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Is this a good enough Pi to install pihole?
  • I ran PiHole for a year on a Pi Zero W, before I eventually had to move my DNS server outside the network due to other requirements

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    The Tesla Cybertruck is already being towed and isn't on sale yet
  • Alright I hate Musk and dislike Tesla and the Cybertruck as much as the next person, but isn't this the time where you'd expect to see it get towed? It's being put to real test for the first time, of course stuff is gonna go wrong. If it were any other company I'd say they're ironing out the kinks but I think they'll just gloss over them or sweep them under the rug.

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    a battle that will end up in flames
  • I just spent the last 30 minutes trying to get access to the UL 489 specification that outlines this but then I discovered just how inaccessible that stuff is wth

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    I hate API like this
  • Microsoft docs in general are the worst. Can't tell you how many fucking dead links and straight up incorrect information I've come across on their official help articles
