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Elements of Renewable Energy
  • Yes, and, once established, a grove of trees can continue providing biomass for literally centuries. Look up coppicing.

  • I wonder if the pun works in both languages

    "universal and free electric service is the floor if we want to keep the green transition going"
  • You spent a lot of paragraphs on a "dumb" argument. Sounds like, despite your insistence it doesn't matter, it really does matter to you.

    USians gonna US, I guess.

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    "universal and free electric service is the floor if we want to keep the green transition going"
  • When you think about it, it's kind of offensive to call ourselves (US residents) "Americans" as if in all of North and South America we're the only country that matters.

  • Example: where wet bulb temperatures are the new normal, air conditioning is as vital as air and water because you will literally die without cooling. "You can buy all the electricity you can afford" is not good enough.

    21 Introducing commons ideas at the Festival of Commoning

    I want to convince you that a commons system is a better system, and it’s achievable – a combination of new commons economy and commons governance ideas. I think a commons system will produce much better leaders in terms of integrity, compassion and intelligence than capitalism and liberal democracy...

    Parenting Was Meant To Take a Village
  • There's always the "cool aunt/uncle/friend with no children who's always available to babysit" option. Communal child rearing generally starts with extended family - those without minor children pitch in to help the adults with minor children - and you don't need kids of your own to help out that way.

    But you do kind of need a trusting relationship with those adults first, so they'll be willing to trust you with their kids, and it's hard to build those relationships from scratch, or rebuild them with family members if you've lost that trust already.

  • Parenting Was Meant To Take a Village

    How capitalism atomized families and fucked us all over.

    shitty little snowflake has to be special, can't just act normal like everyone else
  • Your faith in the U.S. legal system is touching.

    In many parts of the United States, if any parent or child sued over mandating the Pledge of Allegiance, their family would have to flee town for their own safety, after which the local judge would throw out the case for lack of standing because the student isn't enrolled anymore.

    Laws are pieces of paper. They mean what the men with guns say they mean. And in red America, the men with guns say shut up and salute the flag.

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    But they love him in the mirror universe.
  • Musk's target audience are liberal, West Coast, technocratic, white or upper caste Hindu, brogressives and techbros - men (and the occasional token woman like Elizabeth Holmes) who give lip service to equality and talk a good game about social justice, and then go home to their gentrified neighborhoods and beat their wives. The kind of people who vocally celebrate the anti-capitalist ethic of Burning Man and then spend the burn in a luxurious private compound with dozens of servants and sex workers getting high off their ass while artists perform for them like Venetian nobles patronizing Renaissance painters.

    His target audience are precisely the people who would name drop the Culture when promoting their latest startup but revert to moralizing about "traditional Western values" the instant someone actually behaves like a Culture member.

  • Under Meredith Whittaker, Signal Is Out to Prove Surveillance Capitalism Wrong

    On its 10th anniversary, Signal’s president wants to remind you that the world’s most secure communications platform is a nonprofit. It’s free. It doesn’t track you or serve you ads. It pays its engineers very well. And it’s a go-to app for hundreds of millions of people.

    1 In Defense of the Planned City

    In 1960s New York, a new urbanist philosophy emerged that argued cities were best developed organically, without municipal planning. But cities like NYC today need a good dose of planned, large-scale public housing to address their housing crises.

    turns out the solution was "criminalize homelessness and build for profit prisons"
  • the homeless are more akin to pests as far as the money is concerned.

    I'd go one step further. Homelessness, and poverty in general, are necessary to capitalism. If the consequences of poverty weren't so bad, workers wouldn't fear losing their jobs so much. Homelessness helps maintain the authority of the boss over the worker and the corresponding hierarchy of capital over labor.

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  • Yep. The race to the Moon was just a dick measuring contest between the US and USSR. Manned space travel is a meaningless ego trip for governments. Unmanned space travel is equally useless in practical terms - learning about other planets does nothing to help the proletariat on our own - but at least wastes less money.

    Global internet connection via satellite, and GPS, on the other hand, have helped the proletariat in actual practical terms. It's a shame it took all that billionaire ego dick waving to get there.

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  • I sense sarcasm, but you are literally, unironically, correct.

    If faster than light travel does not change the material conditions of the ordinary person, then it's not radical or revolutionary - it's just another toy for the rich and/or dick measuring tool for governments to boast about.

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    we're approximately three inches right of fuck
  • The "evidence" can point to many conclusions.

    Not when reviewed objectively.

    Also, from personal experience, I'm not at all convinced we are causing global warming. And I'm not even convinced the earth, on average, is warming rather than cooling.

    Global average surface temperature has been rising since 1850. The ten warmest years in the historical record have all occurred in the past decade.

    The earth is getting hotter. This is an objective fact. Facts don't care about your feelings.

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    we're approximately three inches right of fuck
  • Project 2025 has a plan for that.

    Unfortunately the plan is "build lots and lots of nuclear power plants and produce more coal, oil, and national gas domestically". But at least it's a plan.

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    i would put trump further right tho
  • Trump is the creation of the Tea Party movement of 2008-2010, when a fringe group of Republicans couldn't stop being explicitly racist about Obama, and then found out that, hey, there were millions of Americans out there who wanted racist candidates to vote for, and mainstream Republicans had made a huge mistake by pivoting away from overt racism after civil rights, because the market for hate was huge.

    And more than that, Trump is the creation of Fox News, the inevitable result of the end of the Fairness Doctrine, the American proletariat finally spitting in the eye of the mainstream Republican Party's pretention to bipartisanship. After two generations of Two Minutes Hate, twenty-some years of indoctrination by Limbaugh and Hannity and pure raw hatred in a dozen forms, the American people finally chose a President who hated liberals and feminists and civil rights as much as they did and wasn't afraid to say it in public.

    The difference between Trump and Harris isn't policy. Except for a few hot button social issues, both Democrats and Republicans are solidly conservative at this point. What Harris is promising is to administer, competently, the same aggressive foreign policy and domestic security state that Trump would administer incompetently. And what Trump is promising is open hatred and contempt towards immigrants, foreigners, transgender people, and unhoused people, while Harris would brutalize those groups politely, with a veneer of objectivity and pious words about respecting everyone's common humanity.

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    i would put trump further right tho
  • The Democrat convention was the most aggressively warmongering, conservative, corporate friendly Dem convention in my lifetime, and I remember Kerry "reporting for duty" in 2004.

    No one was allowed to speak in favor of peace - in Palestine, in Ukraine, anywhere else. Palestinian protesters were shouted down and silenced.

    It had mindless chants of USA USA USA over and over again.

    It had billionaires smugly congratulating themselves on their wealth - Christ, they had JB Pritzker, the billionaire Hyatt heir who bought his position from Rod Blagojevich, speaking directly after Bernie Sanders, and the next speaker was the fucking CEO of American Express, and I can't read that as anything but a personal insult to Bernie.

    It had reams and reams of copaganda in favor of the would-be cop in chief, hammering the theme of "law and order", boasting of giving more funding to police.

    It had Obama's director of the CIA - the man whose drone warfare program killed thousands of innocent people produced acceptable levels of collateral damage - publicly masturbating over killing Bin Laden.

    There were a whole bunch of literal conservatives and Republicans who hadn't changed their conservative beliefs at all but just moved to Democrat because Trump was insane and the Democrats had moved right enough that their conservative beliefs were now mainstream in the party.

    It was all law and order and aggressive policing and secure the border and sell more guns to Ukraine and sell more bombs to Israel and kill kill kill for freedom - and then Harris took the stage and boasted of having the most lethal military in the world and I tuned out and gave up.

    This year's Democrat Party convention was indistinguishable from a generic Republican convention of the 2000s. It could have been hosted by Cheney and Kissinger and nominate Bush Jr for a third term and not a single word or policy proposal would need to change.
