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What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • I was gonna say superhero movies but that's more a thing of the 2020s.

    Regardless, i think the current phase of Hollywood won't go down in history, all these remakes being unceremoniously shoved into streaming services to be forgotten forever will leave a black hole where 2020's culture should be.

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    How serious are you guys when you talk about punching nazis?
  • An under-appreciated fact about fascists is their karen-adjacent sense of entitlement and victimhood. Which will be amplified if they become the target of violence.

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    YT channel cooking terrible vintage recipes.
  • When someone comes out of the gate with high quality content like that i wonder if they're a real creator or an actor employed by a media company

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    Music industry’s 1990s hard drives, like all HDDs, are dying
  • It's even the case for physical media, like paper and carved stone, because over a long enough time people forget the language that they were written in. Historians had to teach themselves how to read ancient egyptian, and off the top i think a lot of Maya inscriptions are still a mystery.

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    elucidating 🤌🏼
  • I fucking love "thereto" and "therein", alwo "which" and "whence" and things like that, such simple words that make sentences less awkward

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    Let the man enjoy his boats
  • Where i grew up we could see tanker ships anchored in the bay. I would have loved to get familiar with them but we never stayed there long enough and i don't know if i would have seen the same ship twice anyway

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    Former model and Miss Switzerland finalist Kristina Joksimovic 'pureed' in blender by husband - reports
  • The article is unclear about which body parts were dismantled and blended, i assume he just did the arms and legs or something. Which leaves a lot of the body to be found and analyzed.

    Basically, if i get this right, he was cutting the body in pieces and blending them one by one, which i assume must be a long process so no wonder he got caught. Honestly if i were to get rid of a body that would also be my plan in its entirety

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    Linux rule
  • I'm going to add on to this: aside from every competitor having to build their own product from scratch, a vertical structure of leadership allows for an individual or small group to have massive resources invested into their ideas. Which are so very often deeply flawed ideas.

    Have you looked at Paint3D? Microsoft had a vision for a future where we interact with 3D objects in daily life and we would need a basic software to edit them, just like we use Paint to edit the images that we interact with. It's kind of insane, i can't even guess how many man-hours were spent on it by Microsoft developers.

    And absolutely nobody has ever used it.

    You can find more extreme examples, especially if you look outside of software (oh god the military); but Paint3D is one of the more accessible ones, any Windows user can check it out right now.

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    Republicans dismayed by Trump’s ‘bad’ and ‘unprepared’ debate performance
  • OK so Biden had a bad debate, was visibly incoherent for a while beforeheand, and they took him out of the race.

    Now Trump has had a bad debate and has been visibly incoherent for years. Is the GOP going to take him out of the race for a stronger candidate?

    I don't want to make a false equivalency, these are different parties and different candidates; Trump supporters are more loyal than usual, and he would take them with him as he's not likely to accept his exclusion, so the GOP taking Trump out of the race is riskier than Dems taking Biden out of the race.

    But, seen from the left, conservatives are the ones with a reputation for ruthless pragmatism when it comes to electoral politics. They're the ones who sacrifice their values by voting for candidates that do advance their goals.

    A lot of leftists, out of idealism, wouldn't vote for Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020; meanwhile evangelicals made the pragmatic decision to vote for Trump, the least christian man in the whole GOP, because he furthers their anti-abortion agenda. I argue that conservatives are absolutely correct in this, voting for a candidate that you don't like just to advance your goals is the correct approach to representative democracy. My evidence for this is that evangelical voters were rewarded for their vote when of Roe v Wade was overruled thanks to judges from the Trump administration.

    So i think, if the GOP replaces Trump but keeps an equally extremist agenda, there's a world where electoral pragmatism causes those voters to transfer over, leading to better odds of a GOP victory. And a conservative presidency other than Trump would push their agenda more efficiently than the first Trump presidency did or than a second Trump presidency would.

    Uh... So DON'T do that. That should not happen. It would be the right thing for the GOP to do, which means it's the wrong thing and i hope it doesn't happen.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • It's not compatible with LinaegeOS or any FOSS operating system, i checked.

    A while back i would have complained that the fingerprint scanner was crap, but i actually got that working properly by entering the same fingerprint three times

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  • Same reason as everybody else: because everybody else is still there. I'm almost alone on my Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads, and Tumblr.

    Almost no one has ethical ownership as a priority when picking a social media, the deciding factor is always who else is on there. Weirdos like you and me are way ahead of the adoption curve.

    I believe that fediverse platforms are superior, they're more structurally resilient and they will outlive Twitter and Reddit and all corporate social media; but that's a bet on the long run.

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  • And yet you see everyone using wireless earbuds or speakers. Nobody's buying the fabled USB-C or Lightning outlet.

    Also i'm pretty sure that means you can't charge your phone at the same time? I wouldn't know because i've never had a phone that didn't have a jack port.

  • I've been the main moderator of the same community since 2016. This evening, i approved my last comment.

    I'm leaving for two reasons:

    1. Reddit went public a week ago. I didn’t volunteer to work for a publicly traded company, i volunteered to work for a community. As long as i live under capitalism i accept that my labor will generate value for shareholders, but damned if i ever do it for free. (this is not a Faulkner quote)

    2. April 1st is coming and i'm scared they might do another r/place. Doing in r/place 2022 and 2023 has left me dejected and bitter and i don't want to feel obligated to participate again.

    Leaving felt like ripping myself off of something warm i've been comfortably glued to for a long time. Still recommend it for anyone still giving Reddit shareholders free labor


    EDIT: there are too many comments to respond to, but i've appreciated all of them! Thank you


    today i remembered an idea for a meme that i had years ago and forgot about, enjoy


    Whenever a forum dies, a lot of answered questions are lost that would have been useful to people googling it in the future.

    Reddit is like the mother of all forums, and it also has had a lot of internet history being made on it.

    I really think we need a Reddit archive that is availabel for random people from Google. The best case scenario is that Reddit just limps on for years, therefore doing this conservation work better than anyone else could.


    cross-posted from:

    > Almost always my movies even though i have tons of music, and always the most obscure shit. I have Disney movies and Breaking Bad, but people go for the auteur french sci-fi animated features. > > Soulseek gives me much the same joy of sharing as torrent does, perhaps more so because it's one-on-one with a username instead of an IP. > > It's very easy to contribute to Soulseek as opposed to torrent, you just mark your shared folders. I think there's probably more content as a result, at the cost of the inefficiency of multiple people offering the same thing. Which i'm not sure matters. > > I don't know if the rooms are really worth it. You only get the messages starting when you logged in, so you can't catch up to what happened before; this problem is particularly relevant because most rooms are dead; those that aren't dead consist of a lot of vicious arguments; and it's live chat anyway, never my favorite format for discussion. > > I prefer Soulseek to eMule just because it works, but i also found it simpler. > > Unfortunately my VPN doesn't play well with Soulseek, apparently it doesn't support port forwarding? I'm not sure how to fix this. It may in fact have been a problem when torrenting too the whole time and i didn't notice. > > Overall i really enjoy Soulseek and will probably always have it in the background, it's pretty great!


    According to Wikipedia, the lastest version of eMule was released in 2010, but "official forum users" developed an updated version as of 2017.

    Is this information up to date? Is that still true? I'd feel a lot better installing something on my computer that was last updated at least in this decade, which version of eMule should i pick, if any?

    EDIT: i'm downloading this.

    Thanks everyone!
