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Water TDS
  • TDS meters are cheap, around $15. If I were to buy a new one, I’d look for one that could also read the pH level.

  • For the longest time I've wondered why my coffee tends to run either bitter or too watery. I even bought a fancy 64mm flat burr grinder, and noticed the problem became even more pronounced.

    Everyone always says how important water is, and I figured my reverse osmosis water with an alkaline stage was probably fine, coming out of the tap at around 50 PPM. It turns out the ideal TDS is actually around 150. My water's TDS was too low. More info here:

    Using a cheap TDS meter and water alkaline drops, I got my water's TDS up to around 150 PPM by adding a couple drops into my kettle, and brewed a cup of coffee with it. It actually made a difference! Lesson learned, pay attention to your water.

    [solved - I was looking for mDNS] Is there a kde-connect like VPN?
  • I don’t think you need a VPN here since you’re using an already secure protocol. Sounds like you’re mostly wanting a static IP address. You can configure the local router to hand out static IPs. Local DNS works too.

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    Report: Apple isn’t paying OpenAI for ChatGPT integration into OSes
  • ChatGPT already has a free tier. It’s likely the same deal. Apple said you can link your ChatGPT account if you want access to premium features.

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    How happy are you with your current distro?
  • Same! I’ve had the same Arch install since 2010. It has outlasted all the original hardware, except for the case and power supply.

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    Paperless Stainless Steel Filter
  • Do you get a lot of fines if you don’t pre-sift? And what grind size do you use? What went wrong? I’m guessing it was under extracted because the water flowed too fast.

    I wonder if metal filters work better with a Hario Switch type of coffee maker, where you can stop the flow down of water and let the grinds steep for a bit longer.

  • I don't mean this to be an advertisement, but I have tried a few metal coffee filters, and have not been able to find one that works as well as one from a company called Ovalware. Its the only one I could find that lists a micron size for the inner mesh (40 μm). I've found that this draw down time is faster than a paper filter, it is still slower than other mesh filters. And while it doesn't quite eliminate fines, it does a great job keeping most of them out of my coffee compared to other mesh filters. I've also not had any trouble with the filter coming apart at the seams, or getting coffee grounds stuck between the inner and outer layers.

    Has anyone tried this filter? Or have you found other metal filters that you've liked?

    DNS Services that Allow Subzones/Subdomains?
  • Cloudflare supports NS records, which is what you’re looking for. Except it probably only lets you create a zone for the top level domain, so you can only delegate to other providers. AWS Route53 will let you create subdomain zones, and will let you create NS records to set up delegation.

  • Everything I know about the XZ backdoor

    Please note: This is being updated in real time. The intent is to make sense of lots of simultaneous discoveries

    [ANSWERED] Back on Linux - It's Always DNS
  • People mentioned Quad9, Cloudflare, Mullvad, and NextDNS already. is also available for free with different levels of blocking. They also support DoH and DoT.

  • This is a follow up to

    I recently got a Hario Switch clone and a metal filter. So far I'm liking a recipe inspired by these YouTube shorts:



    1. Start with 20g of grinds, stir to loosen the grinds and make a divot in the center
    2. With the switch closed, add 150g of 90C (195F) water
    3. Give it a quick stir and wait 1 minute
    4. Add another 150g of hot water
    5. Open switch

    What is your daily driver recipe for your Hario Switch?


    Everyone here talks about the Hario Switch. And I like the oils you get from a French press, so I want a stainless steel filter too. I had some good experiences buying a cheap manual grinder on Ali Express (Jaffee J1 w/ 7 core burr), so I wanted to set out to see if I could do the same with this set up.

    Do you think this will work?
