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  • This is the real issue. Companies/shareholders won't accept stable profits, so they will do anything possible to increase profits. AD-free subscriptions will be a thing of the past in the next 10 years and we will be right back to cable. Bundled subscriptions with cancellation terms and ads.

    I also need to also underscore that the vast majority of profits are NOT going to the people who actually create the content, so these increases are just lining the pockets of shareholders and executives.

  • Can anyone that's using the new rewritten android mail app comment if it has the tracker blocking like it does on desktop and iOS? If not are there any plans for this?

    A nuclear plant’s closure was hailed as a green win. Then emissions went up
  • I won't aim to change your mind but I'll add that one of the reasons they're so expensive is, at least in the US, there is simply a struggle to build mega engineering projects. From project management to the blue collar skills required (nuclear isn't the only large scale engineering project with cost overruns). Things were more favorable in the 80s when plants were built somewhat regularly and the country had collective experience completing these projects.

    Renewables are similar too on both the installation and design side. More experience in manufacturing, developing, and installing helps to lower costs.

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    A nuclear plant’s closure was hailed as a green win. Then emissions went up
  • Worth mentioning it's actually quite small by mass (only 1% or so of what goes in), but only a few places actually separate out those isotopes.

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    Can we talk about FF7 - Rebirth?
  • Is there enough gear/experience to just skip the open world stuff? It wasn't clear to me when playing if I would hit a wall and needed to grind on the open world to progress.

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    Can we talk about FF7 - Rebirth?
  • Yeah your understanding about the towers is correct. I don't think it's inherently bad, I've even enjoyed it in some of the AC games, but in rebirth it just feels like a bad chore list. Some of the combat challenges can be interesting but the ones with the summon stones (I forget the name, but they reduce the power of summon fights and do other things) and scanning the life springs are just terrible imo.

  • I've never played the OG FF7 but I loved Remake. Beautiful environments, great music, story, and characters. I rarely pick games back up after finishing them, but I finished remake twice.

    I was really excited to play Rebirth, especially after seeing the all the great reviews, and wow what a let down. The graphics are downgraded, the story is filled with Ubisoft style open world bloat, loaded with pointless minigames. It felt like SE tried to pad out the game with as much time wasting garbage as possible. I put the game down shortly after reaching the second area and haven't felt compelled to come back.

    Does the game improve at all later? Is it worth pushing through?

    TRIBES 3: Rivals enters early access on March 12
  • This is a pretty bad take and I feel like you must have not really played tribes very much. Comparing tribes to CS? Really? You think the popularity is because of the team sizes?

    The fact that they are only implementing 16v16 seems like a warning flag to me. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up as a mediocre experience with a few tribes mechanics just largely trying to cash in on name recognition.

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    Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer
  • That applies to the software itself, sure, but only if you bring your own infrastructure. Large scale FOSS infrastructure services are going to be the exception not the norm.

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    Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer
  • Nah I'd disagree. Infinite growth motive doesn't necessarily apply to private companies. To suggest there's unbridled greed present in every company is just a falsehood.

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    Thanks to OpenAI, it's never been clearer that Sundar Pichai is Google's Steve Ballmer
  • If you're not paying for a service, then you're the product. I never understood the expectation that people should just provide you email and storage for free, because?

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    Migrated from Windows to Linux. Decided to share list of answers/statements I was looking for before did it (and could not find).
  • I would agree with this, I use Nvidia cards for professional work on Linux and I've never had a problem. Yeah there's some upfront work configuring the drivers, but I've never had it take more than an hour to setup.

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    YouTube is axing its ad-free Premium Lite subscription plan - The Verge
  • YouTube already does that, though? In fact your premium sub helps creators much more than a non-premium viewer does. Of course the multiplier proposition would be new/different.

    Not trying to shill for YouTube but that's one of the main reasons I have a subscription is to support creators I like.

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    Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud - Home Assistant
  • Basic features like turning a bulb on with a set brightness or color (if you're lucky, you can turn on with a set brightness). No support for scenes (due to matter spec) which can lead to issues sending commands to light groups. And if you want to actually update bulbs good luck because it's buggy as hell.

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    Philips Hue will force users to upload their data to Hue cloud - Home Assistant
  • I wouldn't say they're great; they're adequate. There's a lot of issues with the bulb firmware that still needs ironing out both with stability and feature set.

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    Power Sources
  • Factor 1: Not quite accurate. Yes there are categories of waste; the names change depending on the regulator. The lower level wastes are already disposed of in the US (there are already four such facilities). The politically charged problem is always the spent nuclear fuel itself.

    Factor 2: Senator Reed (D-NV) was a former Senate majority leader. He extracted the defending of Yucca Mountain from the Obama administration as a concession to pass Obamacare. It's still technically viable and not disposing of waste costs enormous amounts of money. The federal government is legally obligated to take spent fuel off the hands of operators. Obviously they have not, so the government is sued (and loses). This has cost the government roughly $20b for their inaction see here..

    Factor 3: You can recycle spent fuel but there's no concept as spent fuel with zero radioactivity.

    Two largest problems in the US: Inability to manage waste and inability to execute on large scale construction required for nuclear.
