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♦️ Palestinian Union of Women’s Action Committees:\ —\ The Union of Women's Action Committees mourn the comrade Shaima Jabir Al-Shaer and affirm that the crime of her assassination will not deter our people from continuing the struggle and resistance.\ \ The Union of Women's Action Committees mourns the martyr, comrade Shaima Jabir Al-Shaer (18 years old), who was martyred in the horrific Mawasi massacre in Khan Younis Governorate, southern Gaza Strip, which claimed the lives of more than 100 martyrs and wounded, along with a large number of missing persons.\ \ The Union of Women's Action Committees condemns this cowardly crime and affirms that this and other crimes of genocide will not deter our people and its women’s movement from continuing their struggle and resistance until the expulsion of the fascist occupation from our Palestinian land, within the borders of June 4, 1967, with Al-Quds as its capital, and ensuring the return of refugees to their homes from which they were displaced since 1948, in accordance with UN Resolution 194.\ \ It is noted that comrade Shaima Al-Shaer was displaced from Rafah Governorate due to the genocide crimes to the Mawasi area in Khan Younis, believing it to be a humanitarian safe zone, as claimed by the fascist occupation, which urged citizens to move there.\ \ The Union of Women's Action Committees \ Gaza Strip, Palestine \ 10/09/2024

Source: Resistance News Network

Edit: removed telegram link. Edit: fkc android keyboard: doing the title readable

When asked if you are Marxist - Che Guevara
  • I agree. I want to add this (old)reddit thread in r/AskHistorians about 'Was it the truth behind the critical controversy surrounding Che Guevara? Was Che a murderer, a homophobe, and racist who needs to be viewed much more critically?', it's a better and less biased source than the reactionary Cato Institute article.

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    When asked if you are Marxist - Che Guevara

    Author: Guillermina Sutter Schneider, a research & project manager in the Cato Institute’s Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity.

    The Cato Institute is, according to their web is: '[a USA think which mission is] moving public policy in the direction of individual liberty, limited government, free markets, and peace'. That's article is reactionary biased propaganda.

    This (old)reddit thread in r/AskHistorians about 'Was it the truth behind the critical controversy surrounding Che Guevara? Was Che a murderer, a homophobe, and racist who needs to be viewed much more critically?', it's a better and less biased source.

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    American-Turkish activist killed in West Bank as Israeli forces opened fire
  • Almost all the citations use quotation marks except this one:

    The Palestinian health ministry says at least 36 Palestinians were killed - 21 from Jenin governorate - in that time. Most of the dead have been claimed by armed groups as members, but the ministry says children are also among those killed.

    The bolded text (normal text in the article) seems to be genocidal misinformation/propagana. I don't belive that the PA (or Hamas) health ministry said that phrase.

    To compensate the exces of quotes to the IOF, this is the statement of the PFLP:

    🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

    The martyrdom of Turkish-American activist Aisha Ezgi is a continuation of a long series of occupation targeting all free voices.

    - The martyrdom of the Turkish-American activist, Aisha Noor Ezgi, after being shot in the head by occupation forces near Mount Sbeih in the town of Beita, south of occupied Nablus, is yet another Zionist crime added to the occupation’s black record of targeting foreign activists in solidarity with our people.

    - This crime brings to mind a long series of crimes committed by the occupation against international solidarity activists, from the assassination of American activist Rachel Corrie and British activist Tom Hurndall in Rafah, to the attack on the "Mavi Marmara" ship breaking the siege, which led to the martyrdom of ten activists, among other continuous attacks and practices against those in solidarity.

    - The occupation continues to target anyone who stands for justice and defends our people, further proving that this entity poses a threat to all of humanity and every free voice striving for justice, not just to the Palestinian people.

    - The Front calls on all the free people of the world to unite efforts to confront this zionist, U.S.- and Western-backed usurper entity, and to work on documenting these crimes as war crimes against humanity, contributing to enhancing international efforts to isolate this rogue and rejected entity, and to prosecute its leaders as war criminals before international courts.

    The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
    Central Media Department 
    September 6, 2024

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    Is The United State Fighting A Proxy War?
  • Israel has been a key USA asset for destabilizing the region from, at leat, the times of Kissinger as secretary of state and to stop socialist panarab projects like then ones of Nasser or the Ba'aths parties.

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    Is The United State Fighting A Proxy War?
  • In Ukraine, yes. The US is fighting a proxy war against Russia. The last 30 years of NATO expansion and USA animosity against Russia are enough evidence in my opinion.

    In Palestine, no. Israel and the USA are committing a Genocide against the Palestinians, or at least, is a USA backed Genocide.

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    Things my girlfriend and I have argued about
  • Nice terms of service:

    Access to this page is granted solely on the basis of accepting the right of Mil to turn up at your house at any time and stay for as long as he likes. This agreement takes precedence over any local, national or international laws which might otherwise apply in your area of residence - and it was drawn up by Disney's lawyers, so don't embarrass yourself by trying to appeal, eh?

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • I agree that signal has a more robust security model. What I mean is that itbhasbalso habe risks, and a lot of people are ignoring it.

    The backdoor could be a sleeping function activated from outside to targets of interest or 'special' updates from the google store (i.e.: with the help of google install a different version of the app to the target). But I'm not a security nor android expert, and it's all theoretical if this attack vector is possible, but I think that is unlikely.

    Also, if the NATO country where I live wants to spy my mobile, it would use Pegasus 🤷🏽‍♀️

    Off topic: The Signal reproducible builds don't work since, at least, may.

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    Why can we not see this image? Happening more and more
  • There were 15 million estimated deaths (direct or indirect) by the end of 2021.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • Signal can add backdoors to their own app and, if the app get compromised (or the device) the security of the encryption model is not relevant. It's the reason because I see comparable Signal and Telegram.

    Signal is open source, but (info based in this 3 years old thread on f-droid):

    1. Have binary blobs and propietary dependencies.
    2. Don't let reproducible builds.
    3. It's hostile to forks (they blocked libreSignal from their servers)
    4. Don't want independent builds from f-droid (nor any fork in f-droid)

    Which no seems FOSS friendly.

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • nd when a judge or a 3 letters agency will request to Signal that they want access to the messages that somebody will send from a date?

    It's their app, and they can do it. Do you think that they will refuse?

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    Chat control is back on track.... again
  • At least one of your down votes is for being racist and ableist. Could you remove it?

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    “Communism bad”
  • Around 1990s it was obvious to just about everyone in the world how communism is a completely failed ideology.

    That's false. None of the communist that I knew then lost their communist ideology, and I'm not aware of a massive dissolution of communist parties worldwide.

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    what holiday do you wish had wider celebration?
  • Obviously: 春节 /s

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    All lives rule
  • This post is 9 months old and unrelated to the US presidential election circus.

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    How can we stop corporations from using Lemmy as a training dataset for AI?
  • Instances could add this snippet to theirs robots.txt (source:, and ):

    User-agent: GPTBot
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: Google-Extended
    Disallow: /
    User-agent: Meta-ExternalAgent
    User-agent: meta-externalagent
    Disallow: /

    Note: this only tell to the crawlers of openai, google and meta to not crawl the site to traiN a LLM, the nytimes have a large list of other crawlers.

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    Is Debian with automatic updates a good idea?
  • Before upgrading, you should check the release notes to be sure if a manual change is required (eg.: bookworm amd64). But usually, it's a easy process.

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    Too many tourists?
  • It's a problem at least in Barcelona and in their near cities. Youth people and most of the working class can't pay the price to get a home there. A lot of housing has moved as a tourist service (airbnb... ) missing their social use.

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    A Black woman has never lost the general election for POTUS in US history but 45 white men have lost
  • From wikipedia:

    Charlene Alexander Mitchell (June 8, 1930 – December 14, 2022) was an American international socialist, feminist, labor and civil rights activist. In 1968, she became the first Black woman candidate for President of the United States.[1][2]

    Charlene Alexander Mitchell

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    How George Orwell Paved Noam Chomsky’s Path to Anarchism
  • Notice the time lag between the events of 1936 and the realization that the Soviets were “wag[ing] a war against the Anarchists.”

    That's not correct. If the Comintern Parties[^note1] and their comissaries were waging a war into the anti-fascist forces, were against other communists: mostly against the POUM and troskist.

    The POUM (Partit Obrer d'unificació Marxista / Workers Party of Marxist Unification), the group where George Orwell joined, was a non-troskist Marxist-Leninist Party, which wanted to do the revolution at the same time as overcoming fascism, i.e. the same strategy that the anarchists of the FAI (Federació Anarquista Ibèrica / Iberian Anarchist Federation) and CNT (Confederació Nacional del Treball / National Confederation of Labor).

    The POUM was banned (accused of collaboration with fascism) and its leader Andreu Nin disappeared.  Until the 90s, with the declassification of KGB documentation, it was not known what had happened to him: he was detained, tortured and murdered by the NKVD without having 'confessed' to any crime.

    I do not deny that there was persecution against anarchists, but I do deny the degree of animosity towards them that anarchist historiography often presents. The greatest ideological "danger" of the Comintern, those against whom they showed the greatest animosity within the anti-fascist bloc, were not the anarchists, nor the majority socialist party, nor the petty-bourgeois parties... they were other communists who do not share their positions.

    [^note1]: PCE (Partit Comunista d'Espanya / Communist Party of Spain) and PSUC (Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya / Unified Socialist Party of Catalonia).
