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Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • You're right. Thanks for pointing that out. It wasn't meant to be only pointed directly at these folks, more so the all of the people that are okay with "certain people" not deserving a living wage, famously McDonalds employees. I think solidarity between both groups will achieve more is all.

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    Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • it does make sense.

    |I see how much my company under values me.

    This should be enough, looking at the positions pay in the past and how that's adjusted for cost of living and inflation should be all the needed argument for a better wage.

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    Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • I think its pretty easy to determine what I was saying. They do deserve to be paid more, but it's not because panda express is paying more. Shitting on someone else in the workforce does not help you get a raise, it helps you stay divided against each other instead of super wealthy fucking you both over.

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    Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • I understand the logic on how an aircraft mechanic should be paid more. It has nothing to do with panda express. That part of the argument can go. "I'm not being paid enough for my specialty, we should bargain for better rates" is enough.

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    Boeing strike: entry-level workers cannot live on their wage. “At Panda Express, they’re making as much as a grade-three mechanic”
  • Fuck people that think like this.

    "I only get paid as much as a fast food worker and I can't afford to live. Only I deserve a living wage, not a lower person like a fast food worker"

    Fuck you and fuck that, if you work, you should be paid a living wage. Simple as that without any exceptions.

  • I'm putting this bad boy on the top left inside the UK flag, need help.


    I am not bad with computers and have a beginner+, maybe intermediate level knowledge of Linux and I kept running into some problems here and there with different distros. Most claimed to work out of the box (which may be the case for some users, but I have a shit ass Nvidia 1060 and that was not at all the case, until I installed Nobara KDE/Nvidia.

    Just came here to potentially save someone time, this shit is actually working out of the box, closest experience to this was with Arch, but that's definitely not out of the box.


    I have a question I need to ask but I want to do it privately as the topic it correlates to is pretty taboo. Please comment or dm me, and I'll dm you back.


    Hey fellas, I noticed a lot of people will install/boot headless versions of this software on raspi to conserve resources. If I go through installing what I need to install via the GUI/Terminal, will I have any issues when I'm finished turning on the boot to CLI? I assume this won't affect the background process too much (unless of course something I install needs a GUI.)

    Along with that, will I still be conserving the same amount of resources as if I ran headless to begin with. Running x64 Bookworm on raspi 4 (8gb) if that matters, and have a general self-hosting setup.

    Thanks in advance!
