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Trump's ex-FBI official: We have 'many reasons' to think the former U.S. president is a Russian 'asset'
  • I’m not disagreeing but I also see that the judicial system is pretty bad right now.

    I’m guessing if anything happened to him under Democrat lawmakers, he’d just make himself out to be a martyr. It’s kind of a lose-lose situation for Biden to do anything about. To be honest. I don’t know who has that power anyway.

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    Trump's ex-FBI official: We have 'many reasons' to think the former U.S. president is a Russian 'asset'
  • I can’t answer this for all FBI but Trump did fire this guy during an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Two days before he was set to retire…

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    Sony announces the $700 PS5 Pro
  • This. I never got a PS5 and it hasn’t impacted me at almost at all. Everything I’ve wanted to play has also come out of PS4 and plays just fine.

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  • Idk…some animals are just like that. I have two dogs. One is unquestionably a dog. One might be an animorph or a human trapped in a dogs body. He’s so much smarter. I don’t teach him things but he figures it out in his own. Ex: opening doors, making trades, knowing individual names of people/animals, etc. I didn’t teach him any of that.

    And when I adopted the “dog” dog he would look at what the “human” dog was doing and copy it to get treats.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if a cat wanted attention so it acted like someone else. Sometimes, I suspect animals are a lot smarter and more aware than humans give them credit for.

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    Chew toys for extreme chewers
  • My dog is the same. We get these fake sticks. They are made out of wood but they don’t splinter and they aren’t as hard as Nylon toys. The pet store sells them in various brands.

    I’ve also had good luck with some extra durable fabric toys but I still have to watch him. I don’t mind if he shreds them, as long as he doesn’t eat them. The key with those is the shape of the toy. It can’t have ears or small bits dangling off the side. He chews those right off then pulls the stuffing out.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I’m not saying this has never happened but I think this is a sensationalized article meant to get books banned.

    These books aren’t sold in the kids section. If someone found it and bought it, they were browsing an adult section.

    EDIT: I just spoke to a friend of mine who sells romance books in her shop. It is a bit of a problem, but not because of libraries or places like her shop. It’s places like Walmart or Target that just chuck the book on any old shelf and parents that don’t actually review the book without buying it.

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    In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past
  • The thing that I see most is that AI is dumb and can’t do it yet so we don’t need to worry about this.

    To me, it’s not about whether it can or not. If the people in charge think it can, they’ll stop hiring. There is a lot of waste in some big companies so they might not realize it’s not working right away.

    Source: I work for a big company that doesn’t do things efficiently.

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  • I laughed at your reply, upvoted, and started to scroll when I remembered my TV has a “screen off” feature. I use it at bedtime to listen to futurama without the light making my sleep bad.

    At some point the show stops playing and goes to a menu. You actually wouldn't know the TV is on if it wasn’t for the light. 😑

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    Racism Is Why Trump Is So Popular
  • This is exactly what my neighbor stopped me to tell me recently. About bringing in immigrants to vote and what not. I tried to tell him none of that information is true and show him where and why, but it’s really hard to do without making them dig further into their position.

    Anne they are now conditioned believe that any media that doesn’t align with them is fake.

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    How does a car cigarette lighter work?
  • This company is does a cool thing. I saw them on Adam Savage’s YouTube last year. Any product they scan, is uploaded to their site. Any person can launch the web app and look at the scans of the things they’ve scanned. You can view the full images in all dimensions.

  • Hello! Don’t know if this is the right community to post this question, but maybe you can help.

    I want to learn about cars and engines. I’m a pretty mechanical person and I like to tinker. I can do basics, like changing my own oil etc.

    I want to do some hands on learning, but I don’t have a ton of money to spend or space to work in. I was wondering if you had suggestions on something small and affordable I can get to learn about engines. I was thinking a lawn mower or a scooter but I don’t know how similar those would be to a car.

    Do you have any advice?

    What is the right way to have your toilet paper?
  • A few years ago I chose to stop thinking about it. I just refill the roll and don’t worry about it. When I realized it didn’t matter, it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Same with trying to stop the gas pump on the nearest dollar or setting the tv volume to an even number.

    I don’t know why I felt such a relief when I let go, but I did and now I’m free!

  • How do you stayed focused on a task when the task involves some type of waiting?

    For example, I have a really hard time staying focused at work. The problem for me is, our software can be really really really slow. While I’m waiting for Outlook to load an email, or our internal tooling to populate data, I find my mind is wandering. Often, I’ll start on another task or pick up my phone and just completely forget about the first thing I started.

    At the end of the day, I have to figure out why I have 8 half written emails open in the background of my PC.

    How do you stay on track when your tasks require patience?


    I’ve seen this show thousands of times. I have most of it memorized to the point where I can recite it from memory, but I still catch new things all the time. That’s one of my favorite things about this show.

    What’s something you realized after rewatching the show several times?


    About a year ago, I adopted a 2nd dog. For the most part they get along pretty well. They like to play together and for the most part they play well together.

    After a few months, they would cuddle up together, but I noticed my first dog started sleeping in a really tight ball. To the point his head is almost facing behind him.

    I googled it. It seems that position is defensive. He never slept like that before. I can tell he does it now when he is upset about something.

    He doesn’t seem to like to sleep near the 2nd dog. He will go into a room and sleep alone. Of course, the 2nd dog wants to sleep with him so he follows and and curls up next to him. He doesn’t get mad when this happens but I can tell he doesn’t like it.

    They still play together pretty well. He even initiates play time with the 2nd dog. He does those big goofy hops when he is trying to get 2nd dog to play with him. It’s cute.

    TLDR: how can I help my 1st dog feel more comfortable around my 2nd dog outside of play time?


    I'm a Bethesda hoarder and a crazy person, so I made a spreadsheet. I know there's a mod if you're on PC, but I'm on Xbox so I needed some help. Thought you might be interested. I got the data from Starfield Wiki and just added simple functions for the ratios.


    Do you code on an iPad? Why or why not? If you do, what code editor do you use?

    I don’t have a laptop I usually code on my desktop, but I work from home so I get tired of sitting in the same place for so long. I’ve been doing it on my iPad and it seems to be doable!

    I tried a few free apps for ipadOS. Some were okay, some were not. I’m willing to pay but I don’t want to spend money randomly on apps I don’t like.

    CodeSpaces on GitHub seems to be the best option so far, but it’s a pay as you go structure and not a singular cost.

    I liked the UI of Runestone, but many critical features are locked behind a paywall.

    Replit seemed decent too but it seems very cloud focused and I already use GitHub.

    Koder* seems like it has the most free access features but UI wasn’t intuitive and I couldn’t figure out how to type in a file if I switched pages and came back to my original file.

    I hear Textastic is pretty good but side it’s paid with no trial period, I didn’t try it yet. I wanted to get some feedback before I started paying for anything.

    Let me know what you use. Share your tips with Lemmy!


    I need a KVM switch or some kind of USB hub that allows me to share a single keyboard and mouse between two computers. The problem is, one of those computers is for work and I have very limited access to the system settings, and I can't install software. The problem is that it causes the keyboard to constantly disconnect and reconnect every few seconds.

    I don't have access to the power settings in device manager. Is there something else I can do?

    This Insignia USB HUB is what I have now. It works fine on my home computer with no adjustments, but it makes the keyboard disconnect on my laptop. All other USB inputs work fine.

    Any suggestions are appreciated! I'm willing to buy a new KVM switch, if needed.

    Thanks in advance!
