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The starting salary for a new American Airlines flight attendant is low enough to qualify for food stamps in some states
  • It’s even funnier when you realize flight “attendants” are highly trained critical members of the flight crew.

    They are the frontline during an emergency, ensuring evacuations occur promptly and warning the pilots of any issues leaking into the cabin.

    Disobeying their orders while in flight is a federal crime.

    This was our one chance to round up the murderous anti-mask bioterrorists en masse, throw them in prison, and let God sort them out.

    Instead we decided to make flight crew into nannies.

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    One Dead and Dozens Injured After ‘Extreme Turbulence’ on Flight
  • A 5 point harness like what the pilots wear would be better

    But we’re talking about people who couldn’t even wear a little fucking mask outdoors that doesn’t even restrict airflow without having a meltdown and shooting people so….

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    "Of course not - that might hurt my accelerationist dreams!"
  • Yes, in fact, I will be voting for the leftist candidate that most aligns with my political and social beliefs.

    That is not Trump, nor is it Biden.

    I know this is a little too complex for liberals like you to understand but hopefully this helps clear it up! BLUE MAGA!!!!!

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  • I genuinely think shit like this is what promotes antisocial behavior in children. As in clinically antisocial, not just a synonym for introverted.

    Children learn hundreds of new words and new things every week. That’s their entire purpose in life at that age.

    Deliberately lying to them about how basic reality works for extended periods of time is likely what causes the neural short circuits of religion and conservatism.

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    Parents called for mental health help. Police arrived and fatally shot their son.
  • There’s no problem with someone equipped to handle violent situations being present.

    The problem is if they unnecessarily escalate and get involved instead of standing by.

    The solution is to dismantle the entire police system and rebuild from scratch with accountability and training.

    We just need to vote for the Democrats one more time and they’ll finally do something about it right? That’s what all the funny memes here tell me. The democrats that are literally sponsored by police unions and advertise that fact endlessly.

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    Unless you've got a better plan in the next 6 months, grab a fucking bucket
  • This is honestly the perfect microcosm of liberal thought. Just continuously posting low effort shitposts that literally state in the meme how ineffective and in-bed with fascists liberals are.

    We have OP coming into the comments acting like a holier than thou liberal, repeating the same vapid bullshit over and over.

    Meanwhile, Democrats just keep dumping one little bucket at a time as the boat gets lower and lower while screaming in tears at the guy trying to find the fucking life raft.

    “And fuck no, I’m not voting for you in November”

    Liberals in fucking hysterics throwing a tantrum about why leftists comprising 1% of the vote don’t like their blue MAGA instead of targeting the 60% republican vote with actual popular policy

    Lmao fuck liberals, y’all deserve to lose.

    “There is no genocide in Gaza”

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    Joe Biden Condemns International Criminal Court Prosecutor’s Pursuit Of Arrest Warrant Against Israeli Leaders: “What’s Happening Is Not Genocide”
  • “They were valid military targets. Hamas is in the hospitals. Hamas is in the tunnels. Hamas is in Tel Aviv.”

    “Just a little genocide is worth it to save democracy. Look, I made a funny trolley problem meme to prove it.”

    “There is no genocide.”

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    Woman killed by her two XL bully dogs at home in east London
  • breed is literally bred to increase aggression over hundreds of generations

    nooo they just look scary they’re so cuddly noooo you don’t understand

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    They're not even good jackets anyway.
  • They are objectively better insulation than polyfill lmao. Anyone that’s ever worn real down in actual conditions that require it would agree.

    You had an argument in the ethical right and then threw it all away with ridiculous hyperbole.

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    Neuralink to implant 2nd human with brain chip as 75% of threads retract in 1st
  • The patient fully embraced the Elon propaganda and spouted his praises on the dozens of media interviews he agreed to.

    No sympathy for someone who invited a leopard into their house to catch the mice

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    Trump is mainstreaming Christian nationalism. If elected, that agenda could greatly impact California
  • A second civil war?

    Involving who? The Overton ratchet has been clicking for so long, Liberals and the Democratic establishment have more in common with Trump than leftists.

    And there aren’t enough leftists in the US to even incite terrorism let alone occupy a city.

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    Masahiro Sakurai refused to add Dolby Surround to a Kirby game because players had to sit through the logo
  • The problem people have with your argument is not the existence of 5.1 surround sound.

    Nor is it that the vast majority of households can’t afford a properly tuned surround sound setup instead of haphazardly throwing speakers around which arguably creates a worse experience than stereo.

    It’s that the Dolby implementation requires publishers to license it and pay for an unstoppable ad that plays before every session, while benefitting only the petit bourgeois.

    Notice how you reverted so quickly to your capitalist brainwashing. May be a good inspiration to see what other ideologies have been implanted into you.

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    Amazing attitude
  • American liberals are so fucking brainwashed they don’t even see the insanity of their posts. You can see it with the CHUD brigade rolling through this post.

    You know, it’s considered completely normal to take paid time off to take care of sick relatives in other developed countries? And it doesn’t affect their entire month of paid time off to use for recreation?

    Why are y’all so proud of being slaves?

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    The US food industry has long buried the truth about their products. Is that coming to an end?
  • The US lives in a weird food bubble where they eat absolute cancer inducing garbage and pretend their Cheetos Asbestos Blasted Quattro Dioxin dinner is somehow better lmao.

    The US allows all sorts of fucked up processing steps and ingredients that are straight up banned in Europe.

    Every time an American leaves the country they gush about how good the food in (destination) was - but they only ate tourist trash the whole time.

    Like they genuinely don’t realize it, it’s incredible.

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    Meanwhile, Marx: "Abraham Lincoln, the single-minded son of the working class"
  • atrocity denialism

    supporting literal genocide

    Wow y’all have really lost the plot huh.

    Seriously, it’s concerning. My entire front page of federated instances is just liberals knee jerk hating on leftists using tired old talking points that have been debunked hundreds of times already.

    You blue MAGAts are going to get shit on in November and I'm going to laugh all the way home.

    If you spent half this energy trying to help people, the blues would win every election for a century.

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    Both of Biden’s Key Economic Advisers get Basic Econ Wrong
  • Ahhh, and the self report comes out - as it always does.

    defending a right wing think tank

    uses a false definition of DEI to strawman against it

    having no idea what Marxism is

    Nice try, fascist! That shit doesn’t work on intelligent people. Only yall.

    I bet you fancy yourself as one, eh?

  • Sharing the Grand Seiko SBGE271 “Kanro”. An underrated member of the Seasons collection, this model features the popular Iwao-pattern dial in black.

    Like most GS models, they are exceedingly difficult to photograph and way more stunning in person!

    The watch walks the line between dress and sport. It wears surprisingly smaller and lighter than the dimensions imply, despite being a steel model.

    Although to be fair that might be my bias from the monstrosity I’ve been wearing.. maybe for a future post 😉.

    https:// /jp-ja/-/media/Files/Japan/GrandSeiko/HOME/news/20240219/GrandSeiko_PriceList_2024.pdf

    Attempting to start adding content here!

    Grand Seiko Japan-market prices are increasing for all models. This is part of a long trend of Seiko/GS moving upmarket.

    Additionally, it’s been an open secret that you can literally buy a round trip ticket to Japan and buy a Grand Seiko there for less than a US dealer.

    This is due to the very weak JPY right now, and GS probably doesn’t like it.

    If you’ve been fence-sitting about importing one from Japan, prices change on April 4!
