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Firefox 130.0 Release Notes
  • Is it possible to use ollama or an arbitrary OpenAI-compatible endpoint with the chatbot feature yet? Or only the cloud providers?

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    Gatekeep ideas, not people
  • That would probably be a task for regular machine learning. Plus proper encryption shouldn't have a discernible pattern in the encrypted bytes. Just blobs of garbage.

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    Is there a good ai thats run fast on a amd rx 7600?
  • How much speed are you actually getting on Mixtral (I assume that's the 8x7b). I have 64 GB of RAM and an AMD RX 6800 XT with 16 GB of VRAM. I get like 4 tokens per second with Q5_K_M quant.

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    What happened to GPT -4o Censorship This Weekend?
  • The only problem I really have, is context size. It's harder to get larger than 8k context size and maintain decent generation speed with 16 GB of VRAM and 16 GB of RAM. Gonna get more RAM at some point though, and hope ollama/llamacpp gets better at memory management. Hopefully the distributed running from llamaccp ends up in ollama.

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    What happened to GPT -4o Censorship This Weekend?
  • No trying to get around anything. No funny instructions like my grandma singing a lullaby about illegal activities. Just using instructions to tell a story. Even things like having a superhero in a fight is enough to trigger this. Also doesn't explain why regen makes it continue.

  • Over the weekend (this past Saturday specifically), GPT-4o seems to have gone from capable and rather free for generating creative writing to not being able to generate basically anything due to alleged content policy violations. It'll just say "can't assist with that" or "can't continue." But 80% of the time, if you regenerate the response, it'll happily continue on its way.

    It's like someone updated some policy configuration over the weekend and accidentally put an extra 0 in a field for censorship.

    GPT-4 and GPT 3.5 seem unaffected by this, which makes it even weirder. Switching to GPT 4 will have none of the issues that 4o is having.

    I noticed this happening literally in the middle of generating text.

    See also:

    Question about Llama3 + Open Web UI document management
  • A vector search converts your query into magic numbers, and then searches the database for other magic numbers that are "similar" (closet to it in the vector space, which is basically an N-dimensional graph of points and directions). These results are then returned as snippets to the LLM and it does stuff from that point.

    The effectiveness of the vector search depends on how Open WebUI breaks up the documents into smaller sections, and how good the embeddings are.

    I'm not exactly sure what you want to achieve, but you might have success in using an LLM to summarize the documents beforehand, using a specific prompt to extract the info you want, then feed that into the vector DB. This would require some scripting, of course.

    The easiest thing to do is try it. See if Open WebUI's vector search is able to handle it. Make sure to use a good embedding model like nomic-embed-text (can be found on You can change the vector search settings in the documents settings from the workspace on OpenWebUI.


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    Question about Llama3 + Open Web UI document management
  • Open WebUI's document management loads everything into a vector database. When you use the hashtag, it will trigger a search against the vector database based on your prompt. These results are run feed into the LLM. Open WebUI should generate a hashtag that can reference all the documents. But the quality of the results will be influenced by the embeddings and the LLM that responds to you.

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    Is there a good ai thats run fast on a amd rx 7600?
  • Install ollama. It has ROCm support (on Linux at least). Then hook it up to your favorite client. It has its own API and an openai compatible one.

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    How to block certain words in ai text?
  • KoboldCPP has ban tokens that prevent those tokens from being output. Otherwise just put it in the prompt and it should probably work.

  • Current situation: I've got a desktop with 16 GB of DDR4 RAM, a 1st gen Ryzen CPU from 2017, and an AMD RX 6800 XT GPU with 16 GB VRAM. I can 7 - 13b models extremely quickly using ollama with ROCm (19+ tokens/sec). I can run Beyonder 4x7b Q6 at around 3 tokens/second.

    I want to get to a point where I can run Mixtral 8x7b at Q4 quant at an acceptable token speed (5+/sec). I can run Mixtral Q3 quant at about 2 to 3 tokens per second. Q4 takes an hour to load, and assuming I don't run out of memory, it also runs at about 2 tokens per second.

    What's the easiest/cheapest way to get my system to be able to run the higher quants of Mixtral effectively? I know that I need more RAM Another 16 GB should help. Should I upgrade the CPU?

    As an aside, I also have an older Nvidia GTX 970 lying around that I might be able to stick in the machine. Not sure if ollama can split across different brand GPUs yet, but I know this capability is in llama.cpp now.

    Thanks for any pointers!

    Do you like olives?
  • Even the smell of Olives causes me to gag. I absolutely cannot eat them. Olive oil is fine. But actual olives, no. Doesn't matter if they're old, new, canned, fresh. They're absolutely disgusting. One of the few foods I outright cannot and will not eat.

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    how good is this short introduction about myself (No CSS applied yet)?
  • There's plenty of git forges that aren't GitHub. Git itself has nothing to do with central servers and can theoretically be used in a completely decentralized manner.

  • Not sure if this has been asked before or not. I tried searching and couldn't find anything. I have an issue where any pictures from do not show up on the homepage. It seems to only affect Going to the link directly loads the image just fine. Is this something wrong with


    For the past few days, the android app has been very slow. The app itself loads fine and is responsive, but it takes many seconds to load messages, sometimes up to 30 seconds. At first I thought it was a blip, but it's been going on for a few days now. Anyone else have this problem?

    Edit: clearing cache in the app settings (not system settings) fixed it.
