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Why limit immigration?
  • It can suppress wages.

    Immigrants often are expected to work for less money. After all, they usually immigrate from an economically worse country, so they don't expect to land top tier wages.

    You keep filling in minimum wage jobs with an endless supply of immigrants, then there is never a worker shortage and never any incentive to raise the bar. No company needs to compete with higher wages to attract talent. In fact, it can make things worse and cause a race to the bottom... Reducing wages on existing positions until workers quit and just filling it with less skilled workers.

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    USPS' long-awaited new mail truck makes its debut to rave reviews from carriers
  • Oh, 75% electric now?

    I just remember when they were first announced and basically none of them were electric, despite most postal routes being low speed, short distance, and frequent stops. Sounded absolutely stupid and reeked of industry kickbacks and bullshit.

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    Apple's A18 delivers solid performance gains, challenges Ryzen 9 9950X in single-core Geekbench
  • Yeah, geekbench has long been known to favor iPhones. Even compared to other mobile SoCs like Qualcomm or MediaTek, it's... uh... "optimized" for what Apple chips are designed around.

    Using it on a desktop for benchmarking is... Even more useless.

    On top of that:

    1. The single core number obviously only uses one big core, of which Apple's chip only has 2.

    2. The score only reflects the maximum burst speed (it's not expected to sustain that kind of performance for more than 10 seconds. Even using both big cores simultaneously would cut that score short due to overheating.

    3. Desktop cpu has 16 cores that are all identical, and is expected to sustain those workloads indefinitely. Servers and supercomputers run these things 24/7.

    4. The desktop cpu is on an older node as well, inherently less power efficient.

    It's a bit like saying, "for 10 seconds, I can run as fast as the world's fastest marathon runner TEAM!". Neat factoid but still incomparable.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • Cutting out someone's liver to transplant isn't easy nor risk free. You are risking death to have a low probability of saving someone. It doesn't matter if they are volunteers.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • That would be nice if we had an unlimited supply of livers to transplant. Give everyone a chance.

    Unfortunately I'd still rather give whatever liver we have on hand to someone guaranteed not to wreck it immediately, because giving her a chance means taking away someone else's.

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    Harris says she won’t stop Biden’s policy of sending weapons to Israel
  • The problem is that the countries engaged in genocide allow the US a foothold in the middle East, so they can basically get away with anything. Losing that means throwing away all the military and strategic advantage in that region.

    Tl;dr you may as well wish for a president that wants to demilitarize the US

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    Why Gen Z & Millennials are hung up on answering the phone
  • Can't get ad revenue on a short, concise, and helpful page.

    Even a basic cookie recipe requires someone's whole life story to fill in the blank space between 10 ads

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    Why Gen Z & Millennials are hung up on answering the phone
  • It's pretty obvious why lol.

    90% of the calls I receive are spam.

    Calling demands that I pick up the phone RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. Bitch, if it ain't a life threatening emergency I'm not dropping everything I'm working on for you.

    Texting allows me to respond when it's convenient for me.

    Text generally takes 3 seconds to get the point across instead of having a whole conversation about it

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    New Cobalt-Free Silicon EV Battery Is The Best Thing Ever
  • But at the same time I wouldn't throw 500 lb weights in the back and drive around claiming it didn't impact performance.

    Yeah, you put it in the driver's seat


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    Rian Johnson's 'Wake Up Dead Man: A Knives Out Mystery' Wraps Filming
  • Where did you get the idea that 9 was written before 8 was made?

    7 set up a few things, 8 just threw everything in the trash without setting up anything to replace it. 9 was hastily scrapped together because 8 left nothing to work with.

  • https:// /post/6775711

    From my understanding, the P8P's video boost can't be done in the phone itself, but it's actually uploading the video to Google's servers, processing it there, then downloading the finished product back again. In fact, it probably uploads two videos, one at high ISO and one at low ISO to get the full HDR range.

    For anyone who wants to take lots of videos, this sounds like it'll blow through your data caps very quickly.

    https:// /hub/google-pixel-8-pro-camera-features-promo-video/

    Looking at the details listed from this leak, it looks like all the previous leaks were wrong. The specs for the main sensor are the same as the P7, the Samsung GN1 sensor.

    Also rumors of the IMX787 ultrawide appear to be incorrect as well, only 48MP instead of 64.

    3 Tesla Cybertruck begins its journey to success - first unit rolls off production line

    Tesla finally begins its next big chapter with its first production Cybertruck rolling out from Gigafactory Texas.

    I'm guessing it's still a production line test unit, but it seems like the design is finalized and volume production could actually begin by the end of the year
