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What's your favourite coffee twist?
  • I'll add a scoop of coco powder and a dash of cinnamon to my coffee grounds. Gives it a deeper chocolate flavor with a spicy touch. If that's a bit too much, just a dash of either to your coffee cup would do.

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    Why is the US airdropping humanitarian aid to Gaza at the same time they are funding Israel to invade Gaza?
  • Hamas, the government of Palestine, is the enemy. The Palestinian people are humans and humans need help. The US has long standing treaties with Israel and we have to honor those. Not doing so would put a lot more people at risk and could lead to chaos around the world. The president is working through diplomatic channels to reign in Israel's response. In the meantime the US can send out humanitarian aid to those that need it.

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    lesser of two evils
  • Yeah... I'm only surprised that they shifted tactics so quickly. Fear, Unrest, and Doubt are the key tactics in Russian Disinfo campaigns. There's an old axiom: If someone is trying to make you feel strongly about something, then they are trying to sell you something. In this case, OP Is trying to piss people off in order to convince them of propaganda and Russian talking points.

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    lesser of two evils
  • 21 day old account. Most posts are about not voting in the election to support Palestine. While what's happening in Gaza is genocide, this account smells like a Russian shill trying to spread FUD in the form of memes. The key part of diplomacy is not running around telling everyone what's being discussed in private. We shouldn't hear about potential deals until they are decided on. If Trump wins, he'll do the same thing Israel is currently doing to eliminate Hamas - which is to go through the Palestinian people.

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    Nikki Haley says she would pardon Donald Trump if elected president
  • Yep. She's not an alternative to Trump. She's just a Trump clone with better make-up and more stylish heels. Same for Ron Desantis. I don't think Ramaswamy wore heels, otherwise the same could be said about him.

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    There is only acid rain now
  • I work in the water testing industry, these test strips are so badly off that they're practically useless for anything other than a ballpark measurement. Litmus paper will really only tell you if it's less than 7. There are digital pH meters on amazon for about the same price that are much more accurate. Is one i've used for a similar purpose as the poster.

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    There is only acid rain now
  • This is something easily testable. You can buy a cheap yet accurate pH tester online. The next time it rains, pull a sample and test the pH. If it's less than 7, then it's acidic. The lower the pH, the stronger the acid. The thing is, even purified water is listed in the USP (United States Pharmecopia) has having an allowable pH range of 5 - 8. Reason being that typically any acidity or basicity present is going to be easily neutralized with exposure to air.

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    Microsoft's layoffs of 1900 people in Blizzard/Activision isnt corporate greed, its a much needed purge and a kick in the butt
  • I agree that Blizzard, and many other gaming companies, have continued to dig deeper into shittiness. The thing is, these lay-offs were not surgical or even tactical. They were lines on a spreadsheet and numbers in a column. In the corporate world this is what's called "Spreadsheeting". Column B was adjusted until Column C was in the range that the C-Suite wanted. Toxic employees are probably still there, shitty managers are still there. The office politics are still there. The people that were let go where simply the ones that made the columns easier to balance out.

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    Did I get a Mandela effect on Bad Apple?
  • The Mandela effect is likely caused by people mis-rembering things or just generally being mistaken about their memory. Even the most common Berenstain/Bernstein example comes from simple confusion. Best article i could find with pictures. You were probably so into the song the first time you heard it it was over before you realized it.

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    Is the right to abortion a "negative right" or a "positive right"?
  • I'm of the belief that separating out rights into different groups allows societies or governments a way to weasel out of protecting certain groups because it's not socially or politically advantageous. Reading through the information on positive or negative rights, it seems that's a pretty common concern. Also looks as if that's the entire point since it stems from legal philosophy. Bodily autonomy of the mother is an absolute right. Abortion is an absolute right. Only a woman and her doctor should be involved in medical decisions.

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    The EPA Has Found More Than a Dozen Contaminants in Drinking Water but Hasn’t Set Safety Limits on Them
  • The biggest issue with the EPA setting limits is finding labs that can measure to those levels with any sort of accuracy or precision. In the article they mention California's limits are 5 parts per trillion. That's 10^-12 or 0.000000000005. It's really hard to find equipment that can measure that low with out some dilution factors. This makes it hard to set standards. If you can't measure it, you can't regulate it.

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    Paxton trial updates: Prosecutors failed to convince 21 senators on any of the accusations
  • Did a little digging to confirm, there are only 12 Democratic Texas State Senators. So, while article title is correct, it is misleading. Should read "Paxton Impeachment Vote mostly follows party lines".

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    The GOP has a master plan to criminalize LGBTQ people
  • “Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered.”

    The Alt-Right fetishizes LGBTQ+ lifestyles and can not fathom that it's not something that the average person does... Also, every accusation is projection and a confession at this point.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Now, I'm not saying that Trump is the leader of far-right, fascist, racist white supremacists looking to overthrow the government. What I am saying is that far-right, fascist, racist white supremacists looking to overthrow the government think Trump is their leader.

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    Is this a load bearing 2x4?
  • Totally understood. From the looks of it, neither 2x4 is properly bearing weight. Placing new, non-cut, 2x4s on either side of the opening and tying them together with a sill plate is probably better than what you currently have.

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    Is this a load bearing 2x4?
  • It's hard to tell, but that looks like an old scab for that opening. Someone took a spare 2x4 and added to that opening to add more strength to that area. However it looks like it was poorly done. Regardless, the 2x4 is compromised and the red-wood 2x4 isn't fully nailed into the footer. I am not a carpenter, but if I were you, I'd build a proper frame for whatever you're trying to install in that opening. Found this good example of what I'm talking about: []
