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I think he couldn't
  • Keep a notepad besides your bed and wrote it down

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    CEO of rule
  • ‮t​s​e​r​t​n​I

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    Ragrets rule
  • ​‮s​t​e​r​g​a​r

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    Some people don't appreciate cold weather
  • Oh look a great blue breast

  • Looking for manga similar to

    • "Until I Become Me" by Satou Hatsuki
    • "Onii-chan Is Done For!" by Nekotoufu

    Because I really enjoy them and they are wholesome and explores the mc's exploring their own gender identity after they have been transformed

    I do prefer ones where the mc's become female

    What inappropriate sounding names can you come up with ?
  • Hint: "Krock" sounds really similar to another word and "Wort" sounds like wart

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    What inappropriate sounding names can you come up with ?
  • Antone Kroc Wort

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    Slapping Chicken
  • So the flash could cook a chicken by slapping it

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  • I'm pretty sure I've read men typically avoid going to the doctor for things they absolutely should be going to the doctor over.

    Maybe we should be looking into the cause of this and rectifying the cause instead of just leaving it as some random thing and I mean actually look into the cause and not speculate based on bigoted or misinformed biases

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  • "National militaries and sabotaging the health of their troops to save a buck - name a more iconic duo."

    That literally sounds like america though

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  • Bruh you're supposed to have meat and vegetables as part of a balanced diet

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    Republicans threaten a government shutdown unless Congress makes it harder to vote
  • Shit like thus makes me glad I don't live in america

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    Some basic info about USB
  • Most devices don't have theese symbols and basically say fuck you unless you know how to find the specs

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    What's a random idea you've had that you'd think would make a great fetish either fictional or real
  • fictional fetish where theres sentient quicksand that traps the victim and acts like the quicksand equivalent for tentacles

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    Former Aurora cop charged with raping daughter remains free as mom is sent to jail
  • Wtf, also not that reunification bullshit

    Things like this make me glad I don't live in america

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    LO Satan rule
  • Meanwhile me looking up how to use vim everytime I use it

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    BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS)

    Needs some word starting with y at the end and it could become KRSPAY

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    A universal experience?
  • Am I the only one that has never experienced this

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    Those poor plants
  • Well a salad is made of cells that have responses to certain stimuli

    The brain if you where to go and simplify it down to its most very basic layer is just responses to stimili

    The brain is a collection of responses to stimuli that together create a kind of network that can respond to stimuli in complex ways

    Plants are a collection of cells that respond to stimuli

    So they very well will likely to be conscious on some level

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    Those poor plants
  • Yeah that's an obvious troll response you vеgаn's use

    People are well aware of it

  • For example calling a lego bucket "the forbidden lego bucket" because something horrible happened to said lego bucket like someone puking in it or something


    For example workplace harrasment by women towards males like touching or groping being ignored because the victim is male but if it where to happen to a woman by a male the male would be fired


    What options do we have to deal with suspected downvote brigading or voting abuse on lemmy and what do we do to report it


    I've loved watching Minivanlife and Japanese natural beekeeping

    I'm looking for more youtube channels from Japan and want ones with English subtitles because I know some Japanese but I'm not Fluent in it yet


    I'm looking for magical girl manga where the girls discover and learn magic by themselves instead of it being granted through some contract

    Also I don't like ones where they have to give up the magic when they grow up because that trope is stupid and I hate it


    Preferably one where they come to accept being female or where trans in their past life

    Posting here as well because I posted in the ml instance manga community and I don't know how friendly they are to trans related stuff


    This community is moving to because I prefer this instance over

    Sorry for being gone for so long but with the combination of not seeing any activity on this community and getting busy with stuff in my life I kind of left this community to gather dust

    I am going through with moving this community to

    I'll try to check in every now and then but due to the to basically no activity I don't think I'll be as active on this community specifically

    And I have noticed that spiritual communities on lemmy have been targeted in downvote brigading attacks and I find that particularly disheartening as I beleive everyone should be welcome on lemmy as long as they aren't being intolerant

    Devolving into the same toxic behaviour of attacking spiritual communities & users like on reddit is a cowardice thing to do


    Why is this being downvoted, I'm just asking for mods that can replicate or get close enough to this outfit

    What's the problem?

    I have found matching boots from "The Fancy Witch Armour"
