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First U.S. nuclear reactor built from scratch in decades enters commercial operation in Georgia
  • I think a nuclear would be better in the short term. But I agree that we should have a lot more solar etc. But its up to the individual home owner so not much we can do there. But as transitional energy nuclear is the best option imo. Plus theres days without sun, wind or whatever else. So those days youd need a reserve or some other way to get energy

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    When sleeping, door open or closed?
  • Yea seems about right. U was lucky and lived at the sea. But someplaces in the region got to -45 in winter for several months

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I think he got the point but it works for a lot of things. Things I might agree with or disagree is irrelevant.

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    When sleeping, door open or closed?
  • Lol of course you would. Need fresh air.

    edit: plus im guessing they live in norway or finland (ignoring sweden cuz fuck sweden) or canada. And we are used to the cold. Ive gone to school (2.7km at the time) in -33 C without gloves and normal clothes so

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    What are your thoughts about outsourcing, insourcing and work visas, are they a good thing or a bad thing for the working class?
  • I kind aagree. But a lot of visas are just people studying or wanting to live aomewhere else. But Its good for the furtherment of all trades, in tech for example if you have all the best in oneplace forward progress can come a lot faster. Or in Germany there is a thing for some blue collar workers where you go travel around the world and work to get experience. Search up Wandergesellen if you wanna know more

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    Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms
  • I would say repair is the most important one there and dont under stand why they feel the job is useless. Like phone repair etc I can understand as most people buy a new phone. But building repairs and electrical etc are some of the most important things now

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  • This is my combo, also have a github extension for background playing but that one has to be reaplied every time since a few weeks ago
