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0 Vegetaranoj montras ke Esperanto estas vera kulturlingvo

Tiun ĉi sonartikolon verkis kaj produktis Paŭlo Sergio Viana el Brazilo Estas ĝenerale konata la historia fakto, ke Zamenhof vivigis E...

0 Found: a brain-wiring pattern linked to depression

The disease has a consistent mark in the brain even when symptoms are absent.

7 Food dye used in snack chips can make skin temporarily transparent

Scientists have discovered that a simple food coloring ingredient used in candy, chips, and cosmetics has the potential to one day revolutionize medical imaging and diagnostics. The...

8 La lasta ARKONES - La Ondo de Esperanto

La lasta, 38a ARKONES (ARtaj KONfrontoj en ESperanto), sendependa kultura kaj arta esperantista aranĝo, okazos en Poznano la 13-15an de septembro.

0 Politikistoj de EU kaj Esperanto - La Ondo de Esperanto

Respondoj de Eŭropaj politikistoj, interalie, de la prezidanto de Eŭropa Komisiono Ursula von der Leyen, al Etsuo Miyoshi.

0 KP218 Geostrategio

Ĉu Eŭropo bezonas geostrategion? Dum jardekoj ni Eŭropanoj ĝuis tempon de paco tute neglektante la eblon ke iam iu atakus nin de ekstere. Tiu eblo plejmalfrue ekde februaro 2022 estas nekontestebla. Kiel reagi al tio kaj kiel aspektu defenda strategio Eŭropa. Tion ni priparolas kun spertulo.


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> Quelle langue européenne suis-je en train de lire ? > > Trouvé sur ce pouet :

Senior North Korean diplomat defects to South
  • as the defectors must take courses on South Korean society before they are formally integrated

    Would love to see what these courses entail

  • 🎨 Canvas Group Finder - Sopuli

    the first public look at the Canvas rewrite The event is happening in roughly 4 days from now 🎨 🔗 You can now create template URLs to figure out where you want your group’s template to go (settings -> template) make sure the switch is on, then you can copy the URL of the website 🌎 https://canvas....

    Temas pri kunlabora kanvaso kie oni povas aldoni bilderojn ĉiuj 30 sekundoj. Simila al r/Place sed por la Fediverso.

    Mi tute ne scipovas kunordigi uloj en babilejo, sed mi povas aldoni multe da bilderoj dum mi atendas deplojado de programaro. :)

    Pliaj detaloj haveblas ĉi tie.

    Mi preparis modelon kiun ni povus uzi ĉe 100,400.

    Se ni decidas fari ĝin, indas anonci la pozicion ĉi tie por eviti surmetecon.

    La lasta bildo finiĝis jene:



    La historio de du infanecaj amikinoj, politika aktivistino Ismene kaj senpolitika kaj naiva Effie. Danĝera kaj totalisma reĝimo en sentempa periodo, kiam homoj parolas Esperanton. Oni libere povas elekti, ĉu fariĝi aktivisto aŭ ne, sed ĉu oni povas akcepti la sekvoj de oniaj elektoj?

    0 Bertilo Wennergren (

    Mi ĵus publikigis version 15.5 de PMEG (Plena Manlibro de Esperanta Gramatiko) sub la nomo PMEG 2024:


    Parolado kiu faras komparon inter Esperanto, libera programado kaj samtavolaj protokoloj.

    Person dies after falling into jet engine at Schiphol airport
  • Read somewhere else that the engine in that plane lies really close to the ground, and the guy (maintenance worker on his first day) got suckered in. Can't say if any of this is true but that's what I read.

  • Jump
    Roman World
  • With that kind of propulsion politically available, I doubt finding workable combinations of mitigation strategies to interstellar medium hazards would be the showstopper. Especially not one to hold us back for time scales that oceans did. Getting humans interested in prioritizing projects like that, to me, is the real headscratcher.

  • Jump
    Roman World
  • We could put people on Alpha Centauri in 88 years with 50s technology like Project Orion. The really hard part is figuring out a way to make us use the technology we do have for things like that, instead of for bombing each other back to the stone age.

  • Jump
    Roman World
  • It was a lot later (1300s), but Ibn Battuta seems to have done just that. Guy leaves Morocco and just keeps going on and on, till he ends up in China. Though perhaps even more incredibly he actually does come all the way back. The historicity of his accounts is disputed and maybe only a part of it is true, but even if he only got as far as India, I still find it fascinating to imagine doing at that time.

  • Jump
    What other instances have exciting communities?
  • Some of the best instances are those focused on a subject. I especially like, (science) and (solar punk movement or "practical utopianism").

  • Jump
    How come I'm seeing "removed" all over the place?
  • This filter was very controversial, especially because at first it was hardcoded into Lemmy itself, and the devs initially were insistent in keeping it that way. Fortunately they eventually allowed it to be configurable by instance, which is a much more sensible approach. Especially considering other languages and even some english variants. And while most people like you and me appreciate the intent, many are still unsure if this is a good approach to fight the problem. It does seem hard to avoid a lot of silly false positives. I remember someone mentioning being really confused by this "Sremovedew Valley" mentioned everywhere, until they realized it was just Stardew Valley being mangled by the filter.

  • Jump
    How come I'm seeing "removed" all over the place?
  • Lemmy has a slur filter regex. In case you're curious, you can see an instance's regex using this url (replacing the domain as needed):

    CTRL+F "slur_filter"
