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De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • I'm nearly there, except I can't get away from Google Maps. There's not really any alternative here that provides public transport information.

  • NSFW
    Obesity is morally wrong and should be illegal in my opinion
  • It's deletorious to your health to be obese, so at the very least it is definitely a health hazard to the person. Making it illegal would be highly problematic though. How would you enforce the law? Would an obese person be forced by the state to go to a correctional facility? What kind of person would be classified obese?

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    First they tried to "cure" gayness. Now they're fixated on "healing" trans people.
  • My grandmother insisted I use my right hand to write. Turns out it doesn't matter that much now, I barely write anything at all. When I do, though, it's a horrible scrawl, although I don't know if it'd be the same had I been left to my own devices.

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    MIT-educated brothers accused of stealing $25 million in cryptocurrency in 12 seconds in Ethereum blockchain scheme
  • But Code is Law! It's decentralized and trustless, I'm really disappointed with the victims for going to big government, with cryptocurrency there's no need for government, lawyers, or banks. The blockchain clearly already decided that the ETH belongs to the two brothers.

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    Dell warns of data breach, 49 million customers allegedly affected
  • I know you're being flippant, but it's worth noting that there is a considerable difference between a company getting hacked like this and an app with unfettered access to the cluster to sensors that we've got in our pockets.

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    Medical freedom vs. public health: Should fluoride be in our drinking water?
  • For what it's worth I live in a country where the drinking water isn't flouridated. It's not a problem and it's certainly never made the news. I think easy availability of dental care, especially in schools since children tend to not be great at taking care of their teeth, is a bigger concern.

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    Drone maker DJI facing U.S. FCC ban — the national security risk and part China-state ownership are key issues
  • Perhaps "state managed" would be a better descriptor for Chinese private companies, since some now have personnel belonging to the CCP serving in management or board positions.
