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People who pirated in the late 90s and early 00s what is the most dramatic change from then till now? And if you had the power what would you bring back?
  • I already do. I also want to pay my way.

    The problem is what I'd like doesn't exist (I'm not going to subscribe you a million different websites and still not even be ad free) and probably can't. How much do all the ads I'm blocking cost? It'd be ripe for abuse but I'd essentially like a taxi meter, but it would charge me for website use from just one central account that I top up or is part of my internet bill or whatever.

    I want the whole business model of using ads and tracking to pay for the internet to not exist.

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    People who pirated in the late 90s and early 00s what is the most dramatic change from then till now? And if you had the power what would you bring back?
  • Yes I'm also the same way with ads. I'd happily spend more for internet if there was somehow an "ad surcharge" that would mean I'd never see ads or be tracked. Let me pay whatever the advertisers pay.

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    What's your least favourite thing about your smartphone
  • It's too big. I couldn't get a phone the same size as my old one without sacrificing the micro sd slot so I ended up with something bigger than ideal

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    A precious possession
  • Eh, maybe improbable without help, but I was hand-sewing clothing for my stuffed animals around 7 years old with no assistance so it's not crazy to think a kid ahead of the curve could do it at 5

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  • Well I'll have to look it up now, but I see it as a substance produced by the body that isn't made of cells itself. Like any of the other excretions and things the body makes.

    Edit: apparently both your nails and hair are mostly made of keratin, but keratin isn't produced and excreted to produce the nail and hair structures like a playdough factory like I imagined. Special cells are produced that are primarily keratin and they are added to like a chain and die/harden as they are pushed out from the body.

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    The best argument for altruism
  • The individual person is being forced to pay taxes because they were born in a certain region of the world?

    I'm actually not seeing what's weird about it. They are using and benefiting from the infrastructure that is paid for by those taxes, and pooling the resources this way allows the whole community you benefit in ways that can't be done otherwise. The extension of this is that if you are able to pitch in but don't then you're essentially "stealing" from the rest of the population.

    I'm not well versed in the subtleties of a libertarian system; in a libertarian community, what's done with people who try to benefit from what others are doing without pitching in?

  • Test

    Works in the body though! Maybe that's a solution?

    Edit: I tried and couldn't get it to work in the title. But as shown above it works in the post body.

    Original body text: I don't know if it's a limitation or not, but adding the song title behind a spoiler tag would allow people late to the game to still try and guess before seeing the answer.


    Soap getting slimmer

    They're careful to make sure the bottle still looks the same from the front, but from the side you can see the difference.




    I keep missing the vote buttons and accidentally tap on comments which then collapses them. I've accidentally collapsed/expanded some comments several times trying to vote.

    Is there a setting somewhere I'm not seeing that changes this? Maybe to a long press or force needing to use the three dot menu to collapse instead.


    No child, no ride

    If you forgot your small child at home, one will be assigned to you so you may use the elevator
