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OpenAI releases o1, its first model with ‘reasoning’ abilities
  • no it doesn't have reasoning abilities. It just replicates you trying to coax it into giving you something decent, hides the process from you, and then charges you for it.

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • because that's not how a phone is used.

    But it is how any phone/desktop/laptop pollworks. So you're proving my point. Most can't even tell if the file they want is on the device in the first place, if they use stuff like cloud backups. To those people, the file is "in google". Not tech savvy

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    Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills
  • it's not becoming boomers. It's about rarely meeting one who knows that, for example, wifi is not the internet. I'm not asking for detailed tech knowledge. But getting a blank face if asked something as simple as "where did you save the file?" or replying with "in the gallery/google photos" means you are not tech savvy. these are the absolute basics.

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    What Browser do you use on Android, and why?
  • would be cool, but it won't solve the whole problem. Apps like kde connect need accessib ility permissions to sync notifications with the desktop, for example. It won't run if any unknown app has those. (like, my custom keyboard compiled from source)

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    What Browser do you use on Android, and why?
  • firefox for most things. Chrome for my banking. The banking app refuses to run on my unrooted phone, because I have apps from f-droid installed, and I have a custom keybooard. And their site only works in chrome. Fuck hsbc
