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The New Terminal (Beta) Is Now in JetBrains IDEs
  • nice username btw. i was almost confused

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Is it me or isn't ISO 8601 string more than enough?

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    How does dog pee ownership work?
  • This is the best comment on the whole fediverse, ever

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    Hideki Kamiya thinks Japan should be proud of ‘JRPG’ and wants to use ‘J-Action’
  • JAV (Japanese Audio Visual collective)

    emm... I think JAV means completely different. I thought it was japanese adult video?

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    What features you may be missing from reddit would you like to see?
  • Multireddit (or now called custom feed)

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    What happened to Postman?!
  • I could be wrong but I don't think is cloud based. CMIIW

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    What happened to Postman?!
  • I'm very very surprised nobody has recommended yet

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    Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags so ... dull?
  • I don't know, but to me this isn't really dull. I wonder if it is matched with actual current events? Like, for example, if an earthquake, #earthquake and similar hashtags will show on trending section

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    Lemmy apps
  • Excited for Sync and Boost, but damn, Thunder looks even more interesting... It's actually the smoothest Flutter app I've used so far

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    The Zuck suck is in full swing.
  • What I hate about this is that they say things like "Try the best to protect users' privacy" etc then do shits like this

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    joining the fediverse to bitch about reddit is the same as going on a date, and spending the whole night talking about your ex
  • NGL, this made me miss one Boost for Reddit feature: filter based on keyword

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    Kbin: What is your all time favourite video game?
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Skyrim

  • I heard it's already launched, is it true?

    Yeah, I'm aware it's from Meta so automatically it's going to be hated by people from Fediverse... But I think it's not fair to judge something until we try it directly.

    I'm particularly interested in the ActivityPub compatibility, but it's seems like it's not going to be enabled on launch? Can anyone confirm?

    NGL, my expectation is very low from this app. The fact that it's not going to be released in EU is very alarming, hmm. Meta isn't known for respecting user's privacy...

    If brands were brutally honest. What brand would have what slogan?
  • Cloudflare: We're the single point of failure of the internet
