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Gesucht: Smartphone
  • Fairphone, Kamera ist für viele der Knackpunkt, aber für dich ja kein Problem

    Oder einfach den Akku tauschen, wenn das geht wie andere bereits gesagt haben

  • > Das #Vertrauen in die #Wissenschaften scheint zunehmend zu bröckeln. Die Pandemie-Jahre, zurückgehaltene Forschungsergebnisse oder solche, die sich im Nachhinein als falsch erwiesen haben, haben diesen Trend zusätzlich verstärkt. Dann noch #Populisten, die Zweifel sähen und gezielte #Desinformation betreiben. Wem soll man da noch glauben? Gert Scobel schaut sich in einem neuen Video an, wie es um das Vertrauen in Wissenschaften bestellt ist.


    Piped > Welcome to the world of data colonialism, where the continuous extraction of data from our lives generates massive wealth for the few and suffering for the many on a global scale.

    Andrewism at it again 🔥

    Light Pollution vs Streetlights & Perceived Safety
  • point all the lights down

    This is so simple but way too many don't do it. There is a streetlight that illuminates our room completely, even though it is 4 stories below...

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    Light Pollution vs Streetlights & Perceived Safety
  • Fair point, but I think there are technical solutions for differentiation

    Another more crazy idea could be to use a remote (e.g. a smartphone) which communicates with lights to automatically have illuminaiton around you from public lights. People could even set their own brightness

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    Light Pollution vs Streetlights & Perceived Safety
  • What about some combination of 2 and 3 with "smart" control, like motion activated or buttons that light up a street for the next 500m or so and turn off after some time

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  • Als ob eine gute KI keinen komplett automatischen öffentlichen turing-test um berechner und menschen voneinander zu sagen bestehen könnte

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    Is GrapheneOS not actually FOSS?
  • I don't think it is possible to run android without any binary blobs from vendors or other. They try to limit it as much as possible, while still remaining practical and offer compatibility.

  • Citypop oder City Pop (japanisch: シティ・ポップ, shiti poppu) ist eine lose definierte Form der japanischen Popmusik, die in den späten 1970er Jahren entstand und in den 1980er Jahren ihren Höhepunkt erreichte.


  • I raise you thousands of gzipped files (total > 20GB) combined into one dataframe. Frankly, my work laptop did not like it all that much. But most basic operations still worked fine tho

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    should we ban social media?
  • Yeah I see it now too, but this was like the 3rd attempt that got published

    Also it's a way shittier version of what I tried to post but it was all gone and didn't want to write everything again...

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    should we ban social media?
  • Very true and I think the 2 points could already come a long way. They could also be applied to the fediverse or similar networks without issue.

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    should we ban social media?
  • Very well put! I think parts of the fediverse are pretty close already, because they really focus on community. slrpnk, beehaw or mander come to mind. But the larger the instances are, the less they are an actual community and more of a random collection of people.

  • While watching the video I couldn't stop thinking about the fediverse. It's basically self-organized social-media. While it is far from perfect it is so much better than the corporate alternative in terms of relevant content. I'm just sad that basically nobody I know personally actually uses the fediverse...



    > Our world is built up of roads and cars to get us to our destination! But what about cycling and even walking? Have we been brainwashed to think that the car is always king? > Si goes on a deep dive into just how we are convinced to think that modern car culture is acceptable in our lives!


    I think this is why I like solarpunk. It enables us to imagine a better world, focused on us instead of the economy or whatever society thinks the most important construct is.


    Note: I might just be uneducated on the subject.

    When I read about web3 with blockchains, smart contracts and dapps, all sounds very promising. But once you look for any real world applications it is just some obscure things that kind of only exist to support the decentralized system. I guess that makes sense, but are there any actual real world uses for that? Like day-to-day things that make a persons life easier, not harder?


    If you struggle to go fully vegan, you might want to try some of these

    4 Pflä - Home

    Pflä ist eine Plattform um Pflanzen zu tauschen.

    I love the new community!

    I created a website to swap plants, however it currently only works in Switzerland really (due to zipcode locaiton lookup). But I would like to extend it to more countries, at least in Europe. Feel free to have a look at and test/use it for yourself!

    It is open source and you can contribute and look at the code on

    Also any feedback is very welcome! <3


    My current water kettle leaks more by the day. It is mostly stainless steel, but the few plastic parts are corroded and lead to leaking.

    Do you have recommendations for fully stainless steel or similar kettles that are basically not able to break?

    I was looking at this:

    But I don't really trust xiaomi to make quality consumer products


    Hi all

    I have an electric kettle I use to boil water often. I bought is because it is stainless steel, except for the indicator to see the water level. Of course this plastic part is now leaking...

    Does anyone have an idea how to fix it? My idea would be to fill it with silicone, but not sure if that is safe for use with foods


    Wichtiges Video von RobBubble für alle drei Länder


    Shot from Càrn Mòr Dearg Arete while hiking up to Ben Nevis in Scotland


    I had the Miyoo Mini V2 for some time now and was pretty happy with the little thing. I now also got the Plus, since the V2 felt a bit too small and multiplayer options seem really fun via netplay.

    When I play on the Plus, especially in GBA games, the FPS is considerably lower than on the V2. E.g. in Pokemon Emerald, I get 300+ on the V2, but only 100-150 on the Plus when fat-forwarding. I set the fast-forward speed to “Unlimited” in OnionOS settings for both. On the Plus, it also feels a lot choppier.

    Does anyone have similar experiences?


    I for my self love Chana Masala, could eat it every day!


    • Onions
    • Chickpeas
    • (Canned) Tomatoes
    • Vegan Yoghurt
    • Garam Masala

    Served with basmati rice


    Feels relevant and revealed some surprising things for me!
