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Watched The Space Museum the other night and it slaps so hard. Love the dynamic between Hartnell's Doctor, Ian, Barbara, and Vicki. Love seeing the show go all in on anti-colonialism. Some of the world building stuff didn't make sense (Xerons had a bit of "we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas" energy) but I just had a great time watching it.

When was the last presidential candidate before Trump to be endorsed by people as bad as the KKK?
  • Reagan was endorsed by notorious segregationist Strom Thurmond in 1976, who also endorsed Richard Nixon. Not sure about endorsements, but Woodrow Wilson openly supported the KKK.

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    Would you sacrifice pro-trans campaigning for a Democrat win?
  • Whenever the Republicans have campaigned on anti-trans bullshit they've lost. It's getting more and more common for cis people to have trans people casually exist in their lives, and are therefore less likely to be a raging bigot

  • To reference another work of surreal social horror, I'm going to say it was that Ruby is actually a giant cockroach


    They were coming out with videos pretty regularly but suddenly stopped in the beginning of this year.


    The most recent I can think of is Hot Fuzz (2007)

