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  • For a few years now.

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    Trump’s Latest Scheme to Beat Harris May Have Crossed Legal Lines
  • You actually almost had me there in the first half. Well done.

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    Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse.
  • I happen to work for a commercial touch screen and android OEM. In my position, I needed to test a 50” 4K IDS display, and since i work from home it had to be shipped to me and we don’t exactly have a “return” option. It’s now in my bedroom with an Apple TV 4K on it.

    You’re right. This is likely the only way to get a “dumb” display and tbh it’s not even the “best” display tech because it’s for commercial use, designed to run for longer hours with higher reliability at the cost of the newer fancier bells and whistles. But i didn’t pay for it and it’d pretty decent. I’m not complaining. And you’re also right that no one will actually sell you one of these. You have to buy it through a distributor at volume. Getting one outside of my weird circumstances as a one-off is basically not possible at all.

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    Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes
  • This sounds like we could afford it, we just need to take that money back from the military…

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    What the fuck happened to YouTube!?
  • I noped out at “blockchain-based”

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    TIL that a high school in Pennsylvania issued an Apple MacBook to each of its 2,306 students, then remotely activated the webcams to spy on the students at home.
  • So in this argument, Macs are tabaco and Linux would be… vaping? I’m not exactly sure what the absolutely necessary stress relief product would be in which a certain brand and an open source alternative would make sense to be comparable to cigarettes.

    Maybe more like Jansport. Is jansport grooming kids to like a specific brand of backpacks? Or Nike for specific shoe brands? Or Kellogg and Tony the Tiger? All of these things pray on social expectations and the impressionable nature of children. Just because the school is providing fucking Lucern milk doesn’t mean they’re grooming kids to have a fondness and expectation for that milk brand. I understand this isn’t’ a popular opinion on the fedi, and I’m not fond of the big tech brands shitty tactics. But you’re all unrealistic dipshits.

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    TIL that a high school in Pennsylvania issued an Apple MacBook to each of its 2,306 students, then remotely activated the webcams to spy on the students at home.
  • I’m not saying marketing to children isn’t predatory. But this is a tool they need in school. It’s not practical at all to suggest they should be building computers and compiling their own OSes for school. Selling a product for use as a tool to children isn’t grooming. It’s definitely a marketing tactic, but so is everything?

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    TIL that a high school in Pennsylvania issued an Apple MacBook to each of its 2,306 students, then remotely activated the webcams to spy on the students at home.
  • The marketing wasn’t to children? It was to schools? They still do market to children (like the iPhone and messaging) but CHILD GROOMING?!? Fuck off. Trying to sell legos to children so they’ll be hooked on high-quality plastic toys is also grooming? Y’all are fucking stupid.

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    TIL that a high school in Pennsylvania issued an Apple MacBook to each of its 2,306 students, then remotely activated the webcams to spy on the students at home.
  • This is such a bad take. You’re seriously comparing the purchase of a tool brand for students to child grooming? Jesus dude. A computer is simply a tool, and Apple made one for an education market and price that was complete and convenient for that purpose. This is just as “bad” as them relying on all Pearson branded materials. Are there problems there? Yes, obviously. Pearson has market-based motives to keep schools on their materials and so they have tests that lean in on their text books and it’s all kinda gross. But it’s not like the answer is “let’s all just read Wikipedia in class” or “let’s compare all the different source books and find the real truth” as great as that would be, it’s just not realistic and the one reference isn’t particularly bad, it’s just not the best possible. I guess all that to say chill he fuck out, the solution to everything isn’t open source.

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    Americans Are Sharing The "Normal, Everyday" Aspects About The US That Are Actually Dystopian, And I Can't Believe We Tolerate Some Of These
  • This is some garbage. Adoption is NOT buying and selling children. I mean, I guess that happens under the guise of adoption. But tons of kids in foster care need permanent homes and loving families, and their biological family is not an option for any number of reasons. It is a tragedy that this happens, but fuck off with this narrative that adoption is buying and selling kids. Tons of other shit in there was bogus too. Fuck this article.

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    Republicans leaders urge party to avoid racist and sexist attacks against Harris
  • “Well I’m already here drinking a Mountain Dew, might as well go all-in and drop some N-bombs”

    Republicans, probably

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    Reed Hastings Donates $7 Million to Pro-Kamala Harris PAC
  • How do you sleep at night?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Runza is ass, whataburger isn’t much better. In-n-out is decent. Burgerville is pretty good. I like shake shack a lot

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    Reed Hastings Donates $7 Million to Pro-Kamala Harris PAC
  • I make 100k and haven’t donated $150. Am I a bad person?

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    What is everyone's favorite coffee brand?
  • Nice, what’s your typical brew method? I think their beans brew great in any method, but I tend to use an aeropress.

  • Hey all!

    I currently utilize Debian and used KDE Plasma on my old computer as a Plex server, RetroNAS, and also run protonVPN when i need to use it for downloading files for Plex to server on my network devices. The only problem is, I have to leave a keyboard and mouse plugged in for when i need to use it, but don’t have much space in the corner it stays in.

    I happen to work for a touch screen company and have a glut of touch screens laying around my home office and I’ve got a VESA mount in the corner this PC lives in, and one of my spare touch monitors can go there. Unfortunately I’ve had trouble with touch friendliness with Linux distros. I’d love to find one that can support my usage needs with just the touch screen. So an on screen keyboard, and support for scrolling web pages (Wayland?) and other scrollable areas would be stellar.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on a distro that would be great at this kind of thing? My PC uses an intel chipset with integrated graphics, if that matters.

    6 Review of Aftermarket VMU for Sega Dreamcast - VM2 by Dreamware Enterprises

    A review of the VM2 aftermarket VMU for the Sega Dreamcast from Dreamware Enterprises. VM2 Indiegogo campaign:

    I made this video review of a new aftermarket VMU for the Dreamcast. Infinite virtual VMUs!


    I currently run windows 10 on my main desktop PC, and also have a steam deck that I sometimes use in desktop mode instead of my desktop. With the way Windows is going, and the way Linux Gaming is dramatically improving, I might consider ditching Windows, at least for the most part, on my next PC build. What would be the best distro to use for gaming, with casual use as well? Any suggestions?
