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Trump Media stock has plunged 33% in a month
  • Agreed. He doesn’t care about the shareholders. He will just dump and leave the suckers holding the bag.

    I just wish the blackout period extended beyond the election. If he lost, his stake could be just a fraction of what it is today.

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  • I always hated this side of “communication, teamwork, and personality” early in my career. I thought those soft skills were overvalued by people who weren’t good in their technical skill.

    Now that I’ve been a senior engineer for a while, I can say the soft skills are just as important as the technical skills. It sucks leading people with bad attitude and those whom we have to babysit all the time.

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    In honor of Joe Biden and his prime time speech Monday instead of Thursday.
  • Everybody in his shoes would be at least reluctant. Specially in Biden’s case who is known to overthink big decisions. What matters is that he made the right decision in the end.

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    In honor of Joe Biden and his prime time speech Monday instead of Thursday.
  • The thing is the nomination was his and there was nothing anyone could do about it. He could have stayed in the race. An argument can be made that it looks worse to step down halfway through the campaign instead of fighting till the end. An egocentric guy like Trump would never have stepped down. He would try to turn the base against the RNC and set the party on fire before giving up. That’s the contrast being shown here.

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    Chat is this real
  • I think what you are mentioning is basically how settlements work.

    I just can’t see how an arbitration company that is selected by a company will ever have the incentives to side with consumers.

    I can only see arbitration working when both sides have equal leverage. Large company vs large company, citizen vs citizen. And both sides must have a say on which arbitration company is selected.
