Yeah, down with the violence of the state! Although, to prevent bad actors and armed gangs we do need to have some sort of militia to protect the vulnerable from the greedy and cruel, human nature being what it is. And to prevent said militia from turning into the very thing it was supposed to protect us from, we need some sort of oversight, preferably from a democratically elected body, that tells the militia how to act and prevent them from violating the rights of the people. Oh wait I just reinvented violence of the state hehe.
People in Somalia hearing that America has a 1.8% homelessness rate: "wow. Things are really just as bad over there."
So what you're saying is that it's okay for me to just walk into someone's home, murder the entire family and just live there now because I'm the most violent of all?
The only proper response when a liberal tries to hide behind the NAP no one can freely or willingly enter into a contract under duress of starvation and homelessness.