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I notice Indians speaking English tend to speak very fast. Are the Indian languages simply spoken faster?
  • Does anyone know how the amount of information is actually derived? The article just says “researchers calculated”

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    My Git Knowledge
  • Every once in a while, you can refresh your memory by reading the man page.

    Or if, like me, you use Emacs, Magit exposes everything quite clearly.

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    The Anti-Semetism is just incredible
  • I'd argue that if they put up a Palestinian flag, it's clear that Palestine is being referred to.

    In principle, though, I agree with your first point

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    The Anti-Semetism is just incredible
  • That’s an invalid (strikethrough: dictionary) etymology argument, and you know it. To clarify, when I said “antisemitism” I meant “a discriminatory attitude towards Jews” or something along those lines.

    Edit: this is an etymology argument, not a dictionary one; most dictionaries probably agree with me. I don't know how or why the word antisemitism came to be used to refer to Jews specifically, but surely it's been this way for most of its history.
    Either way, the most authoritative meaning of a word is that which was intended by the one who uttered it.

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    The Anti-Semetism is just incredible
  • Antisemitism to Palestinian support is like misandry to feminism. Yeah, some people might be guilty of it (and those who are, misunderstand the latter ideologies), but it's way overrepresented in opposing media, who is often guilty of such issues itself.

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    vi or emacs?
  • emacs

    On my own system, but usually for remote work I use Vim as it’s easier to make usable

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    Stop using floats
  • Perhaps you can encode them as computation (i.e. a function of arbitrary precision)

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    AI companies are violating a basic social contract of the web and and ignoring robots.txt
  • We need laws mandating respect of robots.txt. This is what happens when you don’t codify stuff

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    Asahi Linux project’s OpenGL support on Apple Silicon officially surpasses Apple’s
  • Everything is reverse-engineered, and different people work on different stuff. It’s not like the resources devoted to OpenGL could be diverted to microphone support, that’s a completely different skill set.

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    Asahi Linux project’s OpenGL support on Apple Silicon officially surpasses Apple’s
  • You need to find an image to install, but I think there shouldn’t be any technical issues beyond that

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    2024 is going to be the beginning of the end of us all
  • Slowly?

    (Don’t forget Israel!)

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    What are some things you think tech people presume others know, and know how to do?
  • A good password manager encrypts your passwords with your own master password (and if you don’t trust them, use an open source one like Bitwarden)—so, even if it gets hacked, your passwords are not immediately compromised. You should take even more measures, like using 2FA such as your phone or a physical key, which basically makes you invincible. Way better than remembering passwords.

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    What are some things you think tech people presume others know, and know how to do?
  • About that last point, you don’t really need to. Internet people like to show off their customized desktops and systems, but in reality using a “just works” distribution requires very little headache and time. Except for the time spent choosing it, that is

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    FLOSS communities right now
  • Mailing list! (/s... unless?)
    And Lemmy/kbin obviously

  • Many Lemmy instances have "feddit" in their name. Is that just "federated reddit" or am I missing something?

    A week of fprintfs has me wanting to code rust next week
  • Didn’t it only recently get generics? How was stuff even done before then?

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    There's probably a word I've been pronouncing wrong my whole life that I don't know about
  • Not Welsh, but I think it’s a compound with successive elements ending and starting with ll

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    More Gen Z Americans identify as LGBTQ than as Republican
  • Why would anyone identify by their political ideology? Or worse, by a single party??

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  • Look up function pointer types to make this language seem even more insane

  • I wanted to ask everything in one post instead of multiple, so I divide this one.

    Shards and Vessels

    It's known that a Shard's Intent eventually overpowers the agency of the vessel. It's mentioned in the Stormlight epigraphs that Ati, the vessel of Ruin, was once a kind man.

    I've been wondering about this process. Does the amount of time it takes for the vessel to lose agency depend on the shard and the vessel? For example:

    • If the new vessel is already a sliver of the same shard, will they lose agency faster?
    • If the new vessel is already a sliver of a shard with opposing intent, will they lose agency slower?
    • If a vessel (as in the case of Sazed) holds two shards with opposing intents, are they able to maintain their personality forever, the different intents "cancelling out"?
    • Do shards that seek change (Ruin, Endowment, Cultivation) in the most general way influence their vessel faster than the more passive intents (Preservation, Honor) who want to maintain?

    Do the 16 shards divide neatly into eight pairs of opposing shards? I think we've only seen Ruin and Preservation as complete opposites, though it could be argued that Devotion/Dominion also works.

    If a person held all the shards (assuming the Splintered ones are somehow fixed, and that no one managed to stop them in the process), what would happen? How about holding all the dawnshards as well? Would any mortal being be able to handle such a great amount of investiture?

    What level of control, if any, does a shard have over their associated magic system? Could Sazed decide to "turn off" allomancy for the day?

    Related somewhat, what shards is surgebinding associated with? It looks like it can be performed with any one of Stormlight, Voidlight and Lifelight. Does surgebinding with one of these constitute a separate magic system? If so, what actually are the Surges? If not, what's common to Honor, Cultivation, and Odium?

    The Metallic Arts

    In Allomancy, the metal that is burned is not the actual source of the power (investiture), but rather a key which determines which kind of investiture is drawn from Preservation.

    The Lost Metal

    We've seen in era 2 that Allomancers can also draw upon alternative sources of investiture, such as the Dor and whatever Autonomy's portal is made out of.

    This is all fine for Mistings, but how can Mistborn (or Hemalurgists) decide which ability they want, if they have no metals?

    In Allomancy, even non-Allomancers can burn the God Metals, whereas in Feruchemy, unkeyed nicrosil seems to be the only kind of metalmind that non-Feruchemists can access. Why is this?

    And, when saying that anyone can burn God Metals, what does "anyone" mean? Is it any living creature who can digest them? Or do they have to be Scadrians, having some of Preservation's own investiture in themselves? Ditto for Feruchemical nicrosil.

    Can a Rosharan human (the species existed before the Shattering) burn lerasium or drain nicrosil?


    The Lost Metal

    did Harmony make Wax and Wayne burn some lerasium instead of making them Mistborn directly, as with Spook


    And lastly, is the cosmere-wide story arc just Autonomy and Odium being jerks to everyone?
