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Stonehenge tale gets ‘weirder’ as Orkney is ruled out as altar stone origin
  • Another great example is probably starting a fire only using materials from the environment. Anyone can learn how to do so, but most people never have it come up during their lifetimes!

    Someone who knows knapping and how to start a fire is 90% of the way to surviving long term in temperate wilderness. Yeah, building shelter and knowing what to eat are important too, but making sharp things and creating heat are the two things that are make or break in a survival situation.

    Speaking of not leaving written records, a large number of cultures had strong oral traditions that passed information down for thousands of years. Oral traditions have the additional benefit of being taught personally, allowing for time to ensure it is actually understood! It does have the danger of being lost when the culture changes significantly.

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    Trump will not prepare for debating Kamala Harris. He believes he’s perfect
  • No, he fails every time but his base pretends he wins and the news has such low expectations and a need to sell advertising for profit so they go along with it.

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    Unlocked, loaded guns more common among parents who give kids firearm lessons
  • People who fetishize self defense carry will always have loaded and unlocked guns in the house because they are afraid of someone breaking in at any moment and they might need to play John Wick: Home Edition. Those kinds of people also teach gun safety because they think responsible handling of firearms is important.

    They just don't understand that accidents are far more likely than a home invasion, and children are children even if they are taught gun safety.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • The constant UI changes that fix nothing of importance and make using it less enjoyable.

    A recent update changed the options for navigation from being able to hide the three icons at the bottom and swipe instead to make it like an iphone where you have one swipe up and it does things based on whether you hold or let go immediately and now the sides are go back swipes. They kept the option to show buttons, but apparently keeping the two options and adding this new train wreck as a third option is too hard. So to use my fulll screen real estate I have the joy of accidentally going back a page dozens of times per day, holding or not holding the swipe up the wrong amount of time dozens of times per day, and when I crop photos I constantly catch the stupid edge go back thing and have to cancel. At least it asks first I guess.

    Why couldn't they keep swipe up for three things if they kept the buttons in the same spot anyway? I am still trying to get used to the new stupid thing after a few months because the bottom buttons are such a waste of space.

    That is the worst offender, but changing icons, how notifications work, and several other things are just annoying enough tl not drive me away but feel like change for the sake of change. I know some changes can require a lot of maintenance to have multiple options, but keeping a basic navigation option when adding a third should not jave been a big deal.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • Be the continuation of a meme you want to see.

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    My local Publix removed the water dispenser
  • It has what plants crave!

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    Burning Up
  • 2 liter bottle.

    Checkmate, athiests.

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    Job application hell
  • This is almost guaranteed to be used to deny minorities a position.

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    Russian soldiers posted a video testing their bulletproof vests. All five bullets penetrated the armor plate completely. "Just f*cking great. Thank you, Ministry of Defense."
  • You are thinking of a flak jacket, which is for shrapnel.

    Bullet proof vests should be bullet proof up to a reasonable impact. They won't stop a .50 cal, but are designed to handle assault rifles like the m-16 or AK at a commmon engagement distance when loaded with standard ammunition.

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • That sounds like more work than just putting the cart back...

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    Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • There should be a requirement for cart return spots next to the handicap parking. In places where there is a return 10 feet from the spots I still see a ton of carts in the parking spots.

    I get that it can be hard, but it seems way too frequent that they could do the whole store but just couldn't make that last 10 feet. Like sure, occasionally that is inderstandable.

    So I will judge them while also grabbing the cart and either using it or putting it away because that is the right thing to do.

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    Google is facing another crucial court case in the US – and it could have major consequences for online advertising.
  • That's fine. I will either continue to use adblockers, pay, or stop using the internet outside of what is required to function in society. I already refuse to use anything that has decided to go ad supported without the ability to block ads and has a price I'm not willing to pay.

    If small (or large) businesses require the mass collection of personal information by malicious advertisers to exist, then they don't derserve to exist.

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    TIL about lunch shaming... america are you ok?
  • There wasn’t a debate in congress, there wasn’t any tax increase or funding shortfall. The money was just there because they wanted it.

    And then states like Missouri refused the money because Republicans hate children.

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    True love
  • He didn't say what he made in 18 months. He might just sell Santa themed toilet seat covers during the holidays and isn't aware of how to advertise.

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    Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane?
  • No, no. The one with the wild and wacky activities!

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    Minecraft creators are already trying to fix the Minecraft movie
  • Sonic had some digital effects in the real world. This looks like they went all in on green screen digital effects. There is zero chance this one will change.

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    Google is facing another crucial court case in the US – and it could have major consequences for online advertising.
  • Yes, OP said all advertising. You mentioned the main problems with ditching all advertising. I added to the conversation with a poasible middle ground that addressed the worst parts.

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    Google is facing another crucial court case in the US – and it could have major consequences for online advertising.
  • Targeted advertising, which requires collecting personal information without people's knowledge, is what makes online advertising the absolute worst kind of advertising. That could be addressed on a way that could allow other less malicious forms to exist.

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    South Australia is proposing a law to ban kids under 14 from social media. How would it work?
  • There’d have to be a way of checking people’s identity, and thus their age, whenever they create an account, and it would have to be legally mandated for any online sites where people can post user-generated content.

    Older siblings, friends, and organized students would just create multiple accounts and hand them over to younger kids. Also, a lot of adults would just create accounts for their kids.

    It would be a keep off the grass sign no matter who implements it.

  • You tube descriptions showing in German(?) on

    This is something that I couldn't find an obvious setting for, but someone pointed out that the descriptions are different on different instances.

    This post has a German (?) description on, but on it's in English.

    In my settings:

    • Interface language is Browser Default.
    • Languages has Undetermined and English selected

    All other descriptions on posts are in English, only youtube seems to be different.

