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  • A bit of a woosh. He's saying you only need to throw someone off a building or out of a plane and they'll die falling to the ground. No need to leave Earth.

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    The poll is over, and the result is clear:
  • And if I really really really wanted one in my browser (which I don't but for the sake of argument) I'll look for an add-on.

    Same reason I don't want my browser to filter or ban my content but I totally use unlock origin.

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    What books do you consider must reads?
  • Especially if you're new to reading, the books worth reading are the ones you enjoy reading.

    Like anything else reading is a skill and you get better at it the more you do it. There's a reason we don't start kindergarteners on Tolstoy and Shakespeare.

    There are great suggestions in this thread so I'm not going to suggest any more. But I'd recommend to start every new book with an open mind, but if you're not "feeling it" by page 10 or 20 it's 100% okay to put it down and try a different one.

    You can always come back to it later. Or not. There are more "must read" books than can ever be read in a lifetime. Find the ones you enjoy and which make an impact on you.

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    Sydney discussion thread for the week of Mon Sep 02 2024
  • What are we talking about? Not AU specific but I've had a big fascination following the US presidential election. I'm thankful for all AEC and compulsory and ranked voting we have.

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    It ain't me
  • I know what you wanted but my brain went straight to "china beach". Different war and chopper, I know, but you said you're forcing the hallucination.

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    New George Conway Fox Ad Blitz Highlighting Trump’s Small Crowd Size vs. Harris
  • That's exactly it. Conway has explained how they micro target these ads only to the county / area where Mar a Lago is and they put it on Fox, ESPN and the golf channel. Things they think he would watch.

    And they know it works because he's tweeted about them as soon as they show.

    Conway is an amazing troll. It's this same PAC renting the giant billboards next to Trump's golf course as well.

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    What factors do you think contributed to the "Reddit Hivemind"? How do you believe it can be avoided?
  • Yeah I'm going to show my age here. But I've migrated from fidonet (bbs days) to Usenet. To slashdot. To digg. To Reddit. To Lemmy. And I'm 100% positive one day I'll migrate again.

    Forums evolve and change. And once it changes go find your tribe again. Your peeps will still be out there especially this kinda tech leaning crowd.

    I've stopped worrying about it. Humans are going to human.

  • 'Litigate you to death': Gas giant uses new tactic which could sink environmental dissenters

    Santos is pursuing the climate movement through the courts after winning a challenge brought by traditional owners against a massive gas project. Experts warn it could help spell the end of public interest litigation in Australia.

    Santos going very much against the vibe of the constitution.

    2 HECS changes to see $3 billion in student debt 'wiped out'

    Millions of Australians with student loans will have hundreds of dollars wiped from their HECS debts as the federal government rolls out its plans for cost-of-living relief in the upcoming budget.
