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Doctors Without Borders Ceases Operations In Russia.
  • MSF has been in Russia since 1992 but said it received notice in August from the Justice Ministry that its office was removed from the register of nongovernmental organizations.

    Sounds like they were kicked out

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    The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • I just went and measured the front of my F250 and was surprised it was 49in tall. That's 1.2m+. The '22 I drove is only a few inches taller but it sure seemed bigger. Maybe it had a lift in the front, I don't know.

    quick edit: that drawing seems a little off though, the LOS drawn assumes the driver sights directly down the hood and being almost 6' tall my eyes view the side window about 3in below the top frame of the door. I can't go check how far out my first view of the ground is because my driveway is sloped.

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    The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • No clue.

    Sheets fit in the bed of a 6.75' bed with the tailgate down. I prefer the old short beds for city work because they are far easier to park.

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    The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • The full size pickups today have horrible sight lines. I own two pickups, one is a '95 F150 and one is a '05 Super Duty. Even the 10 years between the two of those trucks brought a huge difference in sight lines, but surprisingly the situational awareness is better in the '05. Harder to see a child in front of the truck but much easier to see anything to the sides and rear. Camera and backup sensors on the '05, in addition to MUCH better mirrors.

    I've driven a modern pickup and it "feels" as big as it is. I think the hood height was nearly 4ft. Situational awareness is OK in them because of good mirrors and a camera but that front profile is insane.

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    The US finally takes aim at truck bloat
  • The old Ranger wasn't a sensible pickup though. Those things are for people that want a pickup shaped object but don't want a full size.

    If a 4x8 sheet won't fit flat in the bed it's just a toy designed to carry other toys around.
