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Do my phone and watch have explosives embedded in them?
  • If you are asking if they do, probably not. If you are asking if they can, definitely. It is likely they can even make a functional phone, loaded with plastic explosives. The phone would be super low spec but might be enough to fool someone, especially one who isn't very tech literate.

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  • I felt that way too for a while, especially with .ml users at large. Eventually the thought of censoring myself because of them made me realize it was a bit ridiculous. I don't mind sharing a hot take anymore.

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  • I used to be scared of that too but I got to the point I didn't care. I'm not a people pleaser but I'm free. Not scared to cause a little online shitstorm.

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    What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • Trucks are undeniably useful, but now have become an instrument of ego, and a status symbol, hence the stupidity of modern pickups. Hopefully they close the loophole of "light trucks" so these things don't have to be so recklessly dangerous, same with SUVs.

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    People who stuck around on Twitter; what's it like being force fed conservative social media?
  • Just use it for the porn. Occasionally will click on a trending tweet and immediately get bombarded with tons of Russian propaganda. "Ukraine are Nazis" "America first!" "Look at this poor starving (white) american child, Biden just approved 60 billion to Ukraine!"

    All shit like that, it focuses very strongly on what Russia wants Americans to believe, in my experience.

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  • Studied computers since I was 11, worked IT for 6 months when I turned 19. Now I hate technology and do exclusively handtool woodwork now.

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    What is a low technology you really love ?
  • Hand tool woodworking. It's amazing what you can make without a single electron. Its also amazing to feel the tools, the resistance and subtle vibrations as you use them. Like an extension of your own body. I love chiseling, especially large mortises. Hearing that sharp, deep thud, and seeing it sink in as it bites into the wood is so satisfying. Especially when using metal hammers, they are so responsive.

    I love sawing, especially when relaxed and working at a slow pace, seeing all the sawdust fly out with each stroke. Sawing isn't fun when working on difficult pieces of wood, when working in a relaxed manner with softwood, the hoarse sounds of the saw starts to sound like purring and it begins to cut exceptionally well.

    I love the finish of handplanes, so smooth it becomes water resistant.

    Overall very spiritual and relaxing (as relaxing as you allow it to be at least)

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    What is a low technology you really love ?
  • Also knives and woodworking. Blades are what made the great Japanese temples. Lots of sharp steel and a dream. It is amazing what Japanese blacksmiths can do with steel, and the excellent performance they can achieve with them.

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    To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
  • I get asked this question a lot, because I love many traditional Japanese cultures, but not anime. First of all, I don't hate it, I still respect it, but it's simply not my cup of tea.

    I often find it to be overstimulating and sexualized. someone said it's like food with too much salt, that perfectly describes it for me. It's just too over the top sometimes. The sexualization is also off putting. It's a constant distraction from the plot and undermines the rest of the characters and story.

    I also don't like the voice acting style, where it is again overbearing, especially for women characters. That's not what people sound like. It's way too high pitched and trying way too hard to sound "cute".

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    To those who hate anime, why do you hate it?
  • I've never heard it described better in my opinion. It's perfectly fine for others, but for many it's simply too overpowering.

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    If you could regulate something relatively inconsequential, what would it be?
  • This is what I always struggle with. Is this curry Indian spicy, or American spicy? There have been times where the "lesser spicy" food has brought me to my knees, and other times where the hottest item on the menu was a cakewalk.

  • I have many interests, if not too many. From cooking, woodwork and computers. Many of my friends are academically very successful but are frankly painfully boring and I sometimes feel isolated around them.

    I like to cook when they hang at my house, I'll try to teach them how, some basic tips, etc. As soon as I glanced towards them again I realized they walked off.

    This summarizes a lot of our interactions. As we get to a topic I understand and can speak passionately about, they sort of turn off. They talk to each other fine, but it's often internet drama, school drama or sports.

    I'm not in college\classes and it seems almost impossible to meet others, especially others that are interesting and curious. I find myself bonding most to adults but it's isolating I can't find others my age.


    Is there ever something that happened to a family member that you will ever know? Has anyone gone missing under mysterious circumstances? Is the place next to your great grandmother's friend's dad's house totally haunted?


    I think that if an outright war is raging in the comments, let it run it's course. All parties are willing participants, free to disengage at any moment.

    The exceptions should be when illegal content is being shared or illegal activity is occurring (CP, doxxing, etc).

    It's always frustrating when a juicy argument gets locked because it's "unproductive". I was having a great time watching it unfold, both sides hurling both creative and uncreative insults, oblivious to how low they are sinking to. It's great!
