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Employer Says It’s OK To Not Be OK But HR Will Probably Use You Not Being OK Against You
  • Just a friendly reminder, documentation is crucial in any work environment, and do not believe any BS about great policies and employers that really care. Make sure you are fully aware of your legal rights, and if it's an option in your case, go through a legal procedure, rather than some internal "we'll work it out with a conversation and a handshake" process that your company will try and get you to go for.

    I can't speak for anywhere but the US, but if you're having serious issues that might impact your ability to do your job/regularly show up, look into whether you qualify for any leave under the FMLA. Your mileage may vary, especially with smaller companies, but there are actually consequences for violating the law and/or retaliation under it. My experience at larger companies has been that they do not like to mess with it, and tend to farm compliance out to a third party to avoid any hint of impropriety. Again, there will certainly be differences, but across multiple companies, all my employer got from the process was a yes/no decision about whether I qualified, details of any duty restrictions applicable, when my claim was up for renewal and whether or not I marked my days of leave in compliance within the time limit established in the policy or not.

    If they handle things in house, obviously don't trust HR. If an external company handles it, your employer shouldn't really know whether you're missing work because you've got cancer, you're insanely depressed, or whatever else the situation might be.

    Regardless of how your company handles it, document everything to death, and make sure you're able to access your documentation in the event of losing the job. Should it come down to it, it doesn't matter how in the wrong your former employer was, you will not win any grievance or legal action if you haven't got the documentation to prove they did not meet their legal/contractual obligations.

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    US Schools are replacing blacktop with greenery to avoid the heat island effect
  • Both the Catholic school I attended Kindergarten through 2nd grade at and the public middle school I attended in suburban NY had blacktop as the main rec area during lunches and other such breaks, so it's not just a CA thing, I guess. Neither school was in a very build up area, either. The Catholic school in particular had plenty of land they could have had us play on that wasn't the parking lot. Had I stayed there for all my schooling, they were even known for sending students into the marsh out behind the school to catch their own frogs for the full experience of preserving something in formaldehyde and dissecting it during high school biology labs.

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    Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness?
  • I can't speak for everyone, but why exactly would I care about Trump's age? It's certainly a liability for him, but I was never going to vote Republican anyway, whereas my likelihood of voting Democrat has only risen now that Joe has stepped down. Why on earth would I want to potentially inspire Republicans to start pushing for a more competent candidate who might have a better chance of being elected, while also beingore competent and able to do more harm if they were to win?

    For media outlets reporting on this, sure, but I think you're being overly general when talking about individual voters expressing reservations about the candidate being pushed by the party they will, in all likelihood, wind up voting for.

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    Job application hell
  • This depends entirely on where you are. This article is from last year, so it could have changed since then, but there is no federal prohibition on requesting your current pay in an interview,

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    If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • Are you in licensed dispensaries? Pretty much all the ones I've been to, the edible options are 2.5mg, 5mg and 10mg. My other thought, are you sure you aren't looking at the THC content of the whole container? I have some 10mg chocolates in the freezer, but dead center on the lid's label is "100mg THC", then underneath and in a much smaller font, "per bottle." I've noticed that on a lot of packaging, as well as dispensary websites, they choose to list stupid big numbers by just listing the overall content, and not what you would get per unit.

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    Starlink is refusing to comply with Brazil's X ban (Update: Starlink will comply)
  • X doesn't seem to have any issue censoring accounts for Musk's autocratic buddies like Erdogan, so let's not try and pretend that he's above caving in to government censorship. He's just pissed off in this case that he's being asked to do it in a way that would hurt his friends in Brazil. The site has been called out over the last several years multiple times for refusing to take any steps to moderate misinformation spread by Bolsonaro and his political allies in attempts to undermine democracy and influence the results of the last election, like the endless claims of electronic voting being insecure in the lead up to the last elections, Bolsonaro's COVID denialism and many other examples.

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    Language mimicry
  • Something similar, years back when I was taking Norwegian classes, my teacher was telling us about a relative of hers. According to our teacher, it was pretty common for families with the means to do so to send their kids off to an English-language immersion camp over the summer around the time they were 14 or so. She said most of the people would go to camps in the UK and come back with something of a posh British accent, but her one relative's parents dropped the ball on signing up and missed the chance to send her there, as all the spaces were booked by the time they checked. They looked around and found another immersion camp that was still accepting applications, and sent this girl off to perfect her English, in Arkansas. She came back with quite the accent, leaving people she spoke to in English baffled at how she wound up picking it up.

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    Use Zotero
  • Zotero is awesome, and I'd also recommend the browser extension with an account. Account is free, but it'll let you save any web sources with all the metadata you need and sync it to the main program.

    Zotero in combination with LaTeX and Biber have saved me so much time. Especially when I had a crazy professor who would make last minute changes to style requirements. I remember we had a paper to write that they initially said "Just cite with whatever format you want, it's fine as long as they info is there." Cool, write my ten pages or whatever with footnotes containing short citations and full citations available in the bibliography at the end. The night before the paper was due, "Actually, I need all papers to use APA citations or you'll be docked points.". No problem, just change my citation style at the top of my LaTeX doc and tell it to reprocess the paper, all the citations fixed in about 5 seconds, without even needing to learn the ins and outs of APA formatting.

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    Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines
  • I wouldn't deny that they may have thought it was helpful to push at the time, but there are plenty of people who used it that just wanted either a change in stance from Biden, or a different candidate. "Russian shill" has just become the go to line for anyone who wholeheartedly sticks to the Democratic party line to shut down any and all discussion. Criticize your own party's prospective candidate at the time without first denouncing every bad take Trump has? Russian shill. Don't agree that the statistics showing the economy is doing great reflect the actual experience of many people? KGB plant. Supermarket is out of your favorite brand of cereal? Putin's fault. It's ridiculous.

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    Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines
  • Not sure why you would expect them to be going nuts on this. This is just one more in a long line of terrible things Trump supports, but he is not going to change stance on this for a bunch of people not in his party complaining online.

    Genocide Joe has run its course, in my opinion. Biden is no longer the nominee, and despite all the hand wringing about foreign shills by people who see Russian manipulation in their own shadows, polls seem to indicate this was an overwhelmingly positive move for the Democrats. Harris is not my ideal candidate, but the Genocide Joe moniker was part of a campaign during primary season and leading up to the nomination to not have Biden as the nominee, and it accomplished this.

    This is just some weak what aboutism from sore losers. No shit Trump has worse stances on this issue than Biden, but I can't vote in primaries other than my registered party in my state, and the GOP was never going to replace him as nominee over this issue anyway.

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    How much do Americans actually pay for healthcare?
  • For people with insurance, there’s pretty much always a maximum yearly out of pocket amount, after which things are basically all paid for by insurance.

    With a few caveats, yes. At least with the insurance I had last year when I hit the max for the first time, it has to be both deemed medically necessary to do, and be in network. Just because you hit your annual out-of-pocket max doesn't mean you can get free cosmetic surgery, for example. Out of network treatment also had a separate annual max, so if I saw the wrong specialist or went to the wrong hospital during an emergency, I could still have gotten hit with another $10,000 in bills before that kicked in. And finally, I learned that there are actually annual maximums for certain types of treatment. In my case, I have an autoimmune condition and my doctor wanted me to get blood work done for it every 3 months. In their boundless wisdom, my insurance decided I shouldn't need blood work more than three times a year, and I got a $1,700 bill for going over the annual limit for such care.

    The limitlessness of their wisdom and beneficence is matched only by my pettiness, so I had the pleasure of having my first colonoscopy and an endoscopy the day after Christmas because my gastro said there was a tiny possibility of me having a problem more serious than hemorrhoids and I knew those assholes would have to pay for it, since they pre-authorized it, which added a few grand to what they had to pay for the year.

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    This Italian "newspaper" wanted to depict the "indian heritage" of an US candidate. Chennai, Cherokee, the same.
  • Yeah, my experience has been that a lot of countries whose residents tell me racism is an American problem and we should stop trying to project it onto other societies happen to live in countries with huge problems with it that just aren't explicitly spoken about in the same terms.

    I had a Brazilian friend tell me race is not all that important in Brazil and that he's tired of Americans assuming it is. I periodically have to ask him, "Do you read Brazilian news, bro?" and send some links that make it blatantly obvious that racism is alive and well down there.

    You also just get people who have bought into very pervasive attitudes in countries that justify/explain away racism when it's encountered.

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    TSMC Arizona struggles to overcome vast differences between Taiwanese and US work culture
  • There's also just completely failing to account for callouts in planning, which I saw a lot of when I was a manufacturing supervisor. Upper management breathes down operations' neck to only have people doing the most high cost function they're being paid for as much of the time as possible. If someone has been trained to run a line, they don't want to see them doing 5S upkeep or sweeping, they want them running that line the whole shift. Unfortunately, this extends from the most senior positions down to the new hires, so they schedule the fewest people for each role they possibly could safely operate with when they come up with their production plan. Quite predictably, with humans not being robots, this throws the whole thing into chaos the moment one person calls out. Upper management gets into a tizzy about schedule attainment numbers while demanding to know how this could possibly happen, only to sit down with planning and pull the same bullshit with the following week's schedule.

    If you have a couple of redundancies in your scheduling, you can just postpone lower priority tasks and roll with it. If everyone shows up, you can have people work on stuff like training, preventative maintenance, house keeping, and a million other things.

    For reasons apparently only getting an MBA will lower your IQ enough to seem reasonable, upper management in manufacturing loves doing those skeleton crews where a single absence means mandatory OT and 6-7 dry work weeks to try and salvage what can be of the production schedule, while demanding to know why we struggle to get and maintain staff for these roles.

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    "We've won, but at what cost?"
  • For some reason people don’t want Mozilla to make money or perhaps they assume browser development is lucrative.

    By their own account, it's not meant to be lucrative.

    "Corporation. Foundation. Not-for-profit.

    Mozilla puts people over profit in everything we say, build and do. In fact, there’s a non-profit Foundation at the heart of our enterprise."

    Straight from Mozilla's About Us page for you. Maybe they ought to live up to their words and start focusing on making a solid browser that respects users' privacy with the majority of their time, funding and energy, rather than squandering these assets on current tech hype nonsense that people don't actually want.

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    Guy Who Says Slurs Draws the Line at 'Weird'
  • On the other hand, that's a pretty rough looking 27 year old. He looks like a 60s something bro who never stopped lifting.

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    You're stuck on a desert island for five years. You can have three video games. What three games do you take?
    • SMT III Nocturne
    • SMT Strange Journey Redux
    • Grandia I

    The Shin Megami Tensei games have some replayability between multiple routes, NG+ and coming up with the perfect team. Grandia is just one of the first jrpgs I really got in to, and I still love the characters today.

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    So much siding, but it keeps getting worse
  • At first, I thought this must be some abandoned barracks or aircraft hangar that got retrofitted into a private residence, but then I saw it was purpose built in 2004.

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    Man dies at 27 from heat exposure at a Georgia prison, lawsuit says
  • Yes, clearly everyone is in a position to just walk off their job at any point in time, with no consequences for being unemployed.

    I don't know why you're trying to say that the people who work these jobs, and largely live paycheck to paycheck, have the same sort of freedom as people who are financially stable. I was making my state's minimum wage at the time, which was entirely insufficient to pay for any decent standard of living. My co-workers who were undocumented were paid even less, had no recourse if they were fired for complaining about conditions or working "too slow" according the bosses, did not qualify for unemployment insurance and had a significantly harder time finding new work than I would. Just like the majority of people out working on farms in the US today. But yeah, let's pretend it's as simple as walking off the job if it's uncomfortable for everyone.

    Your comments make it apparent that you've never worked these sorts of jobs or been in these sorts of conditions. What, you're going to just walk off the job because it sucks and become homeless when the weather and working conditions suck? Because that's the sort of choice that faces millions of people in the US today. It doesn't even need to be in agriculture, you can find similar conditions in so many non-unionized positions doing things like landscaping, manufacturing jobs, kitchen work, etc. Florida literally just passed a bill that removed employer responsibility for providing rest and water breaks based on heat stress during work being performed earlier this year.

    But sure, everyone has several months' expenses in their bank accounts and work in a field where they can get another job from one day to the next...
