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Younger users of Lemmy: Did you ever love a game that you just really sucked at?
  • Escape from tarkov. I am intrigued by the concept of the game, but each time I played I was outmatched in gear and skill.

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    Getting into rust and could use some pointers
  • Thanks! Really good points here, will have to find some time to apply them.

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    Getting into rust and could use some pointers
  • Yeah I moved it over and it got a lot nicer, nice to have this type of thing built in to cargo.

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    Getting into rust and could use some pointers
  • Thanks for the great points.

    • Using the BufRead trait sounds like a good improvement!
    • Yes, this is a stupid temp thing that I have to fix once I get better errors in place. Which you also had some good ideas on :)
    • Good idea, should be helpful
    • As mentioned above, this sounds great!
    • Yup, left over from the initial CLI application
    • Yeah it is there as an example, need to look into how examples are better set up
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    Getting into rust and could use some pointers
  • ah the IO module is left over from the initial CLI calculator. Will have to clean that out at some point.

    And the inline server module is also left over from when I was writing everything in the same file first before splitting out.

    Good catches! Thanks

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    Getting into rust and could use some pointers
  • I guess that it makes sense. I've been doing Go for the past two years.

  • Greetings to all.

    I have spent the last couple of evenings learning about Rust and trying it out. Wrote a simple cli calculator as a first thing and thought I would improve it by making it available over http.

    I was actually a bit surprised to find that there was no http tooling in the standard library, and searching online gave me an overload of information on different libraries and frameworks.

    I ended up implementing my own simple HTTP server, might as well as this is a learning project.

    Now I have it working, and while it isn't perfect or done, I thought that this would be a good time to check what things I am doing wrong/badly.

    Which is why I am here, would love to get some pointers on it all to make sure I am going in the right direction in the future.

    The project is hosted here:

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Neovim here as well. Though I do use LSPs. I write mostly Go in a fairly large code base so “go to definition” is pretty much a must have.

    I was considering going without and just using grep like tools, but not yet.

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    Whats your favorite free open source software that everyone should try?
  • I really want to use podman, but the compose part in it is still a bit too far behind

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    Can you drive a manual transmission?
  • Well EVs only really have forwards and backwards. No additional gears.

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    Community Update #23: Here's To You
  • It didn’t feel like I rushed it, maybe I missed some bits in act two, but it still took just over 50 hours.

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    Community Update #23: Here's To You
  • It took me just over 50 hours

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    Community Update #23: Here's To You
  • Oh, I am one of only 368 people… I guess that explains why the wife was a bit grumpy

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    [Spoiler] Act 2 - Last Light Inn | Discussion
  • The only times I load a save is if I get wiped, so this first campaign has been interesting to say the least.

    The last inn was my first big disaster in a string that has made my first play through quite sad.

    Everyone except my party died at that inn, and my party only just survives with less that 5hp between all the characters.

    Compared to act one this turned dark really quick.

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    ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K
  • By default dive rolls are not truly random, check out the “karmic dice” setting under gameplay settings.

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    What's Everyone Playing in Their First Playthrough?
  • So that you first experience their stories as a third party, and later have the option of experiencing them from their own perspective.

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    Umm I think I'll just delete you instead
  • It is not

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    Omistatko LG:n television? Luvassa on mainoksia ja tilauksia vielä tämän vuoden aikana
  • Oletan että tulee mainokset ja kaikki muu online toiminnallisuus samasta paikasta eli ei taida olla hyödyksi 🤔

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    How did you mess with school computers?
  • Had to scroll way to far to find this 😂 teachers got quite upset when we discovered this trick in middle school.

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    issues installing nobara project
  • If you have an nvidia card you need to select the fallback (or something) entry in grub

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    What screams "poorly educated"?
  • Bonus points for using “like” in like every sentence.

    FTFY ;)
