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Sir, they've lost the Redditors
  • Hmm, so there is still a flickering ray of hope left.

    This was probably one of the handful of times I went back to reddit in 2 years, hoping that the blatant genocide would have some sane noises rising up. I was stupid to think so.

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    Sir, they've lost the Redditors
  • Just reading the pinned post on r/worldnews makes me recoil with the unending racism, genocide denial and the cheering of the killings. I wonder if most of the Westoids are just so far gone or purely evil.

  • Book on history that isn't filled with colonial apologia.

    My understanding of history is pretty pathetic, and I am trying to improve it. Looking for a book that isn’t revisionist, racist, or full of colonial apologia. Something that goes as far back as the 15th century would be perfect.


    In the midst of European nation’s unrest over the energy crisis, if Russia resumes it’s supply, wouldn’t that be hypocritical and, more concerning, reverse the progress the world has made towards the destruction of this wretched hegemony?
