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Full Stack Developer
  • They develop software on Marshall Full-Stack amplifiers, rather than the smaller, less powerful Half-Stacks.

    Hope that helps clear things up.

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    Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years
  • If I offended anyone, I apologize. But man... People like you make this shit look bad (I know this is old, I just saw it).

    I respect people's choices with respect to gender expression. What I don't respect is people who use that shit as a cudgel to censor opinions they don't like that are entirely unrelated to that subject.

    That person had NO pronouns listed next to their name. I frankly don't clock people's usernames before commenting so had no idea what their username even was. That said, one could argue that the name Emily implies nothing about a person's preferred pronouns. Unless you know them personally, or they complained personally about this, then YOU are the one assuming gender and pronouns. Fuck dude, why am I even assuming that the person's username is their real name? Oh no, I just said "dude" are you going to ban me?

    Two people who have never seen/heard/spoken to one another discussing something on the internet, and one is supposed to, what, intuit the other's preferred pronouns? What if Emily did not identify as a woman, and you just corrected me? It's almost as if "cool man" isn't gender specific anymore, and you know that.

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    'It is time for this war to end,' Harris tells Netanyahu; 'I will not be silent' on Palestinian suffering
  • Exactly. Also, it's interesting that these people are nowhere to be found at primary time, nor do they ever seem to give a shit about anything below Presidential election.

    If they actually give a shit about electing progressives, they wouldn't disappear for four years.

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    Could Microsoft destroy Linux gaming by using the windows store
  • it took an infernally long time to open the store, search for an app, and then install that app.

    After about a year of Linux and using package managers/AUR to install and update software, it blows my mind to think that I would ever choose to do it a different way.

    I don't know how I put up with that shit for so many years.

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    Could Microsoft destroy Linux gaming by using the windows store
  • Goddamn can this man be any more GOATed?

  • NSFW
    rule [menstrual clown nudity]
  • I hope this doesn't awaken anything in me...

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    Confronting neo-Nazi hate: 'When I look at you guys, I do not think master race'
  • The "Aryans" these clowns claim to be never actually existed, they're some lame occult-adjacent bullshit cooked up by Himmler et. al. to sell the big lie.

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    'It is time for this war to end,' Harris tells Netanyahu; 'I will not be silent' on Palestinian suffering
  • It's almost as if politicians (particularly at this level) often need to walk a rhetorical tightrope so as to avoid alienating large swathes of voters. Crazy.

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    Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years
  • Cool man. I'll keep my microphones physically turned off on my devices, thanks.

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    Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices
  • Ooooohhh can't wait to see the idiotic conspiracy theories about this...

    Also, just more shit for crystal mommies with no scientific literacy to use to try to explain "energy" to me.

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    Kamala Harris issues statement on the anti-genocide protesters in Washington DC.
  • Fucking hope this site is in no way representative of the voting population, because Jesus Christ.

    That, or all the "I'm totally a progressive that suddenly learned about Gaza last week and refuse to vote for Biden because of it" astroturfing is shifting their gears to Harris.

    They were looking for a new unified attack vector, and then she went and said this and they realized they could just keep doing the same old tired shit.

    Reminder: if you give a single shit about Palestine or the people who live there, you will do everything you can to prevent Trump and down ballot Republicans from winning. At all costs.

    If you can't see the forest for the trees, you're gonna find out real quick what happens in Gaza when Trump wins. Assuming you actually give a shit about those people and aren't just using them as political pawns to try to change the sentiment regarding Kamala Harris.

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    I used to love Android but I want to move, and I don't know if it's the right thing.
  • I will add that, after getting my first Pixel as my previous phone, I've found the Google vanilla Android experience is better than Android on other carriers that fill the phone with bloat that you can't get rid of without rooting.

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    Heritage Foundation's 'Project 2025' gets less popular the more U.S. voters learn about it, survey finds
  • American isn't turning anywhere if people don't vote down ballot too. Regardless of what the Supreme Court said, the President is not royalty.

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    Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years
  • And I guess they're able to hear wake words through magic?

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    Based Kamarulea?
  • All you need is the ability to write at a high school level, and as long as you're confirming their biases, you can convince these people of literally anything.

    A group of hundreds spent weeks (months?) hanging around Dealey Plaza because they were certain that JFK was going to appear and, I dunno, rescue them from communism or whatever.

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    Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years
  • They very explicitly do not collect audio when you haven't used a wake word or activated it some other way.

    Lol k

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    Proton Now Has a Bitcoin Wallet
  • Nobody is going to SIM swap you unless you have a shitload of crypto and let everyone know about it. It's not an easy attack, so it would have to be targeted. Pretty easy to not be a target (not having millions of dollars of crypto on a wallet helps).
