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3 ways to help your child transition off screens and avoid the dreaded 'tech tantrums'
  • Unfortunately, I can't write a full novel about all the nuances of being a parent. If you read my words, I tried to generalize and caveat where possible. I am being very blunt and direct and its not hard to understand that it's going to piss off someone.

    My experience is absolutely not universal. Do you have a brain? Use it. Everything is situational. Adjust your actions accordingly. Be firm and kind but don't give up and cave to a child's demands.

    Too many parents I have seen get stuck in loops of negotiating with their kids and end up getting frustrated and yelling. People make tantrums out to be hyper-complicated when they really aren't.

    Kids, for the most part, are mirrors of the parents behavior. Kids emulate behavior as it's a key part of development. If parents don't recognize their own actions and behavior has consequences, then they need to start looking deep.

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    3 ways to help your child transition off screens and avoid the dreaded 'tech tantrums'
  • One child is grown and the other almost is, and I rarely use this instance, btw. A more complete history is on

    My children are A/B students and think for themselves. I haven't been angry with my kids in years and only then was it when they did something that potentially caused them harm. They don't get in trouble or get in fights. Now that the most difficult years of parenthood are over, I get to spoil them a little.

    I am an engineer, and have a respectable career. I recognize psychedelics as helpful to society and are 100% legal where I live. Guns are a hobby, not my personality. (My other hobbies are plentiful as well. If you want to learn about electronics, computers, IT security, basic CNC machining, 3D printing, or numerous other topics, let me know!)

    I knew it was a matter of time before these quips came up. There is nothing I said that was harmful or even suggested abuse. If parents can't look at themselves and realize that most of their child's behavior is a direct result of how the parents themselves behave, well, I can't help them.

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    3 ways to help your child transition off screens and avoid the dreaded 'tech tantrums'
  • It is absolutely possible to treat the child like a person. My point is that most tantrums are allowed by the parents because of frustration.

    The reason for tantrums should be clear as day to the parents. Usually, the kid is wanting something or not wanting to do something badly. Kids are not complex and their basic needs should be second nature to parents by the time they are old enough to throw a tantrum.

    When a child is old enough to throw a tantrum, they are able to understand words, generally. IMHO, the parent needs to be firm, not "strict". Old phrases like "the parents are always right" or "because I said so" should be thrown in the trash where they belong.

    For example, when I was at the mall with my first daughter (she was 4, I think.) she threw her first (and last) tantrum in the middle of the crowded mall because she wanted to go into the Disney store as we were leaving. My reaction was quick and firm. I immediately squatted down to her eye level, ensured eye contact and that she was fully focused on me. (Being quick about my response was important.) I explained that throwing a tantrum was not going to help her situation one bit. I didn't raise my voice or hold her down. I didn't threaten her with punishment or anything like that. She understood immediately that she did not like my shift into "daddy mode" and the battle was over quicker than it started.

    My approach there was to quickly snap the kids attention directly to me. Using words they understand is important, of course, but I explain what they are doing is not right. I have them repeat the point of what I say to make sure they understand it, out loud.

    If, by chance, the parent actually doesn't understand what the child needs, that is a perfect time to ask. Help the child communicate their needs properly.

    How that is applied is situational, but the underlying method is the same. Break the endless cycle of the kid saying "but I want" and the parent just saying "no".

    Tantrums are all the same. It's a pointless escalation of a situation by both the child and the parent.

    Neurodivergence is a special case, obviously. However, using distraction and simple logic can help as well. There have been a few tantrums by my nephew I have stopped cold using the same method. It is more challenging because of the needs of the child, but it works.

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    3 ways to help your child transition off screens and avoid the dreaded 'tech tantrums'
  • If kids have any form of tantrum, it's because the parents let them and cave to the kids "demands". Kids will keep throwing tantrums if it works.

    Edit: You can downvote all you want, but regardless of the situation, if you need to take 3 pointers from an article about "tech tantrums", there are some more serious issues at play and it's not an issue with the child.

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    US Commerce Dept suspends exports of 3 companies over Russia sales
  • That press release was so short, it bypassed the paywall. I looked around a bit but couldn't find which companies had their exports halted. (It hasn't been released yet?)

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    does long term burnt plastic inhalation effect the brain
  • The Dread Pirate Roberts reference is from the movie Princess Bride.

    Wesley spends years building up an immunity to a fictional substance called "iocaine powder", the most deadly substance known to man. He tricks a foe into drinking wine laced with it, killing his foe while he survives.

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    Please fix Rule 1.
  • I think big brother is on to you, bot. Your links haven't been working lately. It could be a "me" problem, since I am trying to view the video through a Lemmy client that doesn't quite play well with ad blocking proxies.

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    Please fix Rule 1.
  • We need to assign a good name for this global system of interconnected networks. I admit, I am baffled as to what a good name should be.

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    Which Lemmy instance is your new favorite, and why?
  • I am on other instances. The problem is that they are, like it or not, the first impression that new users get of Lemmy and the rest of the federation.

    beholden to their guidelines

    I am all for that! They need to properly define those guidelines. While it is "their" instance, the intent is for it to be publicly accessible. Continuity with their own guidelines is kind of important to help this space grow as a public instance. I don't care what those guidelines are, just make them consistent.

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    Which Lemmy instance is your new favorite, and why?
  • The instance is in Germany from what I understand. Regardless, their justification was that shrooms are illegal in most places. That being their main point sets up the contradiction that I am referring to. It casts a bit of doubt on the intent and how to interpret rule 1.

    The admins don't have to abide by their rules, but we do.

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    Linus' reponse to the Gamer's Nexus Video
  • It absolutely is not the correct response. LTT and GN are very public and the suggestion to take the conversation private is bad. There is no backroom conversation that can "fix" shitty data.

    I agree with Linus taking accountability for publishing bad test results. That is a good thing. Talking shit about GN and refusing to walk back on that is bad. That is unprofessional.

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    Which Lemmy instance is your new favorite, and why?
  • They can do that! As a matter of fact, I support compliance with local regulations.

    The problem is, they aren't. They are picking and choosing laws to follow. Their instance is located in Germany, but yet, their marijuana legalization laws are only in draft:

    They are using the justification that "some things are illegal in some countries" as grounds for community suspension, yet, they are picking and choosing.

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    Which Lemmy instance is your new favorite, and why?
  • It's illegal to talk about piracy and shrooms? I can see posts getting deleted for directly trafficking in pirated stuff or if someone was trying to openly sell sketchy drugs.

    Anything that is allowed on this site could be a target for legal action. Even their unverified access to porn is grounds for legal action in most places.

    You need to look at the complete picture of the bias that is involved.

  • Since the admins here are refusing to clarify their own rules, selectively enforcing their vague rules, using communities for user counts before banning them and just being, well, spez-like, it's time to find a new home.

    So far, I am liking, but I still have a list I am going through.

    Where are you going?

    Oh, before you go, make sure to file a CCPA or GDPR data deletion request. If they are so inclined to "stay legal", they can start with those items.


    A shroom community was removed from as it was considered "illegal" content by the admins. The logic behind this is boggling, to say the least.

    Marijuana is considered an illegal substance in some states in the US and is still federally illegal. /c/trees should be banned, correct?

    Clown pictures of Putin are absolutely considered illegal in Russia, so that should require and immediate ban.

    Freedom of speech can also be considered illegal in some places.

    Incest is considered illegal so that should automatically trigger a ban on all incest porn, real or not. Hell, porn is universally taboo, so that shouldn't have any place on this instance, I guess.

    You see where I am going with this? Rule 1 is a catch-all and needs clarification. Simply saying something is illegal is not quite enough. Owning and sharing pictures of shrooms is not illegal. Trading spores or mycelium is generally not illegal either.

    This is not about me being salty (which I am) about the community being removed and forced to relocate. It's the odd bias that was applied to justify its removal.

    Please note that I said fix Rule 1, not remove it. There are some really bad things on the internet that shouldn't use lemmy as a safe haven.



    It seems that most of the drywall mounts that I looked for printed in a vertical orientation, which is not good for strength.

    For once, I didn't reverse engineer anything to design this. Lulz.


    Update 8/10 - Added dimension sketches, Added .step file, Added a thinner support ring option that will sit more flush (but not completely)


    I have been using CentOS for years as a somewhat stable go-to for a long time, especially in business environments.

    Honestly, it was a very simple fire-and-forget distro that I happen to know extremely well. However, with RH completely migrating to an Elon Musk inspired business model, it's time for a change.

    While I don't have anything against Debian or Ubuntu, it was never my first choice of distro. (I'll give them another go shortly though, as the Ubuntu server distros were quite clean.) It boils down to silly things like yum instead of apt and such.

    I suppose I am really asking what the most generic server-style distros are super popular these days. Any suggestions?


    First of all, I am sure the dev is sick of my posts. I will feed him more caffeine just in case. ;)

    1. A spinner for when an external URL is loading. (Long loads just show a white screen.)
    2. "Are you sure?" buttons when exiting edit screens. I might be making things up, but can't double check because I am editing. Lulz.)
    3. A hug.

    Cheers and take care!


    "Backs out", as in, it's like the back button is randomly pressed while viewing an image zoomed and panning around it.

    I thought this was just a gesture getting triggered by mistake, but I do not see the gesture arrow on the screen when this happens.

    Edit: I just tried an update and reboot to no avail. Also, I just discovered that I don't need to be zoomed in to the image for this to happen. When I open an image and drag it up and let go, the pic with snap to center again and then back out of the image by itself.


    Hello again! I am migrating from Reddit and just wanted to make a note here to keep track of my days.

    Take care, stay safe and I will not drink with you today!


    Hello! I would like to contribute to any testing that needs to be done with Connect.

    While I am a shitty developer myself, I have been working in IT Security for about 15 years and and I am fully capable of breaking applications in ways you could only dream about. ;)

    My M.O. is not to be hostile or complain about broken things, but rather, dig and see if an issue is a "me" problem before I escalate to devs. (I literally do this for a living, TBH.)

    If help is needed, plese let me know. If you need me to sign any NDAs or any of that jazz, let me know. If you don't need assistance like this, ignore me.

    Cheers, take care, and keep up the awesome work.


    The meme content here on Lemmy is too good. So much so, that it floods my All and Frontpage on occasion.

    A feature to temporarily mute some content without fully blocking it would be awesome! My suggestion, it that when we click on a specific group ("sub"? What is the Lemmy term for a "subreddit"?) we have a quick option to mute it for a few hours.

    If there is some way to do this already, I apologize for my ignorance in advance.

