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Firefox gang raise
  • im not sure whether i like that one or the 2009 one better tbh.

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    so r/anarchism does not endorse lemmy
  • I wish there was more of that stuff on the fediverse. I am so fucking tired of seeing nothing but political and anti-reddit circlejerk, since every time I log on here that's all I ever see. I don't even disagree with it, it's just that there is only so much "we are all going to die and there is nothing we can do about it!" outrage I can handle and it's making me constantly miserable, and this was part of why I left Reddit in the first place.

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  • oh no

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    Progressives Unveil OLIGARCH Act to Combat 'Existential Threat' of Extreme Wealth
  • Even most of the extremely rich aren't effected by this, if you calculate it out you need over 31,000,000 dollars before the lowest bracket kicks in.

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    Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025, plunging Earth into climate chaos: 'We were actually bewildered'
  • are you joking, basically all of modern society has a vested interest in people not believing it.

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    Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025, plunging Earth into climate chaos: 'We were actually bewildered'
  • they also have admitted to only announcing the most optimistic results because nobody would believe them if they didn't, and if people did it would be devastating

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    Florida Has Approved PragerU ‘Curriculum’ for the Classroom
  • How the fuck was that channel able to recover from the "I want mommy, I want milk, I want to be held" meme

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    Report alleges Roblox casino sites are letting children gamble millions of dollars | VGC
  • My 11 year old brother learned what rule34 was from Roblox staff because he tried to upload a model for a game he was making, and they denied it and said it was "rule34" when he asked why. The model was literally a cat

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    They're making a goshdarned Shrek Racer*, heck yea
  • Not even going to mention Madagascar Kartz, which also had Shrek and B.O.B. from Monsters vs Aliens?

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    In Phoenix, 4.5 million residents are living in hell: this is life at 113°F degrees (45 °C) for more than 20 days
  • Phoenician pro-tip: if you use a letter for each individual sound instead of one for every word, it makes for a more efficient writing system. Also DO NOT fuck with the Romans or random weirdo desert tribes they will murder you without mercy.

  • Can we get a KbinDrama mag, i've seen a lot of really weird or funny shenanigans in the comments and wish I could get a discussion over it


    Diving subreddit has new mods who promise to put an end to the protest, commentors are not happy. Is this the end of SCUBA???
  • Fun fact, the term "7 seas" has never referred to any specific list of seas and is older than knowledge of the Pacific/Indian oceans by western cultures

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    DeSantis doubles down on claim that some Blacks benefited from slavery
  • why the fuck are you voting for someone who made his own private militarized police force to protect his interests like a stereotypical cold war era dictator

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    I've noticed that lemmy as a whole is much more leftist than reddit (outside of political servers of course)
  • ok to but to be fair, the creator of Lemmy is a tankie. not "anyone I don't like is a tankie" tankie, but "genuinely supports the Soviet Union and CCP" tankie.

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    Please help us link to Lemmy!
  • why isn't the void there

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    US solar market is projected to triple in size by 2028
  • I think they are referring to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, etc. the past few wars the U.S. has been in have largely been fought over oil.

  • TL;DR, my computer broke because I spilled water onto it. I got a new phone recently and my number was changed, so I couldn't use that to log back in with 2-step verification, and I tried send it to my alternate email instead. It says I have to "wait 24 hours" but I never get the fucking verification email so apparently I have lost my email account and everything attached to it.


    Around 2017-2018, there used to be a huge circlejerk online about how Fortnite was the dumbest thing ever, to the point where "Fortnite bad, Minecraft good" was part of the infamous Keanu Chungus 100 meme. Why did it get so much hate, and why did it stop?
