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The problem with GIMP
  • Wasn’t supposed to be condescending, apologies that I came across like that. I just more meant you aren’t representative of who a FOSS potential killer app needs to reach. I agree, I don’t want cloud, AI, subscriptions. But I do want a tool palette and interaction experience that doesn’t require looking at the docs to use.

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    A New Study Investigates 'The Failed Migration of Academic Twitter' To Mastodon
  • From a UX perspective federation has been absolutely bungled. Twitters greatest trick was to cause an exodus before the alternatives had reached maturity, though I imagine the demand has pushed them further than they would be otherwise.

    IMO BlueSky is by far the best Twitter replacement, insofar as you can just use it like Twitter but it is built on an open protocol, allowing you to run your own server if you wish but with zero interoperability friction or worrying about servers on the actual client. Also it has already started basic bridging between threads and mastadon, its custom feeds in place of algorithms is genius and stackable moderation is the most compelling solution I’ve seen to the core complaints and concerns over modern social media.

    And it’s independent, transparent and run by intelligent, passionate people. And, very importantly, Jack Dorsey has nothing to do with it!

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    The problem with GIMP
  • There's always been a real stick in the mud attitude with GIMP. No matter how many people cry out about it's confusing UX it's always tried to serve the existing userbase rather than design to expand its usefulness to more people. I think this is a shame and is why GIMP never achieved what Blender has.

    I remember trying to use it the best part of 20 years ago when I wanted to make animated gifs. It was so hard to use it was easier to pirate photoshop/imageready. Then a year or so back I tried to use it as I had moved to being a Linux user and was kind of astonished that the UX was still so bloody hostile.

    I don't think I'm a moron (though how many morons do... so take this with a pinch of salt) but trying to figure out how to do basic things like cut and paste, cropping etc. without reading documentation just goes hellishly wrong. Any time I take the time to follow a guide on how to use it I'm taken aback by how unintuitive it is and once I'm done I forget it's idiosyncrasies immediately.

    I remember "gimpshop" being a thing at one point, which I never got to use but heard it used the processing of GIMP with a more photoshop like UX. Though I believe that project lapsed.

    Anyway, yeah it'd be nice in a world where things like GNOME have become such beautiful UXes that projects like GIMP have the courage to revolutionise themselves.

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    The problem with GIMP
  • "Eww, like the coarser thread which forms the outline of the design in some lacemaking techniques!? That is just a bit gross don't you think?"

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    CD Projekt reveals which new Cyberpunk 2077 features are available for free and which are related to the game's expansion
  • yeah this is such a thing. I don't want to replay a 40-80 hour game to access 15 hours of new content interwoven or not even that just new features on the way. I feel CyberPunk getting abandoned is actually just a weird new-speak for it being ACTUALLY finished

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    Where To Find Actually Good Search Engines?
  • Yeah it seems way more smaller search engines use Bing than Google, I'm not sure why but I'm guessing either API costs or privacy agreements? DDG did get into hot water a couple of years ago over this because Bing was serving ads which were not private and were potentially profiling DDG users. No company is perfect all the time but they did promptly attempt to fix the issue. I do like them as far as tech firms go.

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    Where To Find Actually Good Search Engines?
  • Phind has its own approach with various automated prompts and UI functions. It's free to use so you can compare the differences in function.

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    What's the funniest game you've played?
  • "Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun" is the funniest interaction in any video game I have ever played by an order of magnitude

  • NSFW
    This used to be a witty title but some pro-censorship arse complained so here we are
  • As soon as we conceded "milk" for plant milks we were setting off on a long path of bullshit. If something is designed as an alternative to something it should be able to explain it's designed purpose.
