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  • I'm curious now how a mammal develops in an external egg. The process seems so weird.

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • The plastic on the SNES was some of the worst ever, when it came to UV discoloration. Though the SNES Jr. model specifically fairs pretty well, and has the additional benefit of being a 1CHIP model.

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    If there was any object in your life that was cursed, what would it be?
  • When I was a kid, my grandmother bought me a Steve Urkel doll from a garage sale. It had a pull string and would repeat Urkelisms from the TV show. The thing severely creeped me out, and felt completely cursed. So I lit it on fire with gasoline, then buried it in a shoebox.

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    You are being tortured. Your captor is forcing you to listen to someone else eat. What are they eating?
  • I was honestly envisioning foods that people eat normally, that might sound disgusting. But I don't want to be too restrictive of answers now.

  • liber rwxrwxrwx

    Let's celebrate my unsafe access please.

    The Tippy Type makes typing with long nails less tedious
  • I'm not a fan of the long nails because it hurts my insides.

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    11 day old moderator of c/vegan overstepping their position
  • I note that Beaver has now left the site completely, probably due to the dog piling and bullying. So, job well done. You made people unhappy. Good work, the Internet is safe once again.

    Oh lord. The victim complex is STRONG here.

    I would suggest perhaps they left because they were unwilling to take responsibility for the fallout and repercussions of their own actions, which seem to have razzed a number of people.

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    Emergency Communications Solutions
  • Avoid the T-Echo model, at least currently. Lots of problems with recurring firmware corruption right now with that specific model.

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    There are too many damn anime communities on Lemmy
  • I browse by All, and rarely see them anymore. I think my instance and community blocking strategy must be working.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • I guarantee you the admins will leave them to powermod the remaining 107 as they see fit.

    Well, in this case the person in question couldn't handle the fallout of their actions, and actually deleted their whole account.

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    ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints
  • Honestly, what a loser. Couldn't stand the heat of their own kitchen.

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  • Those trees look fairly suspicious.

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    It's called public transport?
  • "What even is carpooling??? There's clearly no pool! The carpool is obviously another blatant liberal lie!!"

  • ! mod suppresses criticisms of fediverse spam campaign, using mass ban technique to silence opposing viewpoints

    Will it be effective?


    No, it was not very effective.


    EDIT: The banning event continues. Please consult the modlog to observe.

    If you scroll down to about a day ago, you might be able to observe an emerging behavior from this mod.


    EDIT 2: The mod in question moderates a total of 108 Lemmy communities. How deep does this conspiracy run? Is this mod a lost Redditor? More to come!


    EDIT 3: The mod has now removed my comment all together, one might assume because it was still receiving upvotes in the 2 hours following my ban. Are there similarities here to Watergate? You be the judge!



    EDIT 4: The mod in question has now been removed as a mod of the ! community, as a result of their abuse of power.

    This was their response:



    EDIT 5: This will be my final update, since as far as I see it, the issue this thread focuses on has been resolved. To quote Beaver herself in a very ironic comment she made directed towards someone else:

    Clearly this was all just a case of...



    I once dated a woman who looked like PoF era Neve Campbell. It was a shining moment in my life.


    Recent Funhole content made me think of this routine.


    asdf asdf


    Richard Smallman engages in a little PDA


    Repost because I was watching a video with Dennis Scratchie, and he seemed like a real one.


    My local video mpv frontend

    I finished refactoring the script today.

    It leverages fzf as a local video selection frontend for mpv. Additionally the script uses ffprobe and the kitty protocol to grab and display preview information and thumbnail.

    The script also has an alternative mode, that instead lists local playlists for quick access.


    In a post-pandemic world, Gen Z voters are fired up to vote


    $75 - Official Licensed McDondal's Grimace Costume

    Worn Once... Lightly Soiled (NOT PICTURED)... NO LOW BALL OFFERS! I Know What I Got...


    A recent greentext post about an imaginary wife made me think of this.

    Have you ever had a dream, where you fell in love with a dream character?

    I've had at least a couple over the years that I can vaguely remember. The dreams were so vivid, and the feeling of love for this imaginary person was so strong, that I woke up feeling rather heartbroken and a sense of longing.

    Anyone else?
