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  • Tbh I feel like it’s a very important distinction . There are poisonous things that aren't harmful unless ingested. However something that is venomous is probably ready to attack if approached

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    How do y'all cope without meds?
  • Only way to get through dread is to go through with it. If you want something to stop, finish it. I have pretty light adhd, but for me it was like steeling my mind before base jumping. Sometimes you don’t want to do something. You’re scared or tired but you must FORCE yourself to do it. I have a mantra that kind of helps me. I tell my self that I must do what must be done. And kind of make the action feel like it is inevitable like I will do it even if I don’t want too.

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    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Never be afraid to try different distros you can always wipe and try again. You won’t break your computer. I’m a big fan of immutable distros but I’ve never tried fedora blue. Either will make a rock solid system

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    Microsoft's 'Recall' feature can't be uninstalled after all
  • They are doing a lot better about baking stuff in these days. If you uninstall edge on windows you unironically break a lot of systems, can’t even play Minecraft or use teams lol

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    Hyprland's Developer Is Not A Fan Of COSMIC Desktop
  • My only problem with cosmic and system76 is that they are profit motivated companies. Really don’t wanna get bit in the ass later when they start full monitization

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    How do I alleviate bitterness due to lack of intimacy?
  • How skinny are you? It might. Be your style or your taste in person you’re going after. I was very skinny but didn’t struggle and I mean 120 at 6 foot 1 skinny

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    Chat GPT appears to hallucinate or outright lie about everything
  • You asked a generic machine a generic question and it gave you an extremely generic response. What did you expect? There was no context. It should have asked you more questions about what you’ll be doing.
