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What stands out the most about you?
  • Oh I do that one all the time as well, it's a great way to light oil candles off each other (if you can withstand the heat)

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    What stands out the most about you?
    • Eating whole fruit with the peel nonchalantly (limes usually, but my favorites are bananas)
    • Miscellaneous lighter tricks involving filling my hand with butane or putting out jet lighters with my thumb/tongue
    • Sticking straws deep into my sinus (Google human blockhead)
    • Holding cocktail straws and cards with my tongue

    This is just what I can pull out on short notice at a bar. Once people find out what I do, they're usually interested in the details too.

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    How much money would it take for you to never listen to your favourite artist again?
  • I don't have a single favorite artist, I have dozens. So if you ask me to stop listening to one, really not that much.

    Hell, I've willingly done it before when they turned problematic, like with Crystal Castles

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    MAGA pastor claims Kamala Harris deployed "witchcraft" in Trump debate
  • I can confirm. Precisely a week before the debate, I got a lock of Trump's hair in the mail and a letter from Kamala that said "you know what to do"

    You're all welcome

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • It's simple. Bigotry and greed. Trump plays to people's fears that "others" will soon have the same rights they do while also assuring his rich handlers that he will make them richer. He's convinced the poor to cut off their nose to spite their face.

    Conservatism is a mental illness, it can't be defeated with logic and reasoning

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    Former model and Miss Switzerland finalist Kristina Joksimovic 'pureed' in blender by husband - reports
  • There's a documentary on Hulu I highly recommend called The Jinx, about multimillionaire serial killer Robert Durst. One of my favorite lines from him is "I did not kill my best friend, but I did dismember him".

    His family owns like half of NYC. Someone I know used to work directly under them and can confirm the batshit runs down the whole family tree.

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    Please Grieve Your Diagnosis
  • I got a diagnosis a few years back ago and also felt relief, as it explained so much. Same with a recent alexithymia diagnosis. I'm still raw dogging life because our medical system is trash but at least now I know what's going on.

  • Assuming there's nothing stopping you from legally voting
