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Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our unshittified experience
  • Yes, until you install an update. Then it's best practice to run it again.

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    Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our unshittified experience
  • If it is an intel based machine, it's no really much different than any other machine. The only difference would be in how you get to the boot menu. That's about it.

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    Kentucky man admits to faking own death to avoid paying child support
  • Kipf then “infiltrated” other states’ death registry systems using credentials stolen from other people to infiltrate private businesses, government and corporate networks (allegedly the booking systems of a number of hotel chains), and then tried to sell access to the networks to potential customers online.

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    Who are you talking to?
  • I bet you thought you were so woke for this.

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    Rebase Supremacy
  • Because my new intel integrated graphics cause Wayland to run like a slideshow.

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    It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a pyramid-shaped scheme
  • Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach.

    A phrase that would bounce around when I was in grad school.

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  • It’s correlational, not causal. There isn’t going to be a definitive source on this

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  • The prices went back down right after the federal government announced a price fixing investigation and a bunch of news coverage came out about how their claims were bogus.

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    What are your thoughts on Microsoft Copilot?
  • I’ve had a lot of opportunity to use copilot at work, and it’s always been a joke. If you ask it to do any tasks that would actually give you a result, you’re better off just spending that time doing it right.

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    Pluralistic: The antitrust case against Apple
  • Yeah I know. Never said different.

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    Pluralistic: The antitrust case against Apple
  • You can also turn off personalized ads for the App Store, Apple News, and Stocks:

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    Japan schools move to protect cheerleaders from upskirting at sporting events
  • I expect nothing less from someone whose profile picture is an anime child smelling feet.

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    Where does the wind come from? [beetlemoses]
  • Nah, above is photographic proof of where wind comes from.

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    Has exercise helped your mental health?
  • It's definitely a crutch for me. I've used exercise several times recently to give myself an attitude adjustment.

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    Google cosplay is not business-critical
  • There’s someone at my work who really needs to see this…

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    And don't forget RTFM
  • People will spend hours learning things that save them seconds.

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    Router recommendations? (under 100CAD)
  • Check out gear by GL.iNet. They’re pretty cheap, albeit low specced, but they come with OpenWRT flavor preinstalled. They’re an unbelievable value proposition and I’ve been running mine with no noticeable issues since September. For you I would look at something like their GL-AX1800. Poke around on their store, but that AX1800 is just shy of $100 in the US.

    I got mine specifically because of my home lab set up and them being recommended by my work’s cybersec manager.

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    Is TV Dead? Global TV Shipments Hit a Decade Low in 2023
  • We have also seen the budget range improve in quality and affordability. There will always be cheap junk TVs and overly expensive TVs, but that midrange, where most people buy, has become rock solid. There just isn’t much region to upgrade at the moment.

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    Does anyone else struggle with tech permanence?
  • I can't believe just how called out by this post I feel. There are lots of good tips and recommendations throughout this thread, but this one in particular seems to sum up not only my behaviors that I described above, but with a lot of oddities in how I do things. In particular, these are some notable items you mentioned that I do on a regular basis:

    • "...the reason I (for example) restart video games instead of playing to the end is because my stress response is messed up, and my solution to a fun game going sour is to “reboot” and seek a redo (just like how I left home, or quit some jobs to get away from stressful people!)."
    • "Set up entire websites and message forums just to get away from IRL stuff that sucked."
    • "You sound like you’re in tech, maybe a programmer..."
    • "Things turn black and white–either everything is absolutely 100% perfect, or you’ve failed and you’re going to burn in hell with all the other failures!"

    I really appreciate this comment. It's one of the few that are really emphasizing that these are habits that seem more design, subconsciously, to pull me away from true feelings. Some feelings I tend to experience in connection with these episodes lack of purpose, imposter syndrome, hurt, etc. I've been responding to commenters throughout that I think therapy and mindfulness of these behaviors is my most logical next steps, but I'm really appreciative of the recommendations and personal experiences you've shared with us. It definitely makes me feel like I'm not alone in this world.

  • Update

    --- Hi there. I'm blown away by the quality of responses I've received here. Throughout, there are some extremely useful perspectives on what might be going on and the underlying motivations that are leading to my behavior. My next logical step is to be mindful of the emotions that I'm feeling when I start to feel these reset behaviors, and to extend my awareness of them outside of just the example I shared below. The next logical step is to seek out a therapist or other sort of psychological support. I just want to thank those have commented and encourage users to keep conversations going between them. My interaction with this post will likely slow a lot as I contemplate and try to find a normal. For the curious, I resisted a strong urge to do a reset yesterday at work and instead of spending a couple hours doing that, I spent considerable time learning through some blind spots in a language I'm supposed to be an expert at. Thanks again to all of you.

    While all comments were useful in one way or another, I was especially impacted by comments from IonAddis and Boozilla

    Original Post

    --- I'm struggling to find relevant information or shared experiences on this topic and I'm hoping that someone here can point me in the right direction. I seem to have always struggled with what I'm calling tech permanence. I define tech permanence as the ability to use some form of tech (either a phone, an operating system, a library, a package manager, etc.) for an extended period of time.

    My issue is then that I struggle with maintaining long-term relationships with these technical aspects of my life and it's starting to affect my work and mental health. An example is likely the best way to describe this. >At least once a week I reinstall the operating system on my desktop computer at work because I can't seem to commit to Linux or Windows 11. I'm not distro hopping on the Linux side of things (always Debian 12).

    I've identified a cycle where this behavior repeats:

    1. Get excited by something that is only available on Linux: this can be a specific software, but more often than not it is actually the file system itself. I love everything about it.
    2. Work on Linux for a couple of days: in this stage I'll painstakingly craft an environment that is needed for my work.
    3. ** Mental cry**: in this stage my mind will tell me that I'm just using Linux to use Linux and everything I want to do I can do on my MacBook or on Windows. I've seen this coupled with a bit of anxiety about not being able to use Microsoft products if requested (though I know there are a million work arounds).
    4. Searching for greener pastures: a stage in which I want to just use products that are more reliable, and honestly, just more pretty. This is the stage that perplexes me the most and often where the reinstall of my desktop to Windows occurs.
    5. Work on Windows for a couple of days: in this stage I set up my environment, do work for a couple of days, and then wonder why I don't just use Linux.
    6. Repeat: I repeat this cycle 1-2 times per week.

    This can be mapped to phone operating systems too. An example is that I use an iOS device on a daily basis, but sometimes I'll go get a cheap Pixel just to throw GrapheneOS on, then to revert to Android, and then back to iOS.

    I've tried pretty hard to search for relevant examples of this online, but I can't seem to find the right search terms for any of this. The closest I've seen is "object permanence" in the ADHD research, but I'm pretty cautious to start self-diagnosing as I'm not a professional.

    Can anyone comment on this or point me to a more appropriate community?

    48 Beauty Pageant Director Accused of Using Contestants to Overthrow Government

    No, this isn’t the plot for Miss Congeniality 3. But it could be.

    Though this was an interesting and short read.


    Hi all,

    I'm in a unique situation where my landlord can't log in to his router nor is around/cares to contact the ISP to do so. This is my current setup. Does anyone know how I might go about measuring the latency between the router and my end devices (area shaded in orange)? I'm just curious to see how much my setup is introducing in terms of online games and what not.

    And yes, 40 mbps is all we get out in suburban Alaska. Cope with me.



    Does anyone know what you would call this style?

    Photo taken from Reddit user u/OnceAToaster [Post Link]
