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What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • And yet, that is its default definition regardless of operating system.

    That’s also why almost every IDE out there has tabs auto-set to 4 spaces, and/or gives the user to change it away from 8 spaces.

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    What's the most polarizing thing you've ever done or said?
  • I am not arguing against tabs. I actually find them a lot cleaner than spaces. But the default definition of a tab has it being eight spaces long, regardless of operating system.

    It’s just that “tab = 4 spaces” is either the default in a number of IDEs, and in those which it isn’t, almost everyone changes it to that anyhow.

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    America is on the verge of something fateful, but it cannot escape history
  • LOL 😂 the irony in that statement is thick enough to stick a spoon vertically in it and have it remain standing.

    Regressives fear becoming the subject of the hatreds they spew out against others who are not white, cis, male, and Christian. Which is why conservatism is an evil ideology best left in the dustbin of history.

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    Working from home
  • For sure, that is also one hell of a run-on sentence in that main block of text. Dude could do with some proper punctuation.

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    Working from home
  • The lack of an apostrophe for “Can see you’re logged in” is unreasonably irritating to this grammatical pedant.

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    how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • Most of America (all but 7 states) and all of Canada are one-party jurisdictions. That means you can record conversations without anyone else knowing so long as you are a primary participant in said conversation.

    If you have an iPhone (which prevents calls from being recorded as a security feature), it helps to invest in a small digital recorder and to take all calls on speakerphone.

    If you take communications through apps like Teams or Slack, there are third-party apps that can screen record your entire monitor such that the other person won’t be informed of the recording. Recording through teams, for example, would have Teams tell the other person that the screen is being recorded.

    Don’t just record convos that you think might be important. Record all calls just in case someone does something particularly in your favour, such as asking an illegal question.

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    how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • I once interviewed for a job, was accepted, then showed up on my first day only to find out that the position had been given to someone else.

    And with written proof of acceptance, any employment lawyer worth their degree could have gotten you a healthy amount of compensation even after their cut. Behaviour like this by any company is illegal in almost all jurisdictions, and should never be tolerated.

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    how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • Legally they cannot.

    gender supremacists:

    “Hold my beer and watch me do exactly that. Again and again and again without any censure or pushback, purely because I am being a gender bigot against men, and for no other reason. We have full societal and legal ability to employ open misandry, because opposition of any kind is misogyny by default.”

    domestic violence happens to men too.

    71% of non-reciprocal (only one person being abusive) physically violent (actually striking) domestic violence involves women striking men.

    As in, 71% of those victims are men.

    And under those same conditions (non-reciprocal physically violent DV), two-thirds of victims that were injured seriously enough to require hospitalization were men, yet almost 100% were also arrested as the “perps”, even though they were the only victims.

    Losts of people have problems with these facts. Wild how bad anti-reality ideological indoctrination has gotten.

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    how do I accept I'll never know why any employer rejected me?
  • There are fake job postings.

    IIRC, there was one very recent (mid-2024) study of job ads that strongly suggested that 60-75% of them were never meant to be filled. As in, the company posted them for entirely unrelated reasons.

    It’s why these are called “ghost jobs”: they don’t exist.

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    On average, at least 1 car crashes into a 7-Eleven every day, $91M settlement reveals
  • I wasn't talking about pedal confusion

    Then why respond to my comment? Because pedal confusion was 100% of the subject under consideration. All you did was add noise to the signal by bringing in something entirely unrelated to what I was talking about.

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    Harris Vows to End Subminimum Wages in Policy Push Before Debate
  • Next: move minimum wages in-line to what they would have been had they been locked to productivity gains since 1970.

    Hint: $30+/hr.

    Better yet: lock minimum wage to being no less than 3× median rent for any one region

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    On average, at least 1 car crashes into a 7-Eleven every day, $91M settlement reveals
  • IMO, any confirmed case of “pedal confusion” in a driver should be followed by an irrevocable loss of the driver’s license for life, and a ban on driving anywhere, anywhen.

    I would even gladly see an international registry to prevent people like these from moving to other countries and getting driver’s licenses there.

    If you cannot tell which pedal is which, and maintain 100% control over which is getting pressed, you are a lethal threat to everyone around you. You cannot be allowed to drive, full stop end of story. There is no reality in which you could ever be “safe” behind the wheel.

    And we have similar limitations for other people: those subject to medication-resistent grand mal seizures also cannot drive for much the same reasons, in that there is no way to prevent them from being a lethal threat once operating a vehicle.

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    Schrödinger's Microphone: Google Meet Says Muted, iOS Says Otherwise
  • This is on my iPhone.

    In-app mic mute is limited to that app.

    Muting the mic through the iPhone control panel mutes the mic across the entire phone.

    It’s all dependent on the locus of control. An app does not control the mic across all apps, it only controls the mic within itself. The iPhone control panel, however, is the absolute master control: it controls the mic before any app.

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    Elon Musk on pace to become world’s first trillionaire by 2027, report says
  • If someone owns a billion dollar company (based on the price of their shares of stock) we call them a billionaire but they might not have very much money in cash (say a few million).

    And yet…

    The moment shares are used as a source of value to leverage, they should be taxed on that assessed value. Because this is also how so many of the wealthy can get away with “$0 income” - they are “paid” in shares, then turn around and use those shares to get loans from the bank to pay their living expenses. They essentially leverage shares for tax-free income.

    If any and all leverage on shares are taxed on that assessed leverage, the Parasite Class would no longer have any way to shield their obscene wealth from taxation.

  • This happens both on a feed as well as within a thread.

    Happens both on my direct instance as well as on a random instance out there.

    I go to scroll, and there is a nearly one-second pause before the screen jumps to where I have scrolled. If I start very slowly, there is no pause, but I am talking about an unreasonably slow start to the scroll.

    Working with an iPhone 15 Pro Max, hardware limitations should not be in play here.

    Working with the latest version of Avalon.

    Curious if I am the only one.


    I have seen these before, but for the life of me I cannot seem to recall what they are called or what they’re for.

    Google search - especially image search, where I’m trying to bring up similar items - is now a total potato and seemingly capped at one screen of results in a secure and sanitized browser.


    When I bring up an image by itself, I can do a long press on the image and get the app Safari drop-down interface (see attached), which gives me (along with other tools) the option to download the image to my camera roll or to copy the image for pasting elsewhere.

    Unfortunately, the Avelon app blocks this action entirely.

    If there is a workaround, it gives no indication as to what it is, forcing the user to thrash around and discover the box with the out/up arrow in the lower right.

    If there is a way to whitelist this behaviour, there is also no way to inform the user on what setting they need to adjust.

    At any rate, this is a noticeably frustrating suboptimal UI/UX, and should be addressed.


    This is why Galen West is a card-carrying member of the Parasite Class.

    And yes, I confirmed the no-shipments, zero-stock with the store manager. 5 days and counting with no stock so far, when the sale started there was maybe 12-24 bottles for 128,000 residents in the city.

    41 The Rot Economy

    At the center of everything I’ve written for the last few months (if not the last few years), sits a cancerous problem with the fabric of how capital is deployed in modern business. Public and private investors, along with the markets themselves, have become entirely decoupled from the concept of wh...

    I particularly enjoy how Google got savaged:

    >Google has a similar yet slightly different story, where their core product - search - has gone from a place where you find information to an increasingly-manipulated labyrinth of SEO-optimized garbage shipped straight from the content factories. > >Google no longer provides the “best” result or answer to your query - it provides the answer that it believes is most beneficial or profitable to Google. Google Search provides a “free” service, but the cost is a source of information corrupted by a profit-seeking entity looking to manipulate you into giving money to the profit-seeking entities that pay them.

    The system almost 100% works as intended! But it doesn’t work for me. It doesn’t work for you. It doesn’t work for a vast majority of human beings across the globe. But yet it absolutely works as intended for the Parasite Class, the 0.01% at the very top.

    And this is why it’s a cancer of our society. Until it has been excised and replaced with something more humane, human civilization is doomed to collapse. You cannot have an economic ideology that demands infinite growth on a planet with finite resources.
