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“Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days
  • The death toll was frozen for weeks and 1.1 million people have been experiencing acute famine as well as the entire 2.3 million having no access to healthcare in the middle of an active genocide. The official estimates are incredibly low.

    I accept the official death count but to ignore what they aren't counting, which I've listed above also does a disservice to the realities on the ground.

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    “Complete Dehumanization”: Israel Killed Over 800 Palestinians in 11 Days
  • Wait until you find out the actual death toll is likely 200,000+ over the last 8 months.

    The 37,000 number is only bodies that have been identified, cases of starvation and disease are also excluded.

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    Big Bad Wolf Thought
  • People can be extremely evil and still respond positively to being given ownership of something. You're reading what you want to read, not whats actually there.

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    Big Bad Wolf Thought
  • Not OP but:

    it is power itself, and the effects of power, that make people stupid and irresponsible.

    I read it as; most people are negatively affected on both sides of power imbalances. The natural answer to this is to attempt to remove power imbalances.

    In the context of decision making, no matter if you think humans are inherently goody two shoes or not; most people respond well to increased responsibility. More democratised decision making and ownership in a community creates a positive feedback loop. An easy to understand example is in a company a flat bonus for meeting your target gives no motivation to a worker after they meet that target compared to worker coops splitting profits evenly between all workers because they share ownership of the company.

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    I'm writing this from a crappy laptop with 2GB of RAM and a dull screen.
  • A lot of it is in the design stage tbf. If features/UI can be cut or simplified then it can make a big difference. Performant code is good and the tech stack you choose also matters.

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    How do folks bemoaning the lack of a global communist revolution in the 1910s reconcile that with the mass starvations that happened in the two largest communist countries?
  • 20 million people die from starvation, lack of access to clean water or preventable disease under capitalism EVERY YEAR.

    These are solvable problems but its not profitable. 1/3 of food produced globably is thrown away. We've plenty of solutions for access to water. Preventable disease, it's in the name.

  • Jump is acting as a proxy instance for Hexbear and should be defederated by any instances that defederate from Hexbear
  • Fracturing the space is way more destructive than whatever you mean by destructive moderating, since the moderating will only affect some communities and even within that, some users while defederating will split the user base.

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  • We're still doing that and I would argue that we are no more peaceful, we just now have a NIMBY approach to conflict

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    Most battery friendly charging
  • Fast charging is 100% convenience for the end user and marketing material for the company. Fast charging is just dumping more electrons into a battery quicker than slow charging. I don't think battery tech has adapted that much to be able to handle this so AFAIK we're just normalising abusing our batteries. Did read an article that batteries that we're slow charged, also discharged slower as well.

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    Most battery friendly charging
  • Gonna add on to this, most people are right in saying get a low amp charger(amps are the more important that volts afaik) 1A is easiest to source but did see a .5A one time. Don't leave charging at 100% for long periods of time.

    What is missing from the comments IMO is anyone talking about how you use your phone. Minimise screen time and bloated software that is always running/sending data. Lineage (or graphene OS since you're on a pixel) with no google apps will prolong your battery. For now I've just got some banking apps, molly(signal fork), jerboa and slack on my phone. My 3000mAh battery from 2016 is now lasting over 24 hours instead of less than 8 hours when using mainstream social media apps.

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    Ansar Allah Announces Expansion of Attacks on Israel-Bound Ships to All of Indian Ocean
  • It is an insult to a people suffering from a famine Americas ally has manufactured, to drop 1% of the needed aid(and kill people doing it) when you could stop the famine by letting the hundreds of truck in that are sitting on the border......

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    YouTube is deliberately crippling Firefox on ARM systems
  • But they are useful and completely valid ways of dealing with the problem.

    It is not the end of the world if I have to click am extra once or twice to change the language. Hell most websites have much harder processes just to reject cookies.

    Personally I would rather err on the side of slightly extra work the odd time I'm not on a website not in my native language than have an extra bit of information that can be used to track me.

    Again take a look at the Gemini protocol, its a perfectly fine browsing experience without all the cruft.

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    A case for preemptively defederating with Threads
  • Most people probably didn't consider the internet something that could be monopolised at the start either.

    We have the same view on private social media.

    IMO we should treat this like any other instance that goes against what we want to see on the fediverse, defed it on all the main instances and if someone wants to access it they can have a threads account or an account on a small instance that is federated with them.
