Skip Navigation Governor-General Mary Simon apologizes for Waffen-SS veteran’s 1987 Order of Canada appointment

Peter Savaryn, former chancellor of the University of Alberta and veteran of Nazi-led division, was appointed to the order by governor-general Jeanne Sauvé

"Mr. Savaryn was a leading Progressive Conservative in Alberta and prominent member of Edmonton’s Ukrainian community who championed multiculturalism and played a key role in establishing schools with Ukrainian-language instruction. He also set up the Edmonton branch of the Ukrainian scout group Plast, whose participants included Chrystia Freeland, now Deputy Prime Minister.

In a 2013 interview with the newspaper Ukrainian Weekly, Ms. Freeland recalled attending the youth group there. “Plast was a very important part of my life growing up,” she said. “I grew up in a Ukrainian community and was active in Plast.”"

More damning connections to Chrystia "SS" Freeland

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez Introduce Resolution Apologizing for 1973 Chilean Coup
  • In what way is the USA a force for good? This isn't the only coup that they have orchestrated, they have not only continued to do so since and will likely perform more in the future.

    This is not to mention the other countless atrocities committed under its flag.

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  • The United States made Russia into what it is today. Yeltsin's campaign was heavily funded be the US under Clinton, and Putin was hand picked by Yeltsin as his successor.

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    A marxist city district: you're in control, now what?
  • I'm very proud of you all!

    I know that this isn't the revolutionary vanguard party moment that upheaves the foundation of Antwerp, but it is proof enough that collective action can provide material improvements to the lives of regular people.

    I commend you for the progress that you've made thus far and hope you can work even further to achieve your goals.

