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Nintendo 'Hacker' Will Be Punished For The Rest Of His Life
  • I thought Nintendo has a pretty diehard fandom they can coast off of

    This is true, but even reactionaries mock these people.

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    Nintendo 'Hacker' Will Be Punished For The Rest Of His Life
  • Do they? My YouTube feed was filled with videos attacking their copyright enforcement in 2020.

  • Nintendo 'Hacker' Will Be Punished For The Rest Of His Life

    Gary Bowser is being released from prison for 'good behaviour', but he'll still be paying for his crimes

    Tito is life
  • Where can I learn about him?

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    Tito is life
  • Wasn't Tito revisionist though?

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    r/communism101 censoring pro-china opinions
  • That subreddit and r/communism is a Maoist shithole.

  • I heard Maoism is popular in India. Why? What is so appealing about committing terrorism in the name of left-deviationism?


    Haruki Murakami on late-stage capitalism.


    I've heard conflicting things about their political orientation.


    I was gonna ask "Are Mestizos settlers?" but I quickly realized that the answer to this question probably isn't black and white. If the answer to this isn't just "Yes" or "No" then what determines whether or not a Mestizo person is a settler?

    Jacques Derrida's anticommunist activism.
  • But all I hear about postmodernism is how it's really idealistic and individualistic. Postmodern thinkers tend to reject "putting people into labels" which inevitably invariably includes class.

  • While reading Gabriel Rockhill's exposé on Slavoj Zizek what stood out to me a lot was the brief mention of postmodern philosopher Jacques Derrida being involved in "anti-communist political activism against the government in Czechoslovakia".

    While I've always known that Postmodernism is an enemy of Marxism, this makes it sound like postmodern philosophers are also feds. The source Rockhill cites for Derrida's anti-communist praxis is the 1999 book The Velvet Philosophers by Barbara Day. Has anyone read this book? What specifically is said about the topic in it?

    Opinions on modern anti-capitalist media??
  • I frankly don't like it because people will just be pacified by watching a fictional revolution because then they can just consume product and be wrapped up in feel good emotions than feel compelled to actually do the hard, unglamorous work that comes with being a revolutionary.

    There's also the issue of anti-capitalism in the first world leaning more towards Anarchism than Marxist-Leninism, caused by the fact that a lot of anti-capitalist fiction tries really hard to emphasize the "good" of hyper-individualism.
