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What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • I use sonicare too it's great but you don't really need the top end models, the tech inside is the same as the lower-mid end models it's just some marketing bullshit.

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    Microsoft says a Copilot key is coming to keyboards on Windows PCs starting this month
  • Chatgpt is just Cortana with better marketing. AI isn't smart, it's just algorithms producing a facsimile of language via pattern heatmaps. What was Cortana if not just an earlier version of the same thing?

    Well no, not really IMO. Cortana as far as I know wasn't based on LLMs as we know them today, it was a way older method of NLP. You're right that on a high level it's pretty similar but the underlying technology is qualitatively different IMO.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Yeah tbh if you paid for the cat toy more than $5 you've almost certainly wasted money. Mine gets bored of most toys after a few days except for a few banger toys he still uses, but those also cost like $5.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Not sure if that's true for table tennis. Like yeah if you're just barely starting out sure get the $10 paddle but pretty soon (maybe even within a month or two) you're gonna want a better paddle if you want to be at all serious about it.

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    What are some items that really aren't worth paying the expensive version for?
  • Electric toothbrushes. Don't get the cheapest one either, get a mid range one from a good brand but the top end models of the good brands are just scams, they just look a bit nicer and have some shitty "AI powered" app you'll never use.

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    The Steam Awards 2023 results are out and they’re a meme – Hogwarts Legacy winning the Best Game on Steam Deck Award
  • Maybe spend your energy on something else, you're giving her more mindspace than she is doing actual harm to the community.

    Are you trans? If not then maybe shut the fuck up and listen when other trans people tell you what's harming them and what's not? Why do you think you even get a say in the matter?

    And she's probably making very very little off of HL as a whole.

    She's literally a billionaire what the fuck are you talking about.

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    How do you guys cope with the fact that the world isn't getting any better?
  • This kind of thinking feels like just cherry picking the good things to focus on, which sometimes isn't the worst coping mechanism to have but in this context I think it just leads to complacency. The fact is the general trajectory of the world isn't good even though some progressive ways of thinking have been normalized in some places, we could be doing much much better, we just choose not to.

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    Under Argentina’s New President, Fuel Is Up 60%, and Diaper Prices Have Doubled
  • How the fuck do you think the global population gets lowered other than, at the very least, restricting some people from reproducing? You think people are magically going to want no kids?

    Also you didn't respond to the part of my comment where I literally say that "overpopulation" is a fascist myth and isn't anywhere close to the truth.

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    Under Argentina’s New President, Fuel Is Up 60%, and Diaper Prices Have Doubled
  • Its not fascist to say all humans need to curb our reproduction rates to make a better life for future generations.

    Yes it is, because the problem was never the total number of humans, the problem is our wasteful economic system. With a rational economic system we could easily sustain 10 billion people, we literally already produce food for that much, it just goes to waste.

    You're just so brainwashed by capitalist ideology you think the only solution to climate change is genocide, god forbid you try to envision a better economic system.

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    Under Argentina’s New President, Fuel Is Up 60%, and Diaper Prices Have Doubled
  • Diapers are causing the most damage to the planet? You sure about that? Also the dude is a climate change denier so this isn't even a "broken clock right twice a day" thing, it's just purely accidental.

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    People who can don't get mad and just go with the flow, how do you do it?
  • Do these feelings of anger linger for long? Personally I'm like you in the sense that tiny inconveniences piss me off but I also drop those feelings pretty quickly and go on with my day, it's like a very short spike of anger and then back to normal, I just kinda remind myself it's not a huge deal and go on with my life. I think it's healthy to feel the anger just don't dwell on it for long.

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    GitHub Desktop or Git CLI?
  • Gitgui is pretty great too if you need a bit of interactivity. It's bare bones and no bullshit but can still do like 90% of what all the other fancy tools can do.

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    EU approves ban on destruction of unsold clothing
  • I suppose that instead of destroying them, they’d need to be sold in a second hand clothes store or to be refurbished, and not just dumped into Africa or China… right?

    Isn't that, like, better than just destroying them tho? I get it this is a pretty mild and inconsequantial reform in the grand scheme of things but it feels like you're just being contrarian for the sake of it.

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    Whats your such opinion
  • Oh my god dude you sound so pathetic right now. If you actually do hold radical left beliefs of any kind and it's not just a cute online label for you (really doubt that but I'll give you the benefit of a doubt) go outside, touch some fucking grass, and organize IRL, or at least talk to people IRL about it. We've all heard your bullshit "anti tankie" tirades from people like you a thousand times over, you're not changing any minds and are not impressing anybody with your arguments, I can absolutely guarantee you that.

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    Your Salary
  • Protip for always looking busy at an office job: walk fast around the office with a notepad and pencil in hand, even if you're just going for a break or a shit, makes it seems like you're very busy with meetings and such.
