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https:// /projects/slyflourish/the-city-of-arches-a-high-fantasy-5e-rpg-city-sourcebook

Hi friends!

I wanted you to know about the City of Arches Kickstarter going on right now!

The City of Arches is a 160 page PDF and hardcover high-fantasy city sourcebook built for Lazy DMs and usable with any version of 5e or other fantasy tabletop RPGs. In this book you’ll find

  • a high fantasy city setting surrounded by countless adventure locations.
  • a setting easily dropped into any existing published or homebrewed campaign world.
  • a setting where any race, species, origin, heritage, and culture makes sense.
  • over a dozen adventure “biomes” with hundreds of adventure locations.
  • three 1st to 20th level campaign arcs.
  • an intro scenario, three adventures, and an adventure toolkit for building your own heist or infiltration adventure.
  • beautiful full-color art, dungeon maps, and overland maps.
  • a player’s guide with background hooks and setting-specific backgrounds.

Download the free 42 page preview on the Kickstarter page! I hope you’ll back this fantastic new book.

Thank you so much!

What RPG have you been dying to run?
  • I'd love a go at Crown and Skull by Runehammer. It looks really interesting. I'd like to play it before I run it and, frankly, just don't have the time.

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    Help needed: how do YOU do things?
  • Here’s some data on the topic!

    Question: This is a poll for D&D DMs and RPG GMs. Do you primarily play online or in person?

    YouTube poll posted 18 April 2023 on YouTube, 2,900 respondents.

    Response % of total Primarily online 41% Primarily in person 46% Both roughly equally 13%

    Also some advice for in person maps:

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    The Unofficial Cheatsheet for DMs that are Lazy
  • Awesome stuff! The one thing I’d consider adding are some random names. They’re the number one improv tool.

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    New Dungeons & Dragons Sourcebook Contains AI Generated Art, with No Promise of Removal
  • I don’t see anything in here about them removing the art.

  • MCDM, Matt Coleville’s company, just released Flee Mortals! This 400 page book includes new takes on existing 5e monsters and a few brand new ones – all in MCDMs style of cool tactics and action-oriented designs. I had the great pleasure of designing the vampires in this book including the monstrous Count Rhodar Von Glaur!

    Check it out!

    5.1 SRD in Spanish, Italian, French, and German
  • Regardless of motivation, spending the money to translate the 5.1 SRD into four languages and then putting it out into the CC opens up a lot of expansion of 5e into other countries and people who never would otherwise play. And it does so regardless of what WOTC does in the future. It’s prudent that we don’t trust WOrC. With this out there, we don’t have to trust them.

  • D&D Community Update

    D&D Beyond - Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition Tools, Rules, Races, Classes, Items, Spells, Monsters, and More

    Wizards of the Coast has released the 5.1 System Reference Document (basically the core rules of D&D 5e) in four new languages alongside English including Spanish, Italian, German, and French.

    All of these have been released under a Creative Commons Attribution License which means creators are free to copy, modify, and use these works – including commercially – by referencing the document and it’s license in their work.

    In my opinion, this is an amazing effort and one that helps Wizards of the Coast improve its reputation as a good steward of D&D and good partner of the hobby.

    [RPGBot] Tome of Beasts 1 (2023 Edition) – A Review
  • I’ve been using the Tome of Beasts 1 2023 edition for a few sessions now and I love it.

  • #259: Open5e with Mike Shea aka Sly Flourish | Morrus’ Unofficial Tabletop RPG Talk

    This week, Morrus and Jessica talk with special guest Mike Shea about Open5e. In the news, Dungeons & Dragons comes back to Gen Con, Pathfinder coming to mobile, D&D 5e SRD has been translated into four languages, and more! Plus a brand new sketch about a very odd potion shop. --------------...

    I had a great time checking in on various D&D news and talking to Morrus and Jessica about on Morrus’s Unofficial Tabletop Podcast yesterday. I hope you give it a listen!

    Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse book details
  • I’m putting a lot of hope in the extra 32 pages the sourcebook gets. I’m hoping for more text and tools to help me run my own Planescape adventures.

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    Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse book details
  • I’m putting a lot of hope in the extra 32 pages the sourcebook gets. I’m hoping for more text and tools to help me run my own Planescape adventures.

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    what is this community?
  • I updated the index.xml feed so it updates every hour now and has a max of 30 articles.

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    [Sly Flourish] Focus Your Campaign
  • Close! It’s my wife and I now 😀

  • Open5e

    The truly open source for 5e rules and resources

    Friends! In case you didn’t know it, there’s an awesome volunteer-run website called that includes tons of OGL-released 5e material. If you’re looking for a quick spell or monster lookup, this is your place. If you’re developing a system of your own, you can access the data there through an API in a structured format. It includes the 5e SRD, a lot of material from Level Up Advanced 5e (including all of their awesome monsters), it includes all four Kobold Press monster books and we’re already working on the new Tome of Beasts 1 2023 edition. It has backgrounds and subclasses from Tome of Heroes. It’s just packed with awesome stuff.

    You’ll always get better descriptions, art, and design from the books themselves but if you’re looking to link to 5e material, this is the site for you.

    If you like what you see there and want to help out, there are lots of ways you can do so. Join the Open 5e Discord server, introduce yourself, and jump on in!

    Sly Flourish's Lazy RPG Talk Show: Reddit's Enshittification
  • I really didn’t know anything about Lemmmy. Things are moving fast. I did mention Mastodon, blogs, podcasts, and rss feeds.
