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In search for a good VPN
  • As far as I know they don't have audits done, so who knows about the logging. Both IVPN and Mullvad pass those. Could still be fine though, but I'd rather trust Mullvad or IVPN.

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    In search for a good VPN
  • Only if you need (cheap) port-forwarding.

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    Student dorm does not allow wifi routers
  • I also like the idea of ptunnel

    Ptunnel is an application that allows you to reliably tunnel TCP connections to a remote host using ICMP echo request and reply packets, commonly known as ping requests and replies.

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • Linksys WRT54G WiFi router.

    The WiFi router DD-WRT was originally designed for.

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    without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • This legend is older than me:

    But I am an adult already (at least on paper...).

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    SDF outgoing federation seems to be stuck
  • From experience sometimes has this problem as well.

    They also have one thing in common: Cloudflare

    Perhaps it's getting "protected" from federation considered a DoS.

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    My refurbished ThinkPad (L390 Yoga) came with wrong rubber feet (too thick) not allowing it to turn into tablet mode.
  • Hmmm, did you get it new?
    I've checked a review of this laptop and it had correct ones:

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    "Quick" security check... I had to do 15 of these...
  • There's already Yandex captcha for those situations.

  • They clearly show wear. ! I am not sure if they were replaced from another older device, or the entire cover is from L390, but that one would have a plastic cover for where this one has a stylus. It doesn't seem like anything was snapped out of there.

    I couldn't find replacement ones online, and I am not sure if contacting the shop is a good idea. See, the L390 Yoga has a touchscreen with better colors and seems to be a bit more expensive (but not much). However, I bought this as "L390". I noticed the description said "Touchscreen: yes", which I realized meant they likely mistook the Yoga version for the base version. Indeed, that is the case. Currently they have one L390 Yoga in similar condition and same configuration, but the screen has some white spots (this one is flawless), ...and it's €46 more expensive.

    If you're curious, i5 8365U, 16GB RAM (single-channel), used 256GB Samsung SSD (I don't remember if SATA or NVME), €180 and 2 year warranty.

    Also, if you're wondering what that port with network symbol is, it appears to be a proprietary connector used on ThinkPads requiring an "Ethernet Extension" adapter to be usable.

    What's A Piece Of Software You Could Never Do Without?
  • I feel like NGINX is simplest to configure. And it's in the repos already, so I don't see the advantage here.

    Easy to do redirects, directory listings, serving a static website, setting mime types of specific files, basic user authentication, using HTTPS, using it as reverse proxy, limiting request types, limiting bandwidth, and making the directory listings far nicer with fancyindex module. That's all I need and it's pretty simple to do with NGINX. I don't know what the Python HTTP server does, nor how to use.

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    What's A Piece Of Software You Could Never Do Without?
  • Because... I can.

    And it's portable.

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    What's A Piece Of Software You Could Never Do Without?
  • Termux on Android.

    I've got some videos on my phone I might want to watch on random computers, so I serve them up with NGINX. I've got wget-created mirrors of some old websites on my phone, so I serve them up with NGINX. Other files I may want to move out from my phone to untrusted computers on the network can too be served up simply by NGINX.
    I've got the full Wikipedia zim file from Kiwix on my Micro SD card, so I run kiwix-serve (behind NGINX).
    I've got all the music on my phone, naturally the phone is then running my Navidrome server (behind NGINX).
    Of course, I may want to manage this from a computer, so it's running SSH server.
    My phone is always connected to VPN and uses NextDNS, naturally I may want to use this with other computers, but I can't install software to computers I don't own (I mean, I can, but ... it would be disliked), naturally it is then running Tiniproxy HTTP proxy server.
    Some desktop GUI apps can be useful on a phone too. noaa-apt, Kid3, Audacity, desktop Firefox, Handbrake because I am too dumb for ffmpeg, so I run XFCE DE on it. Naturally, I can access it from a computer (I know) too, after all it's accessed via a VNC server.
    Am I stupid enough to expose something using HTTP protocol running on my phone to the internet? Of course I am! I can use cloudflared.
    Do I want to encrypt a file? I can use GPG.
    Do I want to create a compressed archive? I've got TAr and GZip.
    Do I want to browse Gopher? I've got Lynx.
    SSH or telnet somewhere? The clients are there.

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    Young girls are using anti-aging products they see on social media. The harm is more than skin deep
  • Exactly.
    The internet is kind of like second world. You probably wouldn't cut your children from the real world, but neither should you let them grow up in it unsupervised.

    It's part of the life nowdays, and you can adapt to it, not deny it. Just like with book reading in 18th century.

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    Some DNS questions
  • Well, why don't you just try NextDNS? Don't like signing up to try a service? You don't have to. Go to, click "Try it now" and there you go. No account required for 7 days.

    You don't need to add domains yourself, you just choose from existing blocklists they provide. Each have some description, just like all the settings.

    Alternatively, Mullvad freely provides DNS with some blocking too, but you can't edit anything.

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    As seen in Apollo 11 code
  • Hear me out, the entire universe is most likely temporary, so technically all the code you write is in fact temporary.

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    Mozilla removes telemetry service Adjust from mobile Firefox versions
  • I just wish Mull (and Tor on Android for that regards) did what desktop Tor and Mullvad browser (I know the devs are different) do with specific window sizes to remove unique window resolutions.

    Currently both Android Tor and Mull lead to a unique per-device fingerprint.

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    The Troll-ey Problem
  • I was waiting for someone to post this version.

    Here's a real-life version:

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    new.reddit has been removed
  • Still works for me.

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    Leonardo DiCaprirule
  • No. I'll prove you wrong:
    (16 above 26)


  • Just from "a quick query" by the admin.

    >there'll be a better one later, this is just a quick query


    Sorry, not sure if there's a more fitting community for discussions, but 196 doesn't have specific required content ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

    So, last Sunday I suddenly got high-pitched tinnitus, mostly in my left ear. I thought it would be gone when I wake up next day, but it was still there. Then on Tuesday and Wednesday I had some pain and pressure in both ears. Unfortunately, I'd need to get referred to ENT by my GP, and she was on vacation. The substitute was there for "acute cases only".

    So far this was just... quite annoying. I tested for possible changes I haven't noticed with frequency generator on my phone. With medium volume, both ears went to 19.5kHz just fine.

    Thursday it improved. Or so I thought. The tinnitus got quieter. Later during the day I went to check again. I started with 16kHz at lowest volume. Suddenly, I could only hear it on my right ear, so I started panicking. Left ear fell from 19.5kHz to 15.5kHz in just 1 day. This was a fairly sudden change, and I am not exactly emotionally strong. I panicked and was crying and hyperventilating for about an hour.


    So I decided I'll go to the substitute doctor next day to get referred to ENT. I set up alarm for the morning, but I didn't need it. I was too anxious too sleep much anyway.

    So I got to the ENT right that day.

    She visually inspected my ears and throat finding no signs of inflammation. Tympanometry OK. Audiogram just confirmed my feeling of right ear being muffled with slight low frequency hearing loss, but nothing for my left ear, primary source of my concern. I explained the loss occurred in higher frequencies than I heard during the test. I asked what frequency they tested up to as it sounded fairly low. "6kHz." Apparently, even 8kHz (worldwide standard) is considered "experimental" in my country... I hoped for possibility of EHF audiometry (9 - 20kHz).

    Back to talking with ENT, I said that I could hear up to 19.5kHz on both ears ereyesterday, yet yesterday I couldn't even hear 16kHz on my left ear. She re-assured me that we normally loose ability to hear these frequencies with age (I am 18). I further explained that my concern is rather the sudden unilateral loss as opposed to gradual bilateral loss over longer timespan as it could continue worsening further.

    She replied with "Hearing above 6kHz is not important to humans." I wanted to tell her to resample all her music to 12kHz, then tell me how useless it was, but I didn't want to be rude. At last, I asked "What about the tinnitus?" with response being "Nothing."

    So, she just prescribed me vitamins B1, B12 and some Ginko extract pills for increasing blood flow to ears for 1 month which I still had to pay €30 for even with insurance.

    Welp, I just apologized for bothering them (non-sarcastically) as they had more patients and left no less concerned.


    I am pretty worried about this. I've been careful with my ears. I don't listen to music loudly, I don't go to concerts, hell, I didn't even have to go to theatre with school the last time as my current class teacher noticed I wasn't exactly OK with being in a room with lots of people, especially with loud noise.

    I can only suspect some issue with inner ear, perhaps inflammation. That wouldn't even be noticeable with just visual examination. However, I suppose that would also be accompanied by dizziness and vertigo. So I have no idea what's going on.

    At least I distracted myself while typing this.


    Image on left is from 4 days ago, but the pimple was slowly forming over around 2 weeks.

    The goop was sticky, not oily. Earphones are Panasonic RP-TCM130.

    I was not able to find an explanation. Something to increase cable lifespan, lubrication, rubber disintegrating, sweat and earwax that somehow got into the cable, dielectric grease, SCP-1407, no clear answer.

    At first I thought the wires just somehow twisted. Nope.


    I used to think that age equated to percentage of life lived, thus I thought that most people live to close around 100. But it also made me think that people only get old when they're like 80.

    I mean like actually "old". The "old" adults were referring to. At that age I considered those 14/15 year old 9th graders old, just a bit different "old".


    For some reason this happens to me, but only with Orbit. At least the watermelon ones (I prefer chewing gums that leave minimum taste), I don't know about others. It just turns into a disgusting paste.


    Laying on his back, if the perspective seems confusing.


    ```<> TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: .. and are down DATE: 29-May-24 14:17:40 HOST: mx

    there looks to be a possible hardware issue with one of the nodes that hosts a spare is being staged to take on the additional load. ```

    Source: REQUESTS bulletin board on SDF public access UNIX system


    OK, I hope my question doesn't get misunderstood, I can see how that could happen. Just a product of overthinking.

    Idea is that we can live fairly easily even with some diseases/disorders which could be-life threatening. Many of these are hereditary. Since modern medicine increases our survival capabilities, the "weaker" individuals can also survive and have offsprings that could potentially inherit these weaknesses, and as this continues it could perhaps leave nearly all people suffering from such conditions further into future.

    Does that sound like a realistic scenario? (Assuming we don't destroy ourselves along with the environment first...)


    >This battery lasts the life of the router under the operating environmental conditions specified for the router, and is not field-replaceable.

    But who determines its lifespan?

    Knowing there is a battery set to fail and I can't simply replace it makes me physically uncomfortable. Enough so that I'd rather it not have RTC.

    Thanks Cisco.


    From bboard ANNOUNCE BBOARD: ```<.> TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: network outage in second cabinet DATE: 16-Apr-24 01:22:19 HOST: mx

    It looks that we're experience a network outage to our second cabinet this evening. A ticket has been opened to address the issue.

    This affects, and

    Thank you for your patience.

    <ANNOUNCE.1.0/2>(87)[ <ENTER> follow thread, (R)EPLY, (F)LAG or (Q)UIT ]

    TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: .. network outage in second cabinet DATE: 16-Apr-24 01:59:59 HOST: mx

    Confirmed that this is only a network outage to the second cabinet and is currently being worked on by our network service provider. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. Thank you for your patience.

    <ANNOUNCE.1.1/2>(6)[ <ENTER> follow thread, (R)EPLY, (F)LAG or (Q)UIT ]

    TACKER: membership (SDF Membership) SUBJECT: .. network outage in second cabinet DATE: 16-Apr-24 20:19:30 HOST: mx

    our network provider has reassigned our uplink port for the second cabinet and the hosts are once against accessible.

    (it even blinks! What!? Why?)

    <ANNOUNCE.1> Command: ```

    Just relaying it here.

    Note: I am not affiliated with SDF


    Sorry for the lazy meme, I don't know what else to make this branch diagram in.



    I know in past I've successfully updated my display name, and it shows on other instances, so perhaps this problem is new to 0.19.x, but I am not at all sure about that.


    First of all a disclaimer: I am not upset about the removal of manual server selection as this is a free service. They don't need to provide such services at all, so something is better than nothing.

    What happened: This morning I opened the ProtonVPN app on my phone and got greeted with a message stating free accounts can now only use automatic server selection and addition of free servers in Poland and Romania. However, I also noticed split-tunelling is now paywalled as well.

    Now, this is rather weird. Split-tunelling is already in the app and is something that works only on the client side, thus not putting any extra load on the servers. Quite the contrary, actually, as it allows some apps to not use the VPN, thus use less bandwidth. The automatic-selection-only allows for better load balancing, so that makes sense.

    Now to the workaround. They still allow manual OpenVPN and Wireguard setup even for free accounts, at least for now. To do so, login to ProtonVPN and go to account. There's OpenVPN credentials which are used for OpenVPN authentication. Then go to downloads, select appropriate options including the specific server and download the ovpn config file. Client: OpenVPN for Android This app also supports split tunneling (edit config -> Allowed apps).

    ProtonVPN has an article on how to set up this app, but it's really just importing the config and adding your OpenVPN ProtonVPN credentials which you grabbed before.



    There's a computer connected to the WiFi router as a client. This computer has access to internet and shares that connection over HTTP proxy. This also provides ad-blocking. Clients connected to the WiFi router shouldn't have to configure HTTP proxy server settings, nor should they have access to the computer running the proxy server. This is done via unbridged guest VAP with "client isolation" and "net isolation".

    The idea is the same as OpenVPN client setting, or rather like Matsuri proxy toolchain on Android.

    The only answers I found talked about redirecting port 80 traffic to HTTP proxy via iptables, but that's not what I want. It would also only work for web traffic I believe, since it's just redirecting it to proxy, and not issuing CONNECT requests.

    Specific use case

    So... my phone has mobile data. It is also connected to VPN and uses NextDNS for (not only) ad-blocking. In Termux, I setup tinyproxy and also null-routed access to private IP ranges and CG-NAT: ... #Here I am attempting to null route local IP address ranges by pointing upstream proxy option to as described in tinyproxy.conf man page. #IPv4 localhost Upstream http "" #IPv4 private adresses Upstream http "" Upstream http "" Upstream http "" #IPv4 CG-NAT (I am not sure this helps anything, but it doesn't hurt either) Upstream http "" #IPv4 link-local Upstream http "" #IPv6 localhost Upstream http "::1" #IPv6 Unique Local Addresses Upstream http "fc00::/8" #IPv6 private addresses (excl. ULA) Upstream http "fd00::/8" #IPv6 link-local addresses Upstream http "fe80::/10" This is fine if the phone is accessible to other hosts and setting up proxy on each host isn't a problem. For example, it's useful on a school network. But that's not the case here.


    Forcing all users to use VPN, be subject to my blocking, and provide larger range than phone's hotspot. Fun fact: The first thing can be achieved via hotspot on devices running PixelExperience custom ROM.

    Not so possible solution

    Running OpenVPN server on the phone. DD-WRT already has OpenVPN client. Unfortunately, this would require root, it seems.

    Partial solution

    The partial solution is connecting the router to VPN somewhat directly and also setting it to use NextDNS.

    I was trying to write a guide here, but it was getting unnecessarily long. So just TL;DR: Setting up the router to use OpenVPN but replacing IP and port with phone's desired options, setting up the router to use only NextDNS, connecting phone to both WiFi and mobile data, forcing it to use mobile data for internet, doing port forwarding to the actual OpenVPN server using socat in Termux.

    This has flaws though. I either have to setup split-tunelling for Termux, or end up with VPN-over-VPN if I also want VPN on the phone. Secondly, whatever VPN you're using may only allow limited number of clients per user.

    Other use cases

    Simple internet access in network where only internet access is via HTTP proxy (e.g.: campus network), connection via Tor using its HTTP proxy.

    ____________ If you have any ideas, thanks. If not, still thanks as you read at least a part of this.
