced routers topped out at about 1.5gbit total throughput.

    So to avoid people complaining about false advertisement and still sell ”1gbit" fiber, the maximum they are offering is a 1000/400 Mbit connection.

  • Ahead of Another Summer of Climate Disasters, Let's Talk about Real Solutions

    Why the strategies that mainstream environmental movements are employing to halt climate change are failing—and what we could be doing instead.

    1 Key solar panel producer to stay in Germany as US plans fall apart

    Germany’s biggest solar panel producer, Meyer Burger, will not close down its plant and move to the US, the company announced on Monday (26 August).

    7 DeltaTouch (

    DeltaTouch 1.6.0 is out, finally bringing basic Webxdc support as well as bugfixes and minor improvements 🎉 Many Webxdc apps just work already. Some apps like Webxdc Store (via need stuff that's not there yet (add apps as file attachments for now). For a few others, touch inp...

    DeltaTouch is a DeltaChat client for UbuntuTouch.

    2 Hoffnung am Ende der Welt

    Die Welt draußen ist mal wieder ziemlich am Ende. Zeitgenössische Science Fiction reagiert darauf auf drei Arten: sie setzt sich erstens direkt damit auseinander - da sind wir dann bei "CliFi", Climate Fiction und Verwandtem, sei es Kim Stanley Robinson, sei es T.C. Boyle, sei es mit anderer Perspek

    0 Hoffnung am Ende der Welt

    Die Welt draußen ist mal wieder ziemlich am Ende. Zeitgenössische Science Fiction reagiert darauf auf drei Arten: sie setzt sich erstens direkt damit auseinander - da sind wir dann bei "CliFi", Climate Fiction und Verwandtem, sei es Kim Stanley Robinson, sei es T.C. Boyle, sei es mit anderer Perspek


    We seem to have run into some issues with one of the NVMe drives the main Lemmy database runs on. It's still being investigated, but we might have to take down the site for some hours later today to transfer the database to another SSD raid temporarily.

    Let's see...

    Edit: Did some preparation work today to minimize the impact/downtime, but I will do the main work that will require a hopefully short down-time tomorrow. But the NVMe drive in question is probably toast, quite litterally as it seems to have been an overheating issue. The new one will have to have better cooling I guess.

    Edit2: decided to wait for some spare-parts to arrive first.

    Edit3: got the first spare-part today and the other one should be arriving by mail yesterday... so probably tomorrow (edit: has arrived). Currently a bit busy with other things, but latest on the weekend the new parts will go into the server.

    3 Check out the fancy new trailer for Beyond All Reason a really great free and open source RTS

    Beyond All Reason is quietly building up to be one of the best real-time strategy (RTS) games around. It's free, open source and it has a fancy new trailer.

    2 Massive Attack in Bristol: Band hope Clifton Down gig will change music industry

    The band say their home town show in Bristol this weekend will be the lowest-carbon gig of its scale ever performed.

    >All the food will be vegan. All the loos will be compostable. If they're really observant, people might spot (electric) vans containing large batteries occasionally recharging other large batteries around the site, instead of having diesel generators to power the stage and stalls.

    >Perhaps the biggest difference will not be in the show but outside. There's no car park.

    >Instead, the 34,000 attendees are strongly encouraged to walk, cycle or get public transport - including on one of five special trains laid on to take people back across the south-west at the end of the bank holiday Sunday night.

    10 Release 1.7.0 · Igalia/wolvic

    Highlights Bring back the title bar widget. Add the hand interaction input profile. Support eye-tracking navigation. Update the Gecko version to v128. Many bugfixes and stability improvements. No...

    0 Berlin to bail out shipyard key to offshore wind ambitions

    Talks to award credit lines and buy shares of ailing ship maker Meyer, who also produce key offshore equipment, amounting to €2.8 billion had progressed far, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said on visit to the firm

    5 EU Commission ready to send more resources to fight Madeira fires

    The European Commission is ready to mobilise additional resources to help fight the fires on the island of Madeira, despite the difficult conditions, the European Commission said in a statement on Thursday.
